April Due Dates! Let's Labour Watch

Wow, congrats trit!

36+1 now. Lost some mucous plug at 31-32 weeks after DTD so I was too afraid to do it again until now, we dtd on Sat night, I was so excited for maybe some further plug loss and - NADA. Nothing. Bit bummed out!
ive just been in an absolutely terrible mood all day. ive had enough now, im stressing out about going into labour but feel sick at the thought I could have 5 more weeks left arghhhhh!!!!

hope everyone else is doing well today x

I am so feeling the same. Thought i would be ok but completely the opposite. Feel so scared about giving birth again, never was like it before but now all the details and images in my head scare me. I think the pain scares me the most although i never went into labour naturally with my DD i had to be induced so im hoping things happen on their own this time and make me feel a bit more at ease! I'm sure you will be ok, do you speak about how you feel with the people close to you? I tell my sister, but i dont think my loved one really understands. He hasnt got to go through all the pain etc he just gets the good bit to make the baby and the enjoyment of holding afterwards. To be honest, i think i would hate to see someone i love go through pain and not be able to do anything about it. x

Aw I'm sorry your feeling the same :hugs: I am terrified this time, I'm dreading it starting but then at times when I'm feeling just so fed up and uncomfortable I just want to get it over with! I'm single so my mum is my birth partner, I tell her all of the time I don't want to do it she just laughs lol everyone says ohhh you must be so excited I say 'hell no why would I be excited about pain?' :haha: I'm planning on having baby at home which is helping with my nerves about it but hopefully our labours will be fast and easy second time around, that's what I'm telling myself anyway haha! X
Can I join you? I'm 37+2 now & induction is next monday! Really want to go naturally before then but a stretch & sweep on thursday has done nothing :( got another one this thursday at 2:45pm! My baby is being induced early as he has IUGR, we found out at 20 week scan which meant fortnightly scans, amnio, genetic testing :( its been a hard few months! His estimated weight at 36+5 was 4lb 6oz so he's done fab :)

So good luck every one, I'm excited to read the birth announcements now :)
Oh I must add that I've been losing plug for over a week now with blood in some of it & still nothing :( sweep notes say soft high & 1cm, hmm maybe that translates to no hope haha xxxx
Well those tightenings turned into labor!!! They became more regular and when they made me stop in my tracks and were better timed I told my DH. We watched, and waited for 2 hours (even took a shower) to rule out false labor. Called L&D they told us to come in! 9 hours later, one epi that only half worked and my baby girl Charlotte was born! Yay!!! It's been a very long tiring day but I can't sleep! BF is going well and I am super happy to have my baby in my arms

Congratulations trit!! That wasn't too much of a build up for you then? About 2-3 days before? Glad you didn't need to get induced in the end!! Enjoy your baby girl :happydance:
Well those tightenings turned into labor!!! They became more regular and when they made me stop in my tracks and were better timed I told my DH. We watched, and waited for 2 hours (even took a shower) to rule out false labor. Called L&D they told us to come in! 9 hours later, one epi that only half worked and my baby girl Charlotte was born! Yay!!! It's been a very long tiring day but I can't sleep! BF is going well and I am super happy to have my baby in my arms

Congratulations trit!! That wasn't too much of a build up for you then? About 2-3 days before? Glad you didn't need to get induced in the end!! Enjoy your baby girl :happydance:

It surprisingly wasnt at all, I expected to have tons of false labor and very long labor as my moms always were 20+ hours after her water broke, my waters went by themselves (yay victory dance) and 7 hours later bam! I ended up with a 1* tear, and some residents did my stitch up. Best of luck to everyone!! I'm going to be stalking this thread waiting for the rest of you ladies :)
ive just been in an absolutely terrible mood all day. ive had enough now, im stressing out about going into labour but feel sick at the thought I could have 5 more weeks left arghhhhh!!!!

hope everyone else is doing well today x

I am so feeling the same. Thought i would be ok but completely the opposite. Feel so scared about giving birth again, never was like it before but now all the details and images in my head scare me. I think the pain scares me the most although i never went into labour naturally with my DD i had to be induced so im hoping things happen on their own this time and make me feel a bit more at ease! I'm sure you will be ok, do you speak about how you feel with the people close to you? I tell my sister, but i dont think my loved one really understands. He hasnt got to go through all the pain etc he just gets the good bit to make the baby and the enjoyment of holding afterwards. To be honest, i think i would hate to see someone i love go through pain and not be able to do anything about it. x

