April Due Dates! Let's Labour Watch

So exciting! Sounds like lots of April ladies will pop over the Easter weekend! :happydance:

I lost my plug yesterday. Was unsure in the morning as to whether it was or just increased discharge, but then experienced a lot more throughout the day. With DD, I went into labour about 36 hours later, so fingers crossed. No real signs at the moment though. MW appointment on Saturday when hopefully I'll get a sweep (will be 41 weeks). Then if not, induction. Hurry up baby! :wacko:
Hi ladies! So many sound promising... I hope to hear of lots of new LO's soon!

AFM, Charles Louis came on his own on April 12th at 8:40 am. 12 days late but worth the wait! 6 lbs, 14 oz, 21 inches long and a full head of strawberry blond/red hair. We went to the hospital at midnight on the 12th (induction was scheduled for 6am so he just snuck in there!). I was 5 cm 90% effaced on check in and labored naturally until I hit an 8 and the contractions were so strong and without a break between. I requested the epidural and it kicked in right as I hit a 9. Contractions slowed a bit and it took 2 more hours to be ready to push. After only 40 minutes he was born and my whole world changed. He scored an 8 on his 1 minute apgar and a 10 on his 5. He started to nurse almost immediately and has been a champion nurser since! We have been home for 2 days now and just settling into our new routine!


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Congratulations kksy, Charles is gorgeous :)
Well looks like I'm getting my induction tomarrow! Went to doctor today and was 2cm, 50% effaced and baby at -1. Go in at 7:30am to start process. I can't believe I'm going to get to meet my baby soon!
I hope it all goes smoothly for you paintrider and I can't wait to see pics of your new arrival :)
I hope it all goes smoothly for you paintrider and I can't wait to see pics of your new arrival :)

Thanks! All of these new arrivals have me itching to meet my baby. So many beautiful baby's for these April mommas!
Congratulations for all the new arrivals so far!

DS and I got caught with a 24hr stomach bug...unfortunately he got the worst of it and is still recovering...he was vomiting from late tuesday night into last night (thankfully tapered to a minimum amount of vomiting as the day went), then I was pretty uneasy yesterday (nauseous all Tuesday night, but I initially blamed it on the smell), threw up 2 times and had a hard time taking in much of anything. Today I'm working on getting re-hydrated and taking in easy foods to see what my body decides. I've been having contractions since I woke up early this morning, so slight chance that our little girl may make her debut either tonight or tomorrow...but only time will tell! Not sure if it's just the dehydration that is causing the contractions...but as I'm up and walking around they get a bit strong!
Still no sign of baby! Sticky and not wanting to come out. Sunday we went to Vassells Park, lovely park, and we walked around up and down the hills too. Lots of BH which made it uncomfortable to walk but i still pushed through it. Last night my mum had our DD so we took full advantage and went out for a lovely meal. If i could have rated it i would have given the restaurant/hotel 5*. My partner couldnt even eat all his meal he only ate his steak as he got so full. I had a lush lamb shank. Yum yum. Anyhow, we DTD last night hoping maybe something might happen but nope. Still nothing! My mum has DD most of today too as that is what she normally does on Tuesdays so im going to clean the flat top to bottom, once ive done that i will sit down an sort through all my photos of DD which ive been needing to do for a few months now and put them in photo albums, order some new ones, get ready to print the last 4 months off when number 2 is born.. I'm so bored of waiting! :( x

Sounds like you had a fantastic time, I could so just eat a big steak hmm yummy :cloud9:
Still no signs for me either. I think it's worse as all I've read the whole time is that the second is usually earlier and so Ive always thought I'd have given birth by now! No signs what so ever, I think he's engaged again so that's something I suppose but I'm just so over being pregnant now :cry: x

Thats all everyone keeps saying to me too. I guess i was 10 days overdue last time so earlier than that would be ok. One question.. its grim.. but i cant stop farting and they are so smelly lmao. Is this a sign? Ive been getting pains in my groin like my veins are pulsing every now and again and had a real sharp pain in my vagina and been getting on off pains in my tummy. Still dont reckon it will be soon though. My DD shares her birthday with my partners garmpy and its my partners fathers birthday tomorrow.. hmm wonder if she'll decide to steal his birthday? X

I had my first at 40&4 so i honestly thought id have gone into labour by now, but i read online yesterday while googling how much longer id be pregnant LOL that only 1% of babys come before their due dates, no idea how true that is?! Ive no idea if thats a sign but ive been having to run to the toilet so many times, you know like the pains when you have a bug! Not long im just really anxious now and its so depressing that nothings happening! x
The stat I have always read/heard and understood was that most babies come within two weeks of their due date- roughly half from weeks 38-40 and the other half from weeks 40-42. 40 weeks is the overall average length of pregnancy.

