April Showers - April 2023 testing thread

@NDH oh NO!! I wish I could give you a huge hug IRL right now!!! I've recently been triggered in a similar way, as I would have been 3 months along right now had my pregnancy in December progressed. It's so hard. I'm so sorry the universe is being so cruel today, you def don't deserve any of that. I hope that it's all just one big sign to give you hope for April!!!! Your rainbow baby is coming xoxo
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I think k testing out the trigger shot is always a good idea cause then you *know* a positive is a positive Good luck for the next test being a positive
@Fuchsia1412 Have you spoken to your gp about this hun? That does sound like a very short luteal phase. It might be worth just having a chat with them and see what they can advise. I can understand why you’re left confused. I’m hoping to just try and bd every other day this cycle so as not to put pressure on around ovulation but due to dh working 12hr shifts that alternate between days and nights, it makes it hard. Cd16 is my earliest I can ovulate. Waiting for day 22-25 feels like forever.

@josephine3 ooooh, that’s a bargain hun. I hope they make all the difference for you. I’ve ordered some different conception vitamins to try. I’ve just been carrying on with my pregnancy ones until they ran out. Sounds like they have everything I need. Fingers crossed for us both

@xxmyheartxx sounds like your well covered for bd. Best of luck for this cycle

@Suggerhoney praying this is your time. Come on sticky, healthy bfps [-o<

@thencomesbebe fingers crossed so tightly for you

@NDH oh my goodness, how awful. Im so sorry sweetheart. What an awful chain of events to hit you at once like that. I can’t imagine how it’s made you feel. Biggest of hugs your way. It’s so painful seeing others in their pregnancy’s and having baby’s knowing yours should still be with you. I’ve got that on my end too. I have a cousin who’s due two weeks after I should have been and to keep seeing her posts and scans on fb is so hard. Another cousin had her baby two days ago and theres pictures on fb. I remember thinking when I fell we’d all be having baby’s within months/weeks of each other. Except mine wasn’t meant to be. I should be 29 weeks 4 days today. I’d saved money for a 4d scan for when I hit 30 weeks which is still sat in its envelope. I’ve never had one before and should be excited to be having it around about this time. I haven’t been able to go to the grave since the burial. I feel so guilty for it but I just can’t bring myself to. I will take flowers over on baby’s due date. I pray we both fall with our healthy rainbow babies very soon. You’re not alone hun, we’re all here to support you. :hugs:
@Suggerhoney that's exactly what I'm feeling too! Plus sooooo tired, been needing naps the last few days which is very unlike me. Fx these are all good signs!

Fx for us both Lovely. Had a mild sharp pain around the uterus area again this morning. It happened twice and not long just had some sharp twinges toward the right ovary.
Not sure if it’s just my ibs tho.
Cm is still very thick and white, and my heart rate is higher. It’s been higher since I’ve ovulated which is weird, but today it’s even more higher.
No other symptoms.
Praying so much when I test again I get a clear as day pink BFP, and praying if I am it will be my healthy little take home rainbow,
I’m so scared about testing,
Just that fear of seeing bfn, or seeing a BFP that ends in a 4th loss. Wish I had clear symptoms. Like nease and sore boobs.
fx so much we both get our sticky BFPs when we test ❤️
How many dpo are you? I’m either 8 or 9.
We go away on Monday and would love to get a 2-3 on a digital while we are away. Then when when we come back a 3+.

My phone sis an update or something and all my shortcuts to my groups got axed (so i can't just type 'f' into my brower and have Facebook come up for example). But when I typed as far as "faceb" I got a link to a Facebook group (not Facebook itself mind) and it took me to my April due date group I left in October :cry::cry::cry:. That was so unexpected and unfair and of all the groups I've ever been in, why was *that* one the only link my phone has decided to save? It won't even let me delete it either. I am so badly triggered right now it isn't even funny. It doesn't help that this morning a friend who I didn't even know was pregnant shared a 36 week bump pic out of no where. I'd have been 36+2 today.
Oh and I got home to discover someone drove over a corner of Jordan's memorial garden and some of my crocus' and my one hydrangea that was just about to open got completely flattened. Clearly today is not a good day.
Oh and then when I did get onto Facebook after seeing that due date group pop up, the first thing I see on my feed is a post from a random group I'm in (not pregnancy related) saying "I'm 36 weeks pregnant and was wondering blah blah blah". Why all of it coming at me at once?

