April/spring babies 2013

Just expressed for the 1st time with thoughts of going to watch hangover 3 on Sat and got 50mls in 5 mins so happy didn't know if I would get enough by Sat but at this rate I could get hubby doing feeds as well yay
How many mls does your lo take in 1 feed? I have no idea how much I need to have ready
How many mls does your lo take in 1 feed? I have no idea how much I need to have ready

my 2 months old takes 120 ml or more but mostly 120 ml per feeding. What our doc said is age in months + 2 oz which is 30 ml, so if the baby is 1 month its 90 ml and 2 months 120 ml etc.
Hey ladies! DJ has 4oz every 3 hours, i put him up to 5 as he was draining the bottle and was told i was over feeding and that was what caused his reflux :wacko: so back to 4oz now LOL

He has his snip for tongue tie tomorrow, im super nervous :nope: hope it goes ok and he can go back on the boob after...if not im going to start introducing formula for his feeds (he has 1oz of formula at night now in with the breast milk) as i cant be a slave to the pump like i am at the minute, its stressing me out so much and when i cant pump cos DJ is crying etc it really is uncomfortable...and unpleasant leaking :o

Jenny how is Niamh?

Doll your pic of Elijah made me laugh bless his heart what a cutie :flower:

Rah 50ml is great when you been bfing too!! thats just shy of 2oz so your almost there for a feed :D xxx

Cherry how is Paige getting on with her harness? When does it come off??

Rooster how is Bjorn getting on hun?
When Layla had her tie snipped it was really quick
They asked how feeding was going and if there were any problems. They lay her down looked in her mouth asked if we wanted to stay or leave (we stayed) they then got the scissors and quick cut Layla cried at this point as they have to hold the head, open the mouth and keep the tongue still they then had a piece of gauze on the cut to stop bleeding took a total of 5mins then I fed her straight away which helps with the bleeding Layla fed for 3mins then back to sleep

It looked to me it was the holding her that upset her more than anything

Good luck xx
Rah thanks hun, im so nervous, i think its gonna be me in tears more than DJ LOL but will try and remember what you say about it being held down more upsetting for him than the snip! hate seeing him upset :( poor little boy he is so small and cute ...well, he's 9lb5oz now so not so small hehe a bit of a porker really LOL

How is Layla getting on now? Is she feeding easier? I cant even get DJ to feed on the boob at the minute, we have tried every bottle going too and the only one he can feed properly on is the NUK bottles! total mare but at least things will hopefully get easier from tomorrow :happydance: xxx
Feeding is great noticed a different straight away and hers wasn't that bad! right side is no problem rugby ball hold perfect latch left is harder but now do it cross cradle and that's improving
Only problem is at night when she is sleepy she willsip to the nipple when I take her off to re-latch she is too asleep so won't go back on and has a small feed!

I'm hoping to get to a point with expressing to do it once a day at night when hubby is giving a little feed with previous nights milk so I am always a day ahead and he can feed as well
Just getting that day ahead without messing supply up too much
Im sure evedything will be ok tomorrow smanderson, and then you cab both go back to breastfeeding :-D I really miss breastfeeding, only managed 2 weeks, too much was going ob to continue :-(

Niamh will take 5oz bottles, we make them up to 5, because sometimes. She is still rooting for more. She is growing really fast, pretty much 10lb now.
how did it go today sm?

I think i will aim for a 5oz bottle ready we live 2 mins from the cinema so will only be the length of the film we are gone for so shouldnt need too much if any
last 2 nights she has been asleep at 8 woke at 12:30, 4 and 8 so hoping this is the start of a routine
shes not sleeping much in the day lucky for get an hour in the am and 2 in the pm so by 8 shes shattered hard to get her to sleep but once she does its great
Shes full of another cold at the mo though so dont think thats helping
How did the op go sm? Thinking of you! Hope all you ladies are ok? Sorry I haven't been here much...I feel like the walking dead! Still feeding Bjorn every 2 hours over night and its tiring but I'm sure your all aware of what that feels like!
Bf is going well some people have suggested giving him a bottle of formula before bed to make him sleep longer? Have you heard of that and also is it ok to give formula when you have ebf for 6 weeks? He weighs 12lb 8 now so must be doing something right! X