Hoping your baby makes an appearance asap, I was miserable at 38 weeks so I can't imagine being more pregnant!
been walking all day and im in complete agony now, still not expecting anything to happen lol. that was supposed to say 1 in 5 not 1%, but i still dont think thats true haha! im just looking for anything now and praying not to go to far over x
hey ladies :wave:

for those of us still waiting im hoping we make progress and have these babies soon! :)

im sitting here bouncing away on an excercise ball as i type this hoping baby decends a bit further so i can finally lose my mucous plug, have a bloody show, something! went to the hospital on wednesday in false labor, contractions were 2-3mins apart and i was admitted for monitoring. lets just say i wasn't making any progress and to add insult to injury my contractions came to a complete stand still thurday night, so i was released friday morning. had an appointment today saturday and still am only about 2cm dilated. talk about frustrating! :(

baby is also measuring pretty big and my doc started talking about induction if shes not here by my due date this weekend. ahh! :wacko:

MrsDuck- hey due date buddy :wave:. how have you been feeling?
Still no sign of baby! Sticky and not wanting to come out. Sunday we went to Vassells Park, lovely park, and we walked around up and down the hills too. Lots of BH which made it uncomfortable to walk but i still pushed through it. Last night my mum had our DD so we took full advantage and went out for a lovely meal. If i could have rated it i would have given the restaurant/hotel 5*. My partner couldnt even eat all his meal he only ate his steak as he got so full. I had a lush lamb shank. Yum yum. Anyhow, we DTD last night hoping maybe something might happen but nope. Still nothing! My mum has DD most of today too as that is what she normally does on Tuesdays so im going to clean the flat top to bottom, once ive done that i will sit down an sort through all my photos of DD which ive been needing to do for a few months now and put them in photo albums, order some new ones, get ready to print the last 4 months off when number 2 is born.. I'm so bored of waiting! :( x

Sounds like you had a fantastic time, I could so just eat a big steak hmm yummy :cloud9:
Still no signs for me either. I think it's worse as all I've read the whole time is that the second is usually earlier and so Ive always thought I'd have given birth by now! No signs what so ever, I think he's engaged again so that's something I suppose but I'm just so over being pregnant now :cry: x

Thats all everyone keeps saying to me too. I guess i was 10 days overdue last time so earlier than that would be ok. One question.. its grim.. but i cant stop farting and they are so smelly lmao. Is this a sign? Ive been getting pains in my groin like my veins are pulsing every now and again and had a real sharp pain in my vagina and been getting on off pains in my tummy. Still dont reckon it will be soon though. My DD shares her birthday with my partners garmpy and its my partners fathers birthday tomorrow.. hmm wonder if she'll decide to steal his birthday? X

I had my first at 40&4 so i honestly thought id have gone into labour by now, but i read online yesterday while googling how much longer id be pregnant LOL that only 1% of babys come before their due dates, no idea how true that is?! Ive no idea if thats a sign but ive been having to run to the toilet so many times, you know like the pains when you have a bug! Not long im just really anxious now and its so depressing that nothings happening! x

Poor babies are too comfy! I've gotten such a nasty cold, chest infection, whatever the hell has decided to get inside my body! Been finding it hard to be heavily pregnant, be really ill and looking after a toddler for the last few days as i just want to rest so Nanny has taken her for the day. We still have 1 day left! I would be doing alot to get the baby out right now but havent got any energy to get out of this duvet and seems like someone has put super glue on my bottom and i am stuck to the sofa with an Easter egg. :blush: x
me to!!!!!! Have such a horrible cold was awake last night sniffing vicks as i couldnt breath, cant believe we have gotten ill so close to our DD, how unlucky is that! Hope your feeling better soon, that sounds like a good idea, im going to do some shopping with my mum later then i think ill be chilling with a film and hopefully lots of chocolate haha x
hey ladies :wave:

for those of us still waiting im hoping we make progress and have these babies soon! :)

im sitting here bouncing away on an excercise ball as i type this hoping baby decends a bit further so i can finally lose my mucous plug, have a bloody show, something! went to the hospital on wednesday in false labor, contractions were 2-3mins apart and i was admitted for monitoring. lets just say i wasn't making any progress and to add insult to injury my contractions came to a complete stand still thurday night, so i was released friday morning. had an appointment today saturday and still am only about 2cm dilated. talk about frustrating! :(

baby is also measuring pretty big and my doc started talking about induction if shes not here by my due date this weekend. ahh! :wacko:

MrsDuck- hey due date buddy :wave:. how have you been feeling?

Oh you poor thing, I hope the contractions start again soon, what a disappointment getting to the hospital and then everything stopping :( I'm fed up too, nothing going on here, no plug, show, anything :( I'm bouncing, taking raspberry leaf capsules, bd'ing, everything but she too is far too comfy. My baby is measuring big too but my next hospital appointment isn't until a week wed (3 days over) I just want to go into labour noooooooooowwwwwwww!!!

