April Showers - April 2023 testing thread

glad to see you back hon. Sorry your cycles have been a bit Al over. Good luck for this cycle.

Oh no I really thought this was it for you, that’s absolutely shocking, I have 4 Frer but I also have other brands that I always use and then only use a Frer if I get lines on them. Definitely recommend buying other brands hon just to use as back up. But what a absolutely disappointment.
I was so happy when I saw your lines. How many dpo are you now?

Absolutely pray so so hard we will get our sticky BFPs hon. My opks are so so faint, you can barley see the test line: so not looking like it will be any time soon. I’m cd10 today and usually peak on cd11 and ovulate day 12: but looking like it’s going to be late this cycle which I’m not surprised about, new the virus would mess things up. Hope I ovulate in the next few days. We haven’t even started BDing yet. Prob start tonight, tbh I can’t really be bothered and would happily wait until ovulation but dh has such a high drive.
Fx we both catch with our rainbows. I’m gonna be so devastated if I get BFN again:-(

@Lightning7 and @Madcat99
I ovulated on cd10 with my son.

They look so so good for how early you are. I’ve never had a sniff of a line b4 10dpo. Would love a 8dpo BFP. Fx this is it. Are you taking the aspirin and antihistamines?
When did you bd?

So happy to see you back hon,
It’s horrible worrying about ovulation.
I’m worried I won’t ovulate because I had that virus all last week, and going into the weekend. Opks Couldn’t be any more negative. I normally ovulate day 12 but day 10 now and opks so so negative:
Hope I get my peak soon and praying we catch with our rainbow this cycle.
I really really don’t want to be going onto cycle 15 trying. I think if I get another BFN I’ll just be so so devastated:
Fx for us both love ❤️

The virus might affect your cycle. Keep tracking with the OPK , hope it helps and bring the :bfp:for you!
@NDH huge congratulations!!! So so pleased for you x
Amazing lines! So many ltttc ladies with bfps this cycle!! I might have chance to just about test again before the end of the month so fxd some luck will rub off on me. I did also make a May thread already lol.
@thencomesbebe love your shirt :cloud9:. I hope it brings you lots of luck.

@Madcat99 don't worry HCG isn't a test affected at all by fasting or not. That's a fantastic number! How many embryos were transfered?
Yes, @Suggerbaby, everything can be possible, even though it's rare to ovulate on CD10. God still bless you with your lovely boy.\\:D/

Glad that you are back hun. I'm sorry to hear about your dh's discomfort. By the way, what's the plan? is it good to just leave it or have the small cyst removed?

Hope everything is ok for you :dust:

no plan. Apparently it’s very common for men to get them and they’ll just come and go. His had already gotten smaller by the time he had his appointment which was such a relief
I'm 90% certain I am out this month..no AF yet but I did just have a slight amount of brownish CM. Did a quick tip test and it came back clean (twice actually). Not expecting AF for a couple more days yet but at this point I'm not holding my breath.
@Suggerhoney this is my chart, such as it is lol.
Depending when I ovulated it looks like we BD either the day of or day before ovulation and two days before that, and that was it.

I started aspirin the day my temp went up and I started the antihistamine protocol 3 or 4 days ago. Progesterone cream I started last night. Deciding whether I want to make an appointment with my Dr for a HCG and progesterone check.

View attachment 1115053

Haha that looks like my chart with my son. And with the miscarriage last year, as I only took a few temps just to make sure I had ovulated. That’s what I’m doing now too. Last cycle I just did my temp once, and that was the day after I got my peak. Will do the same this time too or I mite not bother taking any temps at all.
I wanted to try every other day this cycle. But haven’t even started bd yet. Had some ewcm earlier so did some more opks and there darker then the tests I did earlier today. So hoping I will get my peak tomorrow or next day. Really want this cycle to be the one so so badly. I pray this is it for you lovely.

