Fx for us both Lovely. Had a mild sharp pain around the uterus area again this morning. It happened twice and not long just had some sharp twinges toward the right ovary.
Not sure if it’s just my ibs tho.
Cm is still very thick and white, and my heart rate is higher. It’s been higher since I’ve ovulated which is weird, but today it’s even more higher.
No other symptoms.
Praying so much when I test again I get a clear as day pink BFP, and praying if I am it will be my healthy little take home rainbow,
I’m so scared about testing,
Just that fear of seeing bfn, or seeing a BFP that ends in a 4th loss. Wish I had clear symptoms. Like nease and sore boobs.
fx so much we both get our sticky BFPs when we test

How many dpo are you? I’m either 8 or 9.
We go away on Monday and would love to get a 2-3 on a digital while we are away. Then when when we come back a 3+.

Oh lovely, reading this made me cry,
I’m so so sorry all that came up at once, I’m so sorry about your friend too. Oh lovely I just want to give you the biggest hug. I really hope you will be pregnant with your rainbow b4 your due date,
It was hard enough going past my due date still not being pregnant. But it will be so much more harder for you with such a late loss.
It’s just heartbreaking,
I’m thinking of you sweetheart.
Im praying this cycle your on now is the one