Bjorn 6 weeks old <3
Thanks for your support ladies, the op went well he cried his heart out and it broke my heart seeing him so sad i just wanted to make it all better for him and he has been quite tearful since we got home but he settles with a bit of a feed and a cuddle :flower:...he still wont go on the boob...well he latches better but still cries as its harder than the bottle and probs a bit sore for him :dohh: im trying him on the boob at every feed and going to bf class tomorrow to see if they can show me how to hold him properly cos i think thats not helping

Rah, he feeds better with the rugby on the right too but i only seem to be able to do it when one of the bf consultants puts him in the position :dohh: i really need them to teach me how to position him...am gonna try and work on this tomorrow. I'll bumble through the night trying my version LOL also its defo worth aiming for 5oz and then you will feel calmer while your out knowing there is plenty of feed for her if she needs it :thumbup:

Rooster, DJ is a 2 hour feeder at night and 3 hour in the day :dohh: but we started putting an oz of formula in with his breast milk for night feeds and he sleeps for 3 hours when we do it. I dont think it would hurt to do it but maybe check with your hv before you try??

Wow Jenny Niamh is doing so well :flower: how is she now? is she still on antibiotics? DJ is now 9lb5oz so catching her up :thumbup: how are you feeling hun? Hopefully the anxiety has calmed down for you? xxx
She was up every 2 hours for a feed, 5 oz at a fime :-/ maybe she is still having a growth spurt? She is stubborn with bringing up her wind, even though im using infacol, so she gets a lot of farts, which makes her cross.
Just waiting for her to wake up for her next feed, almost 3 hours since her last feed.

Im okish, had a really bad past few days where id just hold her constantly and cry, couldn't eat or sleep, hubby was worried, so we talked some things through and I felt a little better. Im back on my fluoxatine, so just have to wait a few weeks for that to kick in.

I had a tooth pulled 3 weeks ago, its still not healed, dentist says its a dry socket :-( I really hope it heals, its quite swollen and hurts :-( fed up of being in pain all over.

I hope your little lovelys tongue heals up super quick. Have you tried the rugby hold with breastfeeding? It worked best for me, as I could see what I was doing better.
Jenny DJ feeds 2 hourly at night when he has breast milk but when i mix it with formula he goes 3 hours,...needless to say we mix every night now LOL its exhausting feeding 2 hourly i feel for you hun :hugs:

Have you discussed pnd with your hv? I know you suffer with anxiety hun but the constant holding her sounds like it could be pnd? I dont know much about it though so might be worth looking in to? :hugs: it sounds like you have a very supportive hubby :flower:

I tried the rugby hold at the bf class today and it worked...well, he fed for about a minute but im happy with that as its progress and shows he can and he knows what to do, now its just getting him to do it more often for longer LOL :thumbup::happydance:
My life, Niamh is on 5 oz every 3 hrs.

Hey ladies! DJ has 4oz every 3 hours, i put him up to 5 as he was draining the bottle and was told i was over feeding and that was what caused his reflux :wacko: so back to 4oz now LOL

She was up every 2 hours for a feed, 5 oz at a fime :-/ maybe she is still having a growth spurt? She is stubborn with bringing up her wind, even though im using infacol, so she gets a lot of farts, which makes her cross.
Just waiting for her to wake up for her next feed, almost 3 hours since her last feed.

Lucy is on 5oz every feed, every two to three hours.. and thats on hungry baby milk! We were told by hospital that her throwing up was over feeding her, that was when we gave her 3oz of gow and gate, so we were told to change milk and have hungry baby she is more settled but gulps down so much milk we have to take the bottle off her and wind after every ounce. Shes goin be a right chunky monkey.

I'm still on iron tablets for anemia, they're horrible I have really bad nausea, stomach cramps (I'd compare them to labour at times) And tmi, constipation then the runs.. so I've had to lower my dose to two tablets hoping it helps I've got them for three months :dohh:
Jenny DJ feeds 2 hourly at night when he has breast milk but when i mix it with formula he goes 3 hours,...needless to say we mix every night now LOL its exhausting feeding 2 hourly i feel for you hun :hugs:

Have you discussed pnd with your hv? I know you suffer with anxiety hun but the constant holding her sounds like it could be pnd? I dont know much about it though so might be worth looking in to? :hugs: it sounds like you have a very supportive hubby :flower:

I tried the rugby hold at the bf class today and it worked...well, he fed for about a minute but im happy with that as its progress and shows he can and he knows what to do, now its just getting him to do it more often for longer LOL :thumbup::happydance:

That extra hour really makes a difference doesn't it hun? Niamh is a very windy baby, even with infacol, and she wakes up passing wind a lot, then she is awake and upset, and the only thing that will settle her is a bottle, but because she is not very hungry, and she is greedy, she will take a lot, then vom it all up :/ babys ay!!

