April/spring babies 2013

Sm, I have got a swinging crib that is bit bigger than moses basket, I did plan for on using that from the start but then got moses basket really cheap from a friend so Tom is spoilt for choice lol:) I have a cot for after that.

Toms cold seems to have gone now thankfully, seem to be getting in bit of routine now but it's down to deciding to use formula a couple of times in day without feeling guilty about it. I've got two elder boys and other things going on at the min so have mothering law every day for tea which I don't mind because she is lovely but it all takes time.

I just find when tom has a sleep I have to get as many jobs done as I can then I'm organized. My life is a nightmare if I'm not. Slow cooker is my savior lol:wacko: My eldest is in middle of gcse,s so trying to help him revise with Tom on knee would be funny to watch.
Wouldn't change a thing tho lol x

Anyway work, rest, play lol I think that's what they say... Im off for a coffee :coffee::coffee:
Glad you seem to be doing well hun, how is breastfeeding going? I really miss it.

I was meant to have cbt 12 months after being on meds, but then I got pregnant and stopped the meds. But going back on them now, so back at the beginning.

It's people that make me panic, or situations where I feel out of control.

Hi hon, what you are describing is txt book panic symptoms. You don't need to be on meds for any period of time to have cbt just in right frame of mind I.e. Want to give it a go. Panic is exacerbated by stress so it's not surprising get that u are feeling bit fed up especially after issues with tooth :dohh: and new baby hormones will still being around. Without doubt key to overcoming it is having insight and an understanding of why it occurs. You then learn to nip it in the bud as soon as u feel it start. There is lots of stuff on internet to help, pm me if you like x if u explain to gp that u have new baby and would still like cbt they might move u up the list. I have done this for people before.
Take care x
My gp said they wont refer me to cbt till iv been on meds for 12 months, but il try and push for something sooner, I hate how it takes ages for the meds to kick in properly.

Thanks for the offer, when im more recovered and in a better frame of mind il send you a pm hun.

Just off for a nap, Niamh has slept most of the day, so busy night for me
My gp said they wont refer me to cbt till iv been on meds for 12 months, but il try and push for something sooner, I hate how it takes ages for the meds to kick in properly.

Thanks for the offer, when im more recovered and in a better frame of mind il send you a pm hun.

Just off for a nap, Niamh has slept most of the day, so busy night for me

No problem hon x
More bad news from me, Niamh qas very sleepy all day yesterday, I had to wake her for feeds, she had a temperature, and was unresponsive with odd breathing. Oh thought I was being ott but I called nhs direct, they decided to send out a paramedic, who then decided to xall ambulance back up, blue flashing lights to a and e!! We got seen right away and they did lots of horrible tests on her, put cannulas in her hands and feet, drips and ecg's, x rays and lumbar punctures. She was very poorly and was getting worce, her temp went to 38.8. The docs couldn't tell me if she was going to be ok. She was admitted to high dependancy unit at 3am, on a drip, antibiotics, and meds to lower her temp. It was the worst night of my life. She has septacemia.
She has made some progress from last night, she was awake earlier and wants bottles again. Docs dont know where the infection started or how it happened. But are happy she is making progress.
Oh my god Jenny! What a terrible experience! You poor love! Glad that she is on the mend and in the right place. Hope your ok. Xx
Jenny how awful! Hope she makes a quick recovery and hope you are doing ok big hugs xxxx
Just a quick hi from me
I am reading all your posts just not managed to reply its normally silly oclock in the am when I'm feeding
We are doing ok feeds are getting better but will do a full post soon
Omg jenny that's awful:hugs: thank god you trusted your instincts. I hope she is better soon x and you and OH are ok, must have been so stressful for you both x
OMG Jenny you poor thing :hug: im so sorry to hear poor Niamh has been so ill, sounds frightening but its good news she is taking her bottle again, keep us posted when you can, i'll be thinking of you both and hope she recovers soon :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxxx
I really wanted to stay with her at hospital, but they only had reclining chairs, and having had a section 3 weeks ago hubby wouldn't let me, so he has stayed with her st night. It's the worst feeling leaving her there.
They took all her leads off when hubby and I were both there, and we can cuddle her when her temp goes to normal, but that's still very up and down.

I wish they knew where the infection came from, im going to be so paranoid when I get her home.
Aww hun it must be so hard for you right now :( at least hubby is able to stay with her though, that probs helps give you some peace of mind when your at home :hugs: keeping everything crossed for you that her temp regulates soon :hug: for now though hun make sure you rest when your home so you can be strong for her when your at the hospital :hugs::hugs::hugs:xxxxx
Thinking about you and your little one jenny, hope she is better soon xx
Thanks everyone. We got let home yesterday on a hospital at home program. Niamh still has her cannulas in, doctors cone out 3 times a day to give her her iv meds.
Blood tests results better be back today or im going to kick off!!
Glad your home and hope you get the results xx
Thanks everyone. We got let home yesterday on a hospital at home program. Niamh still has her cannulas in, doctors cone out 3 times a day to give her her iv meds.
Blood tests results better be back today or im going to kick off!!

Glad your home safe hunni and hopefully the results come in quick! Big hugs and wishing away the days till Niamh is well again xxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:
We had the results back. Her septacemia was caused by a virus. Which is good news, well better news than if it was bacterial. So last day of iv anti biotics, and she can have her cannulas out tonight.

Im just quite paraniod that it will happen again.
Hi everyone!!
Jenny so glad it was viral induced and the iv's are finished tonight, try not to worry and enjoy Niamh easier said than done i know

Well little update from me, Layla is a chunky 10lb at 4 weeks mummy milk is doing something right!!
Still having problems with latching at night starts out great but after 2/3 mins shes sleep feeding and slips off so i take her off to re-latch but shes asleep and nothing i can do will wake her up then shes up 2 hrs later for another feed ***YAWN***
Oh Jenny! I'm so sorry, that must have been terrifying! So glad she is doing better =)

Elijah is starting to get really smiley and giggly. He is trying to talk which is really cute and is staying up a LOT during the day. I'm starting bond a lot more with him now that he is more responsive, follows me with his eyes, reacts to me when I talk to him etc. Can't wait for toddler age!!

Am I insane or the only one but I already have baby fever?! Not going to have one anytime soon, but I really want a brother or a sis for him! Not really excited about being pregnant again but want another one! What is wrong with me?! lol

here is a super funny pic of him lmao

Seen the HV today, and she weighed her, 9 lb 12 lmao! What a chunky monkey, well she does have 5 oz bottles every 3 hours, but she has had a big growth spurt the HV said.

I take her temp every morning and evening, I can;t help it, im quite anxious about her getting ill again. I don;t think il be taking her out anywhere untill she is old enough for me to give her calpol at home. I never want any of us to go through anything like that again. Im just greatful she will be too young to remember all this. Always trust your gut ladies, when it comes to your babies, if I didn't Niamh wouldn't be here now.





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