April Due Dates! Let's Labour Watch

Went in for my induction at 3.30, waters broken at 5pm. Baby was born at 9.27pm.
We haven't officially named her yet :) 6.8lb. Both doing well.
Hope everyone left here has their babies soon! Good luck all! Xx

Congratulations!! That was nice and quick!! Enjoy your new bundle :baby:
I've got the MW next Thursday- I'll be 39+1 I'm not sure if she'll do an examination if I ask- do you think she would? What about a sweep or is it too early?
I found this and chuckled through a lot of them and thought I would share:

25 signs of approaching labor....or Not :)

1. Absolutely Nothing
Some women have no signs at all before labor begins other than their first contraction.
OR MAYBE...the signals have been so slight or confused with other pregnancy symptoms that you haven't noticed.

2. Acne
Due to increased hormone levels, some women may experience an outbreak of pimples in the last few days before labor begins.
OR MAYBE... you just ate too much chocolate.

3. Back Pain
Back pain is a quite common sign of impending labor. In fact sometimes back pain may in fact be contractions.
OR MAYBE... you're just getting back pain from the extra weight and pressure of baby.

4. Blood Pressure
Often blood pressure may go up in the last one or two days before labor begins.
OR MAYBE... it's an indication of other problems that your doctor will need to check.

5. Bloody Show
When you wipe, you may notice a brown or red display of blood that means labor is close.
OR MAYBE... it's just a sign that labor is a week or two away.

6. Braxton Hicks
Although these fake contractions are common after 28 weeks gestation, they often become stronger or feel different shortly before labor begins, and occasionally may even be confused with real contractions.
OR MAYBE... you're just experiencing more braxton hicks than usual.

7. Crankiness
It's quite common to experience increased crankiness or moodiness in the days or hours before going into labor.
OR MAYBE... you're just having a bad day.

8. Diarrhea
This is a quite common sign that labor will be starting soon. The body begins to clean out in preparation for birth. It can last anywhere from a few hours up to a week.
OR MAYBE... you've just picked up a virus or eaten some slightly off food.

9. Dilation & Effacement
This will need to be checked by a doctor or health care worker, but as labor nears, the cervix both thins (effaces) and dilates (opens up).
OR MAYBE... you're just one of those women who dilates weeks before labor begins (some women can dilate up to ten weeks before birth.

10. Dizziness
Some women experience dizziness in the hours before labor begins.
OR MAYBE... you just need to stop doing so much and have a high protein snack.

11. Easier Breathing
As the baby moves into the birth canal, a woman may find breathing is easier and her chest feels more comfortable.
OR MAYBE... sitting down and taking a break may be helping your breathe easier.

12. Energy
It's not uncommon to experience a burst of energy as the body prepares for labor.
OR MAYBE... that good night's sleep you finally got and a few healthy meals has made you feel a bit better.

13. Fetal Movement Changes
Often your baby will become more active before labor begins, or in some cases, movement will slow down (if baby stops moving you need to call your hospital.)
OR MAYBE... baby is just having a burst of energy or a lazy day.

14. Lightening
Many women experience a feeling of lightness in their upper body as baby moves down into the birth canal. This usually happens a week or more before labor in first time pregnancies and a day or so in later pregnancies.
OR MAYBE... baby is just having fun teasing you!

15. Losing Weight
It's not unusual to lose several pounds in the last few days before labor starts.
OR MAYBE... you need to weigh yourself at the same time of day, for instance before a meal.

16. Losing or Gaining Appetite
Often women will find they're either ravenous or feel completely full before labor begins.
OR MAYBE... baby's been squishing your stomach more than usual.

17. Mucous Plug
The plug of mucous that seals the cervix and helps protect baby from infection may come away in pieces or a single blood streaked glob.
OR MAYBE...you've lost it early due to activity or the baby and it will grow back (yes, a plug can grow back if lost too early.) Some women don't lose their plugs until they begin labor while others lose them days or weeks before.

18. Nesting
One of the most commonly talked about signs of impending labor, many women begin cleaning and re-arranging baby items in the days or hours before labor begins.
OR MAYBE... you've been putting it off for awhile and you're doing it because you know you need to stop procrastinating!

19. Pet Behavior
Animals seem to be very aware of changes in their masters. It's not unusual for dogs or cats to follow around pregnant women like a shadow in the hours before labor begins.
OR MAYBE... your pet is just feeling friendly.

