April/spring babies 2013

I'll try be quick while Lucy is asleep, she's been throwing up all night I think its reflux.

my birth story is too long to type on my phone, but basically, on the 29th I felt two mild contractions while cuddling oh in bed and something come out, I was leaking my waters that were greeny brown as Lucy had pooed inside me. Had to go the hospital to confirme, and wait a few hours to be put on a hormone drip to speed up labour. by the time they did I was already contracting every four mins for one to two mins, so when induced I had no space between contractions. Labour was 12 hours but only 3 hours established labour. I had to be cut twice and a suction cap had to go on lucys head because her shoulder was stuck. She was born 9.25am on April 30th. I had to be taken to theater with suspected 3/4 degree tearing, luckily it was only 2nd. I had to stay in hospital two days on my own which meant I didn't sleep at all. When discharging, the midwife noticed in mx notes I had lost a lot of blood in labour, and did a pin Prick test on my finger.. iron levels at 8. I discharged myself against their advice because I needed to have help so I could atleast sleep for a hour. I have to take iron tablets, and could collapse at any time. We breasted while in hospital, but with me needing to rest and sleep so much and having no energy level, we had to formula feed, which she throws up after every feed so now need to look into reflux, because you can't lie her down without her screaming :cry:
KB Congratulations on the birth of Lucy :hugs: im sorry your having a tough time, hopefully with a few more days rest things will pick up :flower: have your tried infracol? i hope you manage to get the reflux under control soon :hugs: xxxxx

I finally bathed DJ :happydance: he came in the bath with me (midwife suggested it to encourage BFing) he loved it :happydance: but peed like a fountain :rofl: so i had to have a shower after :haha: was lovely though and hubby will be next to take the munchkin in the bath :happydance:
KB Congratulations on the birth of Lucy :hugs: im sorry your having a tough time, hopefully with a few more days rest things will pick up :flower: have your tried infracol? i hope you manage to get the reflux under control soon :hugs: xxxxx

I finally bathed DJ :happydance: he came in the bath with me (midwife suggested it to encourage BFing) he loved it :happydance: but peed like a fountain :rofl: so i had to have a shower after :haha: was lovely though and hubby will be next to take the munchkin in the bath :happydance:

I was wondering when I could bring Bjorn in the bath with me! :happydance: he will defo pee in it!
I'll try be quick while Lucy is asleep, she's been throwing up all night I think its reflux.

my birth story is too long to type on my phone, but basically, on the 29th I felt two mild contractions while cuddling oh in bed and something come out, I was leaking my waters that were greeny brown as Lucy had pooed inside me. Had to go the hospital to confirme, and wait a few hours to be put on a hormone drip to speed up labour. by the time they did I was already contracting every four mins for one to two mins, so when induced I had no space between contractions. Labour was 12 hours but only 3 hours established labour. I had to be cut twice and a suction cap had to go on lucys head because her shoulder was stuck. She was born 9.25am on April 30th. I had to be taken to theater with suspected 3/4 degree tearing, luckily it was only 2nd. I had to stay in hospital two days on my own which meant I didn't sleep at all. When discharging, the midwife noticed in mx notes I had lost a lot of blood in labour, and did a pin Prick test on my finger.. iron levels at 8. I discharged myself against their advice because I needed to have help so I could atleast sleep for a hour. I have to take iron tablets, and could collapse at any time. We breasted while in hospital, but with me needing to rest and sleep so much and having no energy level, we had to formula feed, which she throws up after every feed so now need to look into reflux, because you can't lie her down without her screaming :cry:

You poor thing! Sounds like you had a hard time.glad she is here. Just make sure you take your iron and eat iron rich foods. The first few days are rey hard and you are so sleep deprived it doesn't help! I stayed two nights in the hospital and did not sleep a wink! It's So noisy, your hormones are crazy, you are excited and nervous! It will get a little easier. They and sleep when she sleeps and get oh to help loads. Xx:hugs:
Congratulation kb xxhope even everyone else doing ok. Everyone so busy with new arrials :)
I'm on night one of trying to get Tom into a routine as we have started to notice he kinda rules the roost and he isn't a month old yet lol..Im going to try bath, booby then bed every night. We will see how I get on lol. I really want to try my best from young age as i regretted it later on with my other two. Im goingto try and put him down awake in day as he wants picking up allthe time which is lovely now but I don't want him panicking when he gets older if I have to go back to work.:(
Rooster how did you get on with bringing Bjorn int he bath?? did he pee? Silly question, boys seem to permanently pee!! :haha::winkwink:

Apple thats a good idea with the routine and also putting him down while he is awake, i must start doing that too :wacko: feel bad though :dohh: still, will benefit us both in the long run :thumbup:

Just been to a bf class and they said they think he may have tongue tie :wacko: i gotta go to two more classes before they will refer him. Although the health visitor just weighed him and he has put on 10oz in 4 days so cant be too much wrong!! :haha:
It feels like we all have a harder time getting on here ! lol. We just moved this past weekend and I am exhausted!! Elijah is going through a growth spurt so he eats a lot and often. And wants to stay awake all the time!! He is so cute but its tiring sometimes cause I can't sleep when he is awake. Eli is now eating 4-6 oz per feeding... lol
Doll, it does seem to just get harder to get on here doesnt it LOL How did your move go? How is your OH job hunt coming along? What do you do with Elijah while he is awake? I never know what do with DJ LOL he loves cuddles though so we just tend to go with that for now hehe, ohh and i tried tummy time but i think its maybe a bit early?

DJ has finally settled down a bit more so less tears and more snuggle time :cloud9: he has been confirmed as having tongue tie now so hoping for a referral next week :thumbup:
SM: I had that same question so I'm just trying to stimulate his brain by speaking my native language Finnish, having him touch different textures, like pet the dogs etc. Also I try to do tummy time so he strenghtens his neck muscles. It all seems very one sided and weird sometimes lol. Cause he just stares and half the time not towards the activity lol.

I have also been getting really bloated lately. About a week after I gave birth I was even smaller than when I got pregnant at about 110 lbs ( I don't own a scale) and I feel like I have gained at least 10 lbs. I eat a good amount but not enough to really gain weight I don't think at least. But I am getting just getting bigger. This is all backwards!! I'm suppose to gain when pregnant and lose after... UGH!
Hi ladies, hope u r all well. My little Tom is full of cold,just been to boots and got him some nasal drops and we have come to bed for a little rest. It's horrible him being all snuffly :( hoping it will pass soon. He has also got lots of little spots.Hv said it was hormones.?? But it will pass.

Seems we are all busy with our little ones and it's getting harder to get on here, I just pop when I can.
Imthinking of starting a baby group when he is better and signing for baby massage.

If anyone has any good ideas of clearing little blocked noses would be good to hear them :). I was thinking of bathing him in bathroom with shower running before to get some steam in room.

Talk soon Apple x
SM: I had that same question so I'm just trying to stimulate his brain by speaking my native language Finnish, having him touch different textures, like pet the dogs etc. Also I try to do tummy time so he strenghtens his neck muscles. It all seems very one sided and weird sometimes lol. Cause he just stares and half the time not towards the activity lol.

I have also been getting really bloated lately. About a week after I gave birth I was even smaller than when I got pregnant at about 110 lbs ( I don't own a scale) and I feel like I have gained at least 10 lbs. I eat a good amount but not enough to really gain weight I don't think at least. But I am getting just getting bigger. This is all backwards!! I'm suppose to gain when pregnant and lose after... UGH!

Hi,sorry if u have mentioned this earlier in the thread but I struggle to keep up sometimes :)but u and sm mention tummy time to help with neck muscles, what do you do during this. I chat away to Tom all the time and have bought special black and white baby books (which I would recommend from ebay)for him which he loves but wasn't sure if I was missing something obvious. I have still got baby brain lol x now with lack of sleep to go with it :)
what do you do when your lo stays awake more? or is fighting sleep or fighting to stay sleeping lol. Paige doesnt sleep every long through the day now and at night it can take from 8pm until 10pm to get her settled. and normal goes every 4 hours for a feed but after she wakes up after 2-3 she only sleeps another 3 hours before wanting another feed :(..