It is so scary. Especially when it’s someone you care so much for. I just wanted to take it away for him because he was so scared about it. He’s usually so strong and it’s usually him constantly reassuring me about my anxieties and fears so to see him in that state was just devastating. So relieved that he’s ok. I’m sorry your dh and yourself went through that too. Wouldn’t wish it on anybody

try not to worry just yet hun. Opks can change so quick but I know how disheartening it is when they’re really faint. Hope that changes in the next day or two so you can be in the tww. Fingers tightly crossed for you

that’s true hon. I actually had what looked like ewcm when using bathroom earlier so I did some more opks just now and they are darker. Hopefully I will ovulate at my normol time after all. Praying this is the cycle for us both lovely. [-o<

@NDH your progression is so good!! Yay!!

My shirt came in, I'm so happy! I'm gonna wear it to all my appointments for good luck. View attachment 1115054

That is brilliant. I absolutely love it :)

Yes, @Suggerbaby, everything can be possible, even though it's rare to ovulate on CD10. God still bless you with your lovely boy.\\:D/

Glad that you are back hun. I'm sorry to hear about your dh's discomfort. By the way, what's the plan? is it good to just leave it or have the small cyst removed?

Hope everything is ok for you :dust:

it was crazy because I had read early ovulation was no good. I had 2 cycles where I ovulated on cd8, it was after a chemical pregnancy and then we did fall pregnant with cd8 ovulation but it was another chemical. And that’s what I read that early ovulation b4 a certain time is no good because the egg isn’t mature enough and will lead to loss.
So with my son when I got my peak on cd9 I went into panic mode. I thought I was already out. Then i ovulated cd10. Then cd20 10dpo I got a surprise BFP.
I don’t seem to ovulate that early anymore, the earliest I’ve ovulated in these 14 cycles trying was cd11 and the latest was cd20 but that was after covid.
The 3 times I’ve fallen pregnant was with a cd18 ovulation, cd13 ovulation snd cd16 ovulation.
Praying we catch this cycle with our rainbow. Would love to be in the same due date group as you all❤️
That’s fantastic numbers hon. I would be ecstatic with that. How many embryos did they transfer? Wondering if you may have twins on board. How exciting.
I'm 90% certain I am out this month..no AF yet but I did just have a slight amount of brownish CM. Did a quick tip test and it came back clean (twice actually). Not expecting AF for a couple more days yet but at this point I'm not holding my breath.

Oh love I’m so so sorry. How many dpo are you now and when is AF due? Any chance that spotting could be some implantation spotting? If you truly are out I’m really sorry hon. It sucks so so badly. Stupid sucky crappy BFNs I hate them. Hugs to you lovely ❤️
Oh love I’m so so sorry. How many dpo are you now and when is AF due? Any chance that spotting could be some implantation spotting? If you truly are out I’m really sorry hon. It sucks so so badly. Stupid sucky crappy BFNs I hate them. Hugs to you lovely ❤️

11 dpo today I'm pretty sure. Based on my high peak opk and FF chart anyway. So possible but unlikely at this point...

I typically have a 16 day LP, but idk..this cycle has been a little off for me. Not too concerned yet as I'm usually pretty regular (within a day or 2). So we'll see.
@thencomesbebe love your shirt :cloud9:. I hope it brings you lots of luck.

@Madcat99 don't worry HCG isn't a test affected at all by fasting or not. That's a fantastic number! How many embryos were transfered?

Thanks. At first I told the medical staff that I want to test for progesterone and HCG then they asked if I had fasting. I said no then they asked me to go there the next day with fasting. She mentioned any hormones test have to test with fasting.

I did asked if I can take HCG test only,but they refused. I was confused and called dh, dh talked to the medical staff and they let me take the test of HCG only. After that ,they said I can test for progesterone test when I go for second HCG beta tomorrow.(with fasting).