Im actually ok, if iv had enough sleep. which is a bit tough with a new born, hubby let me sleep in today, and im feeling pretty fab today. If I don't get enough sleep, that's when my mind tends to slip into a bad place.

The rugby hold is awesome, I wish I didn't have to stop breastfeeding but with everything that happened it was all too much for me. I do miss it very much though, it's a lovely bonding time!! Im glad it's going well for you Smanderson, and hope it continues to do so :)

My life, Niamh is on 5 oz every 3 hrs.

Hey ladies! DJ has 4oz every 3 hours, i put him up to 5 as he was draining the bottle and was told i was over feeding and that was what caused his reflux :wacko: so back to 4oz now LOL

She was up every 2 hours for a feed, 5 oz at a fime :-/ maybe she is still having a growth spurt? She is stubborn with bringing up her wind, even though im using infacol, so she gets a lot of farts, which makes her cross.
Just waiting for her to wake up for her next feed, almost 3 hours since her last feed.

Lucy is on 5oz every feed, every two to three hours.. and thats on hungry baby milk! We were told by hospital that her throwing up was over feeding her, that was when we gave her 3oz of gow and gate, so we were told to change milk and have hungry baby she is more settled but gulps down so much milk we have to take the bottle off her and wind after every ounce. Shes goin be a right chunky monkey.

I'm still on iron tablets for anemia, they're horrible I have really bad nausea, stomach cramps (I'd compare them to labour at times) And tmi, constipation then the runs.. so I've had to lower my dose to two tablets hoping it helps I've got them for three months :dohh:

Such greedy ganits arn't they?!
I was on iron tablets too, I bought 1 pack from the chemist, and took them, but my life did they make me poorly!! I havn't bought any more, iv just been eating iron rich foods instead, and I don't feel dizzy so im not too bothered. Try eating some green veg, steaks and the like hun
KB its awful being told your over feeding them isnt it :wacko: makes you feel like your doing something wrong when you feed them but then when you reach what they say is ok amount and they still screaming for more you feel awful and cruel if you dont give more :wacko: cant win!! :dohh:

Jenny it really does make all the difference :haha: DJ actually went 4 hours last night :happydance: i honestly felt like dancing when he woke up at 4am haha :haha: I know what you mean hun, i always cope much better with his screaming when i have had a bit of sleep. he seems to scream all the time at the minute :wacko: so i neeeeeed sleep LOL

Aww hun i wish i knew what i was missing ...he latched again today but for maybe a few seconds :wacko: honestly hun at least you were able to BF for a while and you were able to build up the bond naturally :thumbup: i feel sad we havent been able to BF it makes me want to cry sometimes, i feel like such a failure :cry:

DJ is very windy too! At the BF class yesterday they kept laughing every time he burped cos he does big loud ones :haha: then when he had finished feeding he done a massive farty poop!! :wacko: that made them laugh even more :rofl: he done the same thing after the tongue tie snip in the bf room! they were laughing at him too :haha::dohh:
Hey ladies! Got my first post pregnancy period today. So odd its barely accompanied with cramps and usually i have severe contractions.

Eli had
been fussy today but i think its due to the change in breast milk flavor that might happen when getting your period. The longest Eli has slept is 5 hrs but most of the time still feeds every 3 hrs. When ever i give him formula though he is knocked out for longer cause their tummies take so much more longer to process it. But overall they get better nutrition from breast milk of course.

He barely sleeps at all during the day and sometimes is hard to figure out what he wants. But mostly now he just seems bored when he cries. But he is so strong I'll post pics later of him holding his head up. He is also trying to crawl really bad! He is just progressing so fast!

I also started working out this week. I've gained 10 lbs and trying to get back to my pre pregnancy weight which is 10 lbs away. I'm doing hip hop abs and turbo jam by beach body.

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