I defo find it hard getting on here as much facebook aint to bad cause my phone lets me on lol. I just struggle with her more than i did before. If she took to her swing of bouncy chair it would be nice. she did sit in her swing the other day just staring away. but now and again she just starts crying like shes in pain or something lol..

She has just slept for abour an hour and is starting to do that weird cry with her eyes closed :S .. AAAAAh!!!
Ha ha cherry! Crying with her eyes closed! What's that all about? Bjorn whimpers for about an hour before he wakes! He sleeps all day And is awake all night!
It's really hard work isn't it girls!
Apple we have one of those black and white books too! Little bjorn is already getting pretty good at holding his head up! He sleeps on my chest most of the time so I guess that must help.
Doll thanks hun, will try getting him to pet the dog, who loves him to bits LOL so will probs enjoy a bit of baby fussing :haha: haha so glad DJ is not alone in looking the other way to activities :haha: i guess we are so used to adults responding to things hehe I feel like such a fat heffa at the mo, dont seem to be losing my baby belly very fast, i still look prego :wacko: they were super nice to me in mothercare today, offering to carry things for me, made me wonder if they think im still prego LOL i didnt have DJ with me so embarrassing :blush:

Apple, i put him on a roller thing i got from mamas and papas and he kinda rolled off it LOL :blush: i put him on his activity mat too and he just lies there :haha: i think its going to take a bit of practice :thumbup: must get one of them black and white books! Need something to keep him entertained, i played him this video and he looked the other way the whole time :haha:


My baby brain has gotten worse :dohh: also DJ has a cold too, little stuffy nose :( let me know how you get on with the drops and steam, im at a total loss what to do, he also has them spots and people keep telling me they are milk spots, they look red and bumpy but only on his face :shrug:

LOL Cherry DJ does the same thing in his swing! Sits there looking confused for a minute or two then cries like he is in pain :wacko: i bought him a bouncer today as the one we had wasnt for new borns...not that we knew that when we got it!! So im hoping he will like that, bit nervous to put him in it, will be gutted if he done like it :dohh:

Rooster it really is hard isnt it :wacko: good job the are so cute LOL DJ bobs his head about kinda headbutts me when he wants more food rather than being winded LOL so im thinking he is getting good with head control :haha::winkwink:
Apple: I just let him lay on his activity mat and look at the mirror that is attached to it. I've noticed he loves looking at light and shadows, so when ever the light comes through our blinds he is all about it!

Turning the shower on hot and sitting in the bathroom with the baby is awesome for them being stuffy!! Also vicks on the chest and back is awesome, and of course a humidifier for their room.

yesterday was mothers day here in the US and Elijah was a handful!! Started off by puking ALL over the bed, had to change sheets and deep clean the mattress. Then he just continued to be fussy and awake all day! He would start out being hungry and then after about 2 oz he would get really fussy and push the bottle away and cry while eating. So he was still hungry but wouldn't take the food, and if he would while fussing he would spit up and I was like PLEASE TELL ME WHATS WRONG! lol I wasn't frustrated cause it was day time (im sure if this was night time I would have been freaking out) I was just upset cause I couldn't figure out why he was upset and I wanted him to be ok. I think it was gas though, gripe water just didn't seem to do the trick, so Im getting gas drops next time. Cause if they have trapped gas in their chest and don't get it burped out they fuss and wanna eat but can't etc.





Hi everyone.