We had two transferred. Fx.
That is so strange, I've had hormone panels done plenty of times as well as just hcg and the only fasting one has been cortisol
Haha that looks like my chart with my son. And with the miscarriage last year, as I only took a few temps just to make sure I had ovulated. That’s what I’m doing now too. Last cycle I just did my temp once, and that was the day after I got my peak. Will do the same this time too or I mite not bother taking any temps at all.
I wanted to try every other day this cycle. But haven’t even started bd yet. Had some ewcm earlier so did some more opks and there darker then the tests I did earlier today. So hoping I will get my peak tomorrow or next day. Really want this cycle to be the one so so badly. I pray this is it for you lovely.

that’s true hon. I actually had what looked like ewcm when using bathroom earlier so I did some more opks just now and they are darker. Hopefully I will ovulate at my normol time after all. Praying this is the cycle for us both lovely. [-o<

That is brilliant. I absolutely love it :)

it was crazy because I had read early ovulation was no good. I had 2 cycles where I ovulated on cd8, it was after a chemical pregnancy and then we did fall pregnant with cd8 ovulation but it was another chemical. And that’s what I read that early ovulation b4 a certain time is no good because the egg isn’t mature enough and will lead to loss.
So with my son when I got my peak on cd9 I went into panic mode. I thought I was already out. Then i ovulated cd10. Then cd20 10dpo I got a surprise BFP.
I don’t seem to ovulate that early anymore, the earliest I’ve ovulated in these 14 cycles trying was cd11 and the latest was cd20 but that was after covid.
The 3 times I’ve fallen pregnant was with a cd18 ovulation, cd13 ovulation snd cd16 ovulation.
Praying we catch this cycle with our rainbow. Would love to be in the same due date group as you all❤️
That’s fantastic numbers hon. I would be ecstatic with that. How many embryos did they transfer? Wondering if you may have twins on board. How exciting.

We had two transferred. Fx
I'm going to turn 40 by end of October. And I have less eggs during stimulation. Only 3 matured eggs in long protocol of IVF. Thank God that all three are fertilized and make it to day 5. The process was exhausted in financially and mentally stressful.

So, we decided to transfer two this time and pray for the best.

:dust:to you. Hope you will join us too.
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That is so strange, I've had hormone panels done plenty of times as well as just hcg and the only fasting one has been cortisol

Yes, I did search on Google if I need fasting before the test. It shows no needed,that's why I had some snacks while taking train to the lab. I think they might have different requirements. It's weird to me.

Anyway, we'll see how the 2nd HCG results goes tomorrow.
@Suggerhoney hope ovulation isn't too far away for you x
@ehjmorris fantastic progression!!

Ah thanks sweetheart. Be good if we ovulate on the same day. Then we will be 2ww buddies. I did do my last digital opk and it was a open circle. So low fertility. I have more coming which I’ll use along side my Femometer and baby mad opks. This is my first time using baby mad opks, I like them so far but will see how they look when I peak. They were cheap so thought I’d give them a try.
fx this cycle is the one for us both lovely :dust:

11 dpo today I'm pretty sure. Based on my high peak opk and FF chart anyway. So possible but unlikely at this point...

I typically have a 16 day LP, but idk..this cycle has been a little off for me. Not too concerned yet as I'm usually pretty regular (within a day or 2). So we'll see.

Your lp like mine. I started af at 16dpo this cycle. But it’s mainly 17dpo when I usually start. It’s such a horrible long wait, from knowing your out and AF. I totally feel your pain there hon. Still hoping you get a big surprise and AF stays away. Thinking of you ❤️

We had two transferred. Fx
I'm going to turn 40 by end of October. And I have less eggs during stimulation. Only 3 matured eggs in long protocol of IVF. Thank God that all three are fertilized and make it to day 5. The process was exhausted in financially and mentally stressful.

So, we decided to transfer two this time and pray for the best.

:dust:to you. Hope you will join us too.

So exciting hon. I wonder if you are having twins. Will you go for a early scan at 6 7 weeks?
If I do get my BFP and they progress the same way they did with my sons, I’ll be booking a scan for 7 weeks and 9-10 weeks. I lost my first baby at 10+4 weeks. And my 9 other loses were really really early, but I’m always a total nervous wreck when pregnant so like to have at least 2 scans before the 12 week hospital one.
im sorry you had to go through ivf hon.
When did you start the baby aspirin? Did you start from the moment you got BFP or did you start them earlier on?
Ah thanks sweetheart. Be good if we ovulate on the same day. Then we will be 2ww buddies. I did do my last digital opk and it was a open circle. So low fertility. I have more coming which I’ll use along side my Femometer and baby mad opks. This is my first time using baby mad opks, I like them so far but will see how they look when I peak. They were cheap so thought I’d give them a try.
fx this cycle is the one for us both lovely :dust:

Your lp like mine. I started af at 16dpo this cycle. But it’s mainly 17dpo when I usually start. It’s such a horrible long wait, from knowing your out and AF. I totally feel your pain there hon. Still hoping you get a big surprise and AF stays away. Thinking of you ❤️

So exciting hon. I wonder if you are having twins. Will you go for a early scan at 6 7 weeks?
If I do get my BFP and they progress the same way they did with my sons, I’ll be booking a scan for 7 weeks and 9-10 weeks. I lost my first baby at 10+4 weeks. And my 9 other loses were really really early, but I’m always a total nervous wreck when pregnant so like to have at least 2 scans before the 12 week hospital one.
im sorry you had to go through ivf hon.
When did you start the baby aspirin? Did you start from the moment you got BFP or did you start them earlier on?

It will be a surprise if we are having twins. Lol..
Still need another HCG test to check on..
Fx everything will be well.

We are scheduled to have an ultrasound scan on April 24th. It will be 5 weeks+4.

I was given baby aspirin on the embryos transfer day. Means I had baby aspirin before the BFP. May be that helps for implantation? But I had stop baby aspirin on day 7 after embryos transfer because I had my BFP and started spotting.
I'm 90% certain I am out this month..no AF yet but I did just have a slight amount of brownish CM. Did a quick tip test and it came back clean (twice actually). Not expecting AF for a couple more days yet but at this point I'm not holding my breath.

sorry your feeling out. Hope you get a surprise bfp and af stays away

Haha that looks like my chart with my son. And with the miscarriage last year, as I only took a few temps just to make sure I had ovulated. That’s what I’m doing now too. Last cycle I just did my temp once, and that was the day after I got my peak. Will do the same this time too or I mite not bother taking any temps at all.
I wanted to try every other day this cycle. But haven’t even started bd yet. Had some ewcm earlier so did some more opks and there darker then the tests I did earlier today. So hoping I will get my peak tomorrow or next day. Really want this cycle to be the one so so badly. I pray this is it for you lovely.

that’s true hon. I actually had what looked like ewcm when using bathroom earlier so I did some more opks just now and they are darker. Hopefully I will ovulate at my normol time after all. Praying this is the cycle for us both lovely. [-o<

That is brilliant. I absolutely love it :)

it was crazy because I had read early ovulation was no good. I had 2 cycles where I ovulated on cd8, it was after a chemical pregnancy and then we did fall pregnant with cd8 ovulation but it was another chemical. And that’s what I read that early ovulation b4 a certain time is no good because the egg isn’t mature enough and will lead to loss.
So with my son when I got my peak on cd9 I went into panic mode. I thought I was already out. Then i ovulated cd10. Then cd20 10dpo I got a surprise BFP.
I don’t seem to ovulate that early anymore, the earliest I’ve ovulated in these 14 cycles trying was cd11 and the latest was cd20 but that was after covid.
The 3 times I’ve fallen pregnant was with a cd18 ovulation, cd13 ovulation snd cd16 ovulation.
Praying we catch this cycle with our rainbow. Would love to be in the same due date group as you all❤️
That’s fantastic numbers hon. I would be ecstatic with that. How many embryos did they transfer? Wondering if you may have twins on board. How exciting.

great to hear your opks are darkening. Look forward to seeing those peaks.

Afm, my temp dropped this morning so looks like today is ovulation day. My peaks lasted between 4-8pm. Haven’t tested yet this morning to see if the opks are heading back down. Hoping to see a lovely rise in the morning. Managed to bd the last 3 nights but can’t today with the kids being home and dh having to go to work tonight. Feeling nervous to have to miss actual ovulation day but it can’t be helped. Just pray I’m still in with a good shot this cycle.
Forgot to add my opks yesterday.
@Pink.Rose could you please put me down to test on 23rd. I’ll be 9dpo

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