Aw I'm sorry your feeling the same :hugs: I am terrified this time, I'm dreading it starting but then at times when I'm feeling just so fed up and uncomfortable I just want to get it over with! I'm single so my mum is my birth partner, I tell her all of the time I don't want to do it she just laughs lol everyone says ohhh you must be so excited I say 'hell no why would I be excited about pain?' :haha: I'm planning on having baby at home which is helping with my nerves about it but hopefully our labours will be fast and easy second time around, that's what I'm telling myself anyway haha! X

Awr sorry to hear! Mums are brilliant though. Who needs anyone else there when you can have your mum. :) I think the more you think the worse it becomes, im trying to.. not forget as i know that it will definately not be forgotten but to think of how nice it will be after she is here. The 2 weeks with Daddy and the bonding between me and baby and DD and baby. My DD is obsessed with babies.. and kittens! Lol. Shes guna be like some crazy old lady when she is older.

Thought something was happening last night. Baby was kicking the crap outa my tummy and making some awesome shapes. Then i had pains, period like pains across the bottom of my stomach. Went to sleep and woke up with nothing lol. Typical. Knowing my luck she will come late and theres me thinking that she will be early. Getting snot like stuff when i wipe on and off so think that may be my plug coming away slowly. More :sex: on the cards i think and maybe use the cross trainer as i wont be able to get out for the week as i think my daughter has got the start of HFM. Another week in the flat when i had so much planned :(( x
Well had my final sweep today, little progress but lost a tiny bit of my plug which can only be described as "snot". Was quite chuffed but havent lost anything since... so going to go on my birthing ball in a bit but think I was right as unless I have a quick labor and give birth within few hours my March baby is an April baby!!

Congrats trit!! So glad it progressed so quickly! We are also naming our girl Charlotte but calling her Charlee. :)
ive just been in an absolutely terrible mood all day. ive had enough now, im stressing out about going into labour but feel sick at the thought I could have 5 more weeks left arghhhhh!!!!

hope everyone else is doing well today x

I am so feeling the same. Thought i would be ok but completely the opposite. Feel so scared about giving birth again, never was like it before but now all the details and images in my head scare me. I think the pain scares me the most although i never went into labour naturally with my DD i had to be induced so im hoping things happen on their own this time and make me feel a bit more at ease! I'm sure you will be ok, do you speak about how you feel with the people close to you? I tell my sister, but i dont think my loved one really understands. He hasnt got to go through all the pain etc he just gets the good bit to make the baby and the enjoyment of holding afterwards. To be honest, i think i would hate to see someone i love go through pain and not be able to do anything about it. x

Aw I'm sorry your feeling the same :hugs: I am terrified this time, I'm dreading it starting but then at times when I'm feeling just so fed up and uncomfortable I just want to get it over with! I'm single so my mum is my birth partner, I tell her all of the time I don't want to do it she just laughs lol everyone says ohhh you must be so excited I say 'hell no why would I be excited about pain?' :haha: I'm planning on having baby at home which is helping with my nerves about it but hopefully our labours will be fast and easy second time around, that's what I'm telling myself anyway haha! X

Awr sorry to hear! Mums are brilliant though. Who needs anyone else there when you can have your mum. :) I think the more you think the worse it becomes, im trying to.. not forget as i know that it will definately not be forgotten but to think of how nice it will be after she is here. The 2 weeks with Daddy and the bonding between me and baby and DD and baby. My DD is obsessed with babies.. and kittens! Lol. Shes guna be like some crazy old lady when she is older.

Thought something was happening last night. Baby was kicking the crap outa my tummy and making some awesome shapes. Then i had pains, period like pains across the bottom of my stomach. Went to sleep and woke up with nothing lol. Typical. Knowing my luck she will come late and theres me thinking that she will be early. Getting snot like stuff when i wipe on and off so think that may be my plug coming away slowly. More :sex: on the cards i think and maybe use the cross trainer as i wont be able to get out for the week as i think my daughter has got the start of HFM. Another week in the flat when i had so much planned :(( x

Oh it's ok I much prefer it this way I've been on my own since I had DS1 :haha: aww bless her do you know weather baby is a boy or girl? My LO is excited but I guess he's just a boy about it I think he expects to be able to go play football and stuff with him as soon as he comes out :haha:

Ahh hopefully you won't have much longer left the sooner something starts the better I think the waiting makes it so much worse :hugs: I've just cut up a pineapple and been munching on that all day, I don't really expect it to do much but one can hope haha! I've just had my homebirth stuff dropped off so anytime now I'm ready!! X
Major Congratulations, Trit! So glad it went well!!