I think we need our next load of new arrival pics and birth stories, good luck everyone :)
me to!!!!!! Have such a horrible cold was awake last night sniffing vicks as i couldnt breath, cant believe we have gotten ill so close to our DD, how unlucky is that! Hope your feeling better soon, that sounds like a good idea, im going to do some shopping with my mum later then i think ill be chilling with a film and hopefully lots of chocolate haha x

Luckily enough the snuffling has stopped after a day of nursing myself and staying warm i have horrible stuff that is coming off of my chest today though. Had some pains yesterday after DTD but stopped and havent had anything since! Grr. Oh well looks like we wont be having our own little Easter bunny after all. Good job i didnt but this little bunny crochet outfit that i was going to get, she would have looked so cute in it too. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! HOPE YOU ARE ALL STUFFING YOUR FACES WITH THE FINEST CHOCOLATE! Atleast this year i dont have a Moshi Monster easter egg from the other half.. lol x
Hi ladies, I've not posted much on here yet but thought id say hi

Im still waiting too, was due 19th, starting to feel like he's never coming out Lol!
My 1st was born at 40+4 though which will be labour starting tues night & having this one wed if it happens the same again ............. which it prob won't *sigh*

I've not seen a midwife since 37wks & ill be 40+5 at my next appointment if he's not here by then & she'll do a sweep, I've never had a sweep & Im worried it'll hurt (silly i know with labour pending)

the big difference this time round is my partner & i are quite tense waiting, i don't know if its cos our 20month old has become a bit of a clingy handful the last 2wks or what??! 1st time round we so happy & excited, maybe its cos we know what we might go through & waiting is making us mote nervous ..........Im hoping for a calmer time this time.

Anyway best of luck to all still waiting Xxx
Hi ladies, I've not posted much on here yet but thought id say hi

Im still waiting too, was due 19th, starting to feel like he's never coming out Lol!
My 1st was born at 40+4 though which will be labour starting tues night & having this one wed if it happens the same again ............. which it prob won't *sigh*

I've not seen a midwife since 37wks & ill be 40+5 at my next appointment if he's not here by then & she'll do a sweep, I've never had a sweep & Im worried it'll hurt (silly i know with labour pending)

the big difference this time round is my partner & i are quite tense waiting, i don't know if its cos our 20month old has become a bit of a clingy handful the last 2wks or what??! 1st time round we so happy & excited, maybe its cos we know what we might go through & waiting is making us mote nervous ..........Im hoping for a calmer time this time.

Anyway best of luck to all still waiting Xxx

Hi there DSM!:wave:

Im sure everything will be fine. Sweeps dont hurt really they are really uncomfortable.. and make you feel yucky (violated). Did with me anyway as i had 2 last pregnancy. I swear that our children that are with us sense that something is happening and maybe are playing on it. My DD knows theres a baby in mummys belly. I feel sorry for her in a way as she gets so much attention now and that she will have to share mummy soon! Shes so good with 2 month old niece though so i know ive nothing to worry about as she is really helpful. Think we are off for a long walk again today. We are begging to see this baby now.

GL everyone. X
Hope everyones doing well. Still no signs here, i have a sweep on wednesday too and am dreading it to the point where i might decline it, i will see how i feel on the day i think. Baby feels really low down but other than that i dont even feel 40 weeks pregnant lol. x
Oh you poor thing, I hope the contractions start again soon, what a disappointment getting to the hospital and then everything stopping :( I'm fed up too, nothing going on here, no plug, show, anything :( I'm bouncing, taking raspberry leaf capsules, bd'ing, everything but she too is far too comfy. My baby is measuring big too but my next hospital appointment isn't until a week wed (3 days over) I just want to go into labour noooooooooowwwwwwww!!!

I think we need our next load of new arrival pics and birth stories, good luck everyone :)

yea im trying all i can as well. my next appointment is saturday which is the day before my due date. if i hadnt had her by then doc will be talking about an induction date. i feel your pain i also just want to spontaneously go into labor at any second im getting desperate.

at least theres somewhat of an end in site and we'll be holding our babies soon :hugs:
Oh you poor thing, I hope the contractions start again soon, what a disappointment getting to the hospital and then everything stopping :( I'm fed up too, nothing going on here, no plug, show, anything :( I'm bouncing, taking raspberry leaf capsules, bd'ing, everything but she too is far too comfy. My baby is measuring big too but my next hospital appointment isn't until a week wed (3 days over) I just want to go into labour noooooooooowwwwwwww!!!

I think we need our next load of new arrival pics and birth stories, good luck everyone :)

yea im trying all i can as well. my next appointment is saturday which is the day before my due date. if i hadnt had her by then doc will be talking about an induction date. i feel your pain i also just want to spontaneously go into labor at any second im getting desperate.

at least theres somewhat of an end in site and we'll be holding our babies soon :hugs:

When you hadn't been on for a couple of days I thought maybe you had gone into labour.

I think it's the not knowing that makes it worse, if you knew baby was going to arrive on a certain day then you could countdown but this idle waiting is driving me mad :wacko:

Good luck everyone :)

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