Oh lovely, reading this made me cry,
I’m so so sorry all that came up at once, I’m so sorry about your friend too. Oh lovely I just want to give you the biggest hug. I really hope you will be pregnant with your rainbow b4 your due date,
It was hard enough going past my due date still not being pregnant. But it will be so much more harder for you with such a late loss.
It’s just heartbreaking,
I’m thinking of you sweetheart.
Im praying this cycle your on now is the one [-o<
Thanks hon.
I’m praying so so much when I test it will be a clear as day BFP. I’ll be 10 or 11dpo.
No symptoms yet but have had some more mild sharp pains right low down around the uterus and some sharp twinges around the right ovary.
But I had pains at 8dpo last cycle in my right ovary.
Sharp pains: but all I had was as bfn.
Just really hope these pains yesterday and today is implantation and a little beany has snuggled in nice and deep. And praying if i am it will be sticky and healthy.
I’m so so scared to test.
Wish I had neasea and sore boobs but absolutely nothing.
Just those pains
The higher heart rate
And the thick white cm.
That’s it.
Just wish I had obvious pregnancy symptoms like with my sons and my dd.
CD 15 here. We DTD CD 13 and 14/peak day and ovulation day. I only took a few OPK this cycle, so it's all a bit of a guess.
At this point I would not say we are truly TTC (as in my husband is not committing to be intentional), yet he says he "never" wants to wear a condom and he "never" wants to pull out. Men are weird.

Time will tell if anything will come from it. I think I am 1 dpo.

Absolutely got everything crossed for you this cycle hon. Praying this is your sticky BFP month.

Hey Ladies,

CD10 today. AF stopped yesterday so I will start with OPKs tomorrow. I think I usually Ovulate around CD14-17. Fingers crossed

hope you ovulate soon hon.
really rooting for you.

CD 8 here and AF will be completely gone by tomorrow. Hubby will not be back from abroad until shortly before ovulation though so really nothing to do but wait.

Good luck this cycle.

Cd10 here and ovulation should be tomorrow been having loads of ewcm and feeling extra frisky :blush:lol..hope I ovulate this cycle.

Good luck to all of us O:)

Fx for you so much this cycle hon

im so sorry about your chemical hon.
If it helps I had a chemical last April, then I had a miscarriage In June and then another chemical in feb.
My luteal phase is 16 days long.
We have been trying for 13 cycles now, nearly 14.
I mean your luteal phase does seem very short, so it may of been that that caused the chemical.
But chemicals are very very common.

have you tried anything to try and lengthen your LP?
I think B vitamins and maca root can extend.
I’ve heard good things about red raspberry leaf tea. You can get it in capsules too.
But read it’s good for extending the LP.
Could be worth a try.
Or you could have a chat with a doctor if you felt up to it. You know just to see what they think.
Really got everything crossed for you this cycle hon.
Hope the 2ww passes quickly.

I’m rooting for you so so much.


good luck this cycle.

Really hoping this cycle will be the one hon.
Fx fx fx fx fx fx

Thanks Lovely. I didn't opk test today as I don't have much CM and I only fully stopped spotting yesterday which is pretty normal for me AF are always quite long. Usually 8 days or more. I will be CD 11 tomorrow so I will do OPK then :D
Thanks Lovely. I didn't opk test today as I don't have much CM and I only fully stopped spotting yesterday which is pretty normal for me AF are always quite long. Usually 8 days or more. I will be CD 11 tomorrow so I will do OPK then :D

Good luck lovely.
I only had a small amount of ewcm this cycle over ovulation. Some cycles I get loads. And others I don’t get hardly any.
Hope this cycle is the one for you hon.
Thanks love. I was calling myself 8dpo today but I could be 7.
Had some mild pains today low down and I keep getting a vvvv mild like burning sensation around the right ovary.
Had some dull aching earlier right down low where the uterus is so I’m praying praying praying that was a little bean getting nice and snug.
Did test today and got a BFN but probably will wait for Thursday to test again. I’ll be 10 or 11dpo so hoping for a clear pink BFP. No other symptoms as of yet. Praying they are coming. I want them all lol. [-o<