Did bootcamp Mon. & Wed. last week, along with a little over a 2mi. run Tues. and a short run Thurs. with some weight training at the gym, then bootcamp this morning...and absolutely nothing! I was kinda hoping inside that if I didn't taper my intensity towards the end then maybe it'll kick start something....nope! So still got just under 3 weeks to go. Come oooon babies! lol
ive just been in an absolutely terrible mood all day. ive had enough now, im stressing out about going into labour but feel sick at the thought I could have 5 more weeks left arghhhhh!!!!

hope everyone else is doing well today x

I am so feeling the same. Thought i would be ok but completely the opposite. Feel so scared about giving birth again, never was like it before but now all the details and images in my head scare me. I think the pain scares me the most although i never went into labour naturally with my DD i had to be induced so im hoping things happen on their own this time and make me feel a bit more at ease! I'm sure you will be ok, do you speak about how you feel with the people close to you? I tell my sister, but i dont think my loved one really understands. He hasnt got to go through all the pain etc he just gets the good bit to make the baby and the enjoyment of holding afterwards. To be honest, i think i would hate to see someone i love go through pain and not be able to do anything about it. x

Aw I'm sorry your feeling the same :hugs: I am terrified this time, I'm dreading it starting but then at times when I'm feeling just so fed up and uncomfortable I just want to get it over with! I'm single so my mum is my birth partner, I tell her all of the time I don't want to do it she just laughs lol everyone says ohhh you must be so excited I say 'hell no why would I be excited about pain?' :haha: I'm planning on having baby at home which is helping with my nerves about it but hopefully our labours will be fast and easy second time around, that's what I'm telling myself anyway haha! X

Awr sorry to hear! Mums are brilliant though. Who needs anyone else there when you can have your mum. :) I think the more you think the worse it becomes, im trying to.. not forget as i know that it will definately not be forgotten but to think of how nice it will be after she is here. The 2 weeks with Daddy and the bonding between me and baby and DD and baby. My DD is obsessed with babies.. and kittens! Lol. Shes guna be like some crazy old lady when she is older.

Thought something was happening last night. Baby was kicking the crap outa my tummy and making some awesome shapes. Then i had pains, period like pains across the bottom of my stomach. Went to sleep and woke up with nothing lol. Typical. Knowing my luck she will come late and theres me thinking that she will be early. Getting snot like stuff when i wipe on and off so think that may be my plug coming away slowly. More :sex: on the cards i think and maybe use the cross trainer as i wont be able to get out for the week as i think my daughter has got the start of HFM. Another week in the flat when i had so much planned :(( x

Oh it's ok I much prefer it this way I've been on my own since I had DS1 :haha: aww bless her do you know weather baby is a boy or girl? My LO is excited but I guess he's just a boy about it I think he expects to be able to go play football and stuff with him as soon as he comes out :haha:

Ahh hopefully you won't have much longer left the sooner something starts the better I think the waiting makes it so much worse :hugs: I've just cut up a pineapple and been munching on that all day, I don't really expect it to do much but one can hope haha! I've just had my homebirth stuff dropped off so anytime now I'm ready!! X

Awr thats so cute! Were having another girly so weve saved massively on clothing etc. Evie-Leigh understands mummy has a baby in her belly, she tries feeding her dolls her food and her drinks and even tries changing their nappies, at least i know that she will be helping out a lot. Tried pineapple before. Do you find that it makes your mouth sore? I find it really hurts my mouth lmao. A girl i know of who was due the same day as us had her baby today! Jealous much! X
39 weeks, still pregnant :(

Congrats to those who've had their little ones x
This baby is pushing so hard on my cervix it's actually so sore it's taking my breath away! I wonder if she's trying to escape! I hope so- come on out baby!!
yes! it makes my mouth sooo sore and leaves me with killer indigestion :( im so jealous not long for us though now!! x

also.. its now our month!!

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