20. Shivering
It's not unusual for women about to go into labor to have uncontrollable shakes and shivers, on and off.
OR MAYBE... you just have low blood sugar or need a blanket.

21. Sleep
Before going into labor, many women say that experienced the best nights sleep they've had in weeks.
OR MAYBE... you're finally getting used to the huge baby bump (is that possible?)

22. Sniffles
As labor nears, many women find they have an increase in runny noses due to the higher level of hormones in their body.
OR MAYBE... you're starting to get a cold (and should go see the doctor!)

23. Swelling
Although you've probably had swelling in at least your hands or feet in the third trimester, it's not unsual to experience more swelling or even swelling in new places before labor begins - for instance in the lips.
OR MAYBE... you just need to put your feet up more and get your partner to give you some more massages!

24. Throwing Up or Nausea
It's not unusual to throw up shortly before labor begins as your body tries to clean itself out in preparation for delivery.
OR MAYBE... you just ate too much for dinner or have a stomach bug.

25. Waters Breaking
This is a sign that many people talk about but is actually not that common - in fact only 10-15% of labors begin with the amniotic sac breaking.
OR MAYBE... your waters can break but if it's a little break, it can actually heal. If you don't start labor within 72-96 hours, usually you'll be induced.
Well me and OH are spending the day cleaning and preparing for baby as in for induction tomorrow night. Starting to feel nervous but really excited too!

Congrats all who have had their little bundles! Xx
Hello, I need some encouragement, I was due on wed 2nd April but still no baby, I'm so fed up :cry: I have been having stupid braxton hicks from 35 weeks and had loads of pain yesterday, I had 2 baths yesterday too. I have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old and struggling with SPd too. So it's been a fab pregnancy lol. Xxx
Hey Marie- I totally feel you as I was due wed as well and still no baby! My left hip has gone wacko and I keep getting shooting pains when I sit or stand. Also nothing points to labor starting soon. So frustrated!!
Hey Marie- I totally feel you as I was due wed as well and still no baby! My left hip has gone wacko and I keep getting shooting pains when I sit or stand. Also nothing points to labor starting soon. So frustrated!!

These! Ive been having right hip/abdomen shooting pains since last night, only an occasional stop me in my tracks pain, and it was more in the front than coming from the back..i think she has dropped, which i know means noooothing...but now i find myself overthinking every little pain.. :dohh:
dinosaur- i think 39+1 is perfect for a sweep. baby is nice and fully baked. i want to have a sweep at around 38+5 hoping it will send me into labor by 39 weeks. im trying to wait it out as long as i can but im just so over being pregnant.
Congrats Skye!!
Dinosaur- I had a sweep at 38+4 and delivered on 38+6. Baby girl is happy ( most of the time) and very healthy!
Just not sure what my mw's protocol is for doing a sweep before 40 weeks but no harm in asking! Anyway hopefully I won't make it to my appt on thurs! A lot could happen in 6 days.
Just not sure what my mw's protocol is for doing a sweep before 40 weeks but no harm in asking! Anyway hopefully I won't make it to my appt on thurs! A lot could happen in 6 days.

I hope you don't make it to then (and hoping I don't either!). My induction is Thursday, only 6 days! So nervous and excited!
[QUOTlly Belly;32233507]
Hey Marie- I totally feel you as I was due wed as well and still no baby! My left hip has gone wacko and I keep getting shooting pains when I sit or stand. Also nothing points to labor starting soon. So frustrated!!

These! Ive been having right hip/abdomen shooting pains since last night, only an occasional stop me in my tracks pain, and it was more in the front than coming from the back..i think she has dropped, which i know means noooothing...but now i find myself overthinking every little pain.. :dohh:[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I have those pains too and they are no fun.
Sorry only updating now. I had a baby boy on Wednesday at 2.56pm, weighing 7lb 11.5oz.
They broke my waters at 10.30am. I then went walkin and climbing stairs. Pains started at 12. Three hours from first pain to having him. Sat in my hospital room on my ball with tens machine on. Pains bad about half two then around 2.45 decided to go up to labour ward, got a room at 2.50pm and I asked for gas and air and said please tell me i am at least 7 cm, then I got loads of pressure, couldn't stop pushing. They checked me and I was 10cm. 5 pushes and he was out!!
I was only labour floor for six mins. He is gorgeous
Congrats, gumb!! :D I'm glad it was so fast!

I don't know if OBs in the US do sweeps? I know mine doesn't... :( What does it consist of?

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