Thanks lovely I’m only 7 or 8 dpo. So still time.
Just praying I get a sticky BFP at 10dpo and no later. AF isn’t due until Tuesday/Wednesday next week as I don’t start till 17dpo. But had clear BFP with both my boys at 10dpo. Praying they go the same way this time around,
No symptoms. But did have some like dull Like cramping today.
Bloated but that could just be my IBS.
We go away on Monday for 4 days and nights and would love to be going away pregnant with my rainbow.
So so nervous about testing.

So happy to see you here hon.

Yes girl go get frisky hehe

If I’m not pregnant now. But I fall in April then I’ll think I’ll be due in January. But I would be induced 3 weeks early so that roughly works out to be around Christmas.
Probably be in the hospital all over Christmas but it would be so so worth it to have my rainbow in my arms.
Praying I am now and I get my BFP in a few days. But I have a feeling I will be joining you all here.

Good luck ladies
Those symptoms sound hopeful! I hope you get all those symptoms and more to make you feel confident in your sticky when you get your bfp on thursday or friday! Sending love & prayers!
@NDH ugghh that all sucks I'm so sorry you are having a crappy time life wise.

Afm, well I'm only 3dpo today so not much to report, I did have a brief weird wave ofnausea for no apparent reason this morning and have been overly tired. But I'm always tired I'm a mom lol x
@NDH I am so, so sorry that life is just rubbing salt in your wounds! Huge hugs to you. I hope your wait isn't much longer :hugs:
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Fx for us both Lovely. Had a mild sharp pain around the uterus area again this morning. It happened twice and not long just had some sharp twinges toward the right ovary.
Not sure if it’s just my ibs tho.
Cm is still very thick and white, and my heart rate is higher. It’s been higher since I’ve ovulated which is weird, but today it’s even more higher.
No other symptoms.
Praying so much when I test again I get a clear as day pink BFP, and praying if I am it will be my healthy little take home rainbow,
I’m so scared about testing,
Just that fear of seeing bfn, or seeing a BFP that ends in a 4th loss. Wish I had clear symptoms. Like nease and sore boobs.
fx so much we both get our sticky BFPs when we test ❤️
How many dpo are you? I’m either 8 or 9.
We go away on Monday and would love to get a 2-3 on a digital while we are away. Then when when we come back a 3+.

Oh lovely, reading this made me cry,
I’m so so sorry all that came up at once, I’m so sorry about your friend too. Oh lovely I just want to give you the biggest hug. I really hope you will be pregnant with your rainbow b4 your due date,
It was hard enough going past my due date still not being pregnant. But it will be so much more harder for you with such a late loss.
It’s just heartbreaking,
I’m thinking of you sweetheart.
Im praying this cycle your on now is the one [-o<

I am currently 8dpiui! I did start having some sore boobs and sensitive nipples yesterday, but still bfn this morning. I don't think that means anything, because if I'm right and I felt implantation happen on Sunday, I probably won't get my bfp for another week or so while HCG builds up. I'm hopeful and cautiously optimistic. We will be doing another IUI next cycle if this one doesn't work so I feel a bit more relaxed knowing we have another chance next month.
I’m going to join you all here.
10dpo today and still no symptoms and a stark white bfn.
Even did a opk and that was extremely faint.
There is a tiny chance I may be 9dpo but more likely 10dpo.
I just know I’m out so will join this group.
AF will be here at 17dpo then that will be cycle 14 ttc.
Tbh I’m on the verge of giving up.
I just can’t keep doing this month after month after month.
I will get my blood results on Tuesday to see if all my hormones are normal b4 and after ovulation.
But been told that even if they come back normal I may still go on to struggle to conceive and have more losses due to my age and my ovarian reserve.
If I have a very poor ovarian reserve due to age, then my eggs are not good enough to get a healthy pregnancy.
Feeling so so hopeless and heart broken.

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