Sorry iv not been on much, nothing but drama here :-( between wound infection and tooth extractions iv not been at my best at all.
My anxiety has not returned ten fold, so back on the anti depressants I go, just a shame it takes 6 weeks to kick in.
Im feeling pretty crap, can't eat due to the tooth extraction causing a dry socket and it hurts loads, made me have to give up breastfeeding as I needed strong pain killers.
Niamh wakes every 2 hours at night for a 4oz feed., and now hubby is back at work on nights, im screwed!! Trying not to have panic attacks.
So yeah all fun fun fun here.
hope everyone is doing ok. I haven't had chance to come on here in a while, Lucy-Rose, is quite a handful. i mentioned her throwing up, well we ended up going to the doctors and she noted it, but when we went to the midwife to be discharged, she couldnt discharge Lucy because she had lost even more weight, from 7lb 8oz at birth to around 7lb. we went back doctors and ended up and being rushed up hosptial incase it was something in her stomach that needed operating on. Luckily it isn't, they have said she has thrush on her tongue, she has got colic drops, she has had to have her milk changed from cow and gate to SMA hungry baby, and the throwing up gets worse still she will need to go back the hospital. but SHES GAINED WEIGHT FINALLY! shes back up to 7lb 4! :happydance: so so happy.

the health visitor came today, she was really nice, she was an old woman say nearing 60, and gave me a leaflet about testicular cancer for OH then said 'get him read this, he can check his own from now on' and gave me a look :winkwink: :haha:

you can tell on the photos that her hairs really thick at the back, long enough for a tiny bobble, looks like a mullet hairstyle :haha:


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Hi all, Tom much better thankfully:) I never ended up using the drops, I just sat in bathroom chatting to him whilst shower was running to get the steam. He seemed much better after. Beautiful baby pictures girls, I still can't get mine to load up:dohh:

I've had a bit of a hectic week but it's nice to get on here :thumbup: when I get chance lol to see how everyone is getting on.

I've started laying tom down much more now with his nappy off and he loves it. Letting it all hang loose lol :baby:

Sm, know what you mean about baby tummy I'm gonna start trying to be a bit healthier with my eating in next couple of weeks. I really wanna start properly but I've read that you should not be counting calories until baby is at least 8weeks when breast feeding :wacko:

Co sleeping to feed tom at night, even though I just end up staring at him for ages, they are so amazing. I am putting him back in his moses basket as much as possible though.

Jenny, I had pnd with my last ds , and had horrible panic attacks, once I learnt how to manage them I've never looked back, that was 10years ago, u take care :hugs: when I'm not in mummy role I'm a cbt therapist, really good for panic, don't struggle hon u can get rid of them x

Will try and get on again soon x
Glad you seem to be doing well hun, how is breastfeeding going? I really miss it.

I was meant to have cbt 12 months after being on meds, but then I got pregnant and stopped the meds. But going back on them now, so back at the beginning.

It's people that make me panic, or situations where I feel out of control.
Doll Elijah is looking super cute!! Amazing how much he has grown :flower: what a cutie pie :flower: how much does he weigh now? DJ gets weighed again tomorrow, im so excited to see how much he has put on :haha::happydance:

KB Lucy-Rose is beautiful :flower: im so pleased to hear she has started putting on weight :hugs: hopefully now you have her on the new milk she will continue to put on..also have you tried the Dr brown bottles? they are supposed to help with colic/wind etc we got some today and DJ seems to have taken to them well, he has only had 1 feed on them so far but seems easier for him than the other bottles :thumbup:

Apple your brave leaving him with it all out there!! Every time we take DJs nappy of to change him and leave it just a little too long he pees everywhere :haha: must say though, i think he would like some nappy free time :thumbup: How is Toms cold now hun? I tried the saline spray on DJ and it seems to have cleared his nose for now, will see how he goes and will give the steamy bathroom a go too :thumbup:

What are you planning on putting Tom in when he grows out of the moses basket? DJ is quite long so i dont think it will be long before he is too big for his :wacko:

Im gonna go back to slimming world soon as i can drive, i have to be honest though i have been scoffing Mikado choccy sticks loads this week, its silly but they fill me up and are easier than fixing breakfast or lunch :blush: we fully intended to order our shop online tonight and get healthy stuff, well, we ended up not ordering anything and now will probs be having mikado sticks for breakfast again :dohh:

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