Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Mrs F that is wonderful and quite a whopper (according to my mum)! So so pleased for you that your little frostie has turned into a beautiful baby boy! I can't wait to follow!!!!

Yomo - good luck!

Cranberry - congrats for second try!

Britt, can't wait to join you on maternity leave, day off yesterday but worked 4 hrs, day off today but worked 8 hours, got full day tomorrow and Thursday, gonna take Friday & Sat off then back in Monday and Tuesday then thats my lot!!!!

Yeah for all the buggy playing!

Oh and didn't pack hospital bag!!!!!!

Tomorrows another day!
WOOOHOOOOO!!!! Congrats MrsMummyF on your baby boy!!! *huggles* What wonderful news!

Congrats on 2nd tri too Cranberry!

OOOH, i'm a squash!

Gah! Rich left the bloody lights on my car so now I've gotta drive our clapped out old van to work all day. Not what I needed tbh. I can't reverse it. Might have to wait for rac to get here... No way I'll be able to park it. Yep. I'm fucked. Losing £100 over him then it seems if I can't get to my first job on time. Stupid man
Ooooo tomorrow still another day I guess!!!!! Still no hospital bag and 1st proper day back at work today which was very stressful so I've now got no energy!!!!

Baby been wriggling like made all day and as I was about to leave work I felt very crampy/period pain type with pain in my lower back, don't think this is BH as was constant, back still aches now but not as periody, gonna just chill out tonight.

Cranberry - has Rich got phantom pregnancy brain!!!!!!

MM - yeah for being a squash!!!
Evening all. Sophie having another one of her "great escape" days. Contractions all last night, 2 hours of contractions this morning.... I was timing them as well, 7-8 minutes apart approx, lasting over a minute each. So I'm not imagining them. Thing is, I don't want to go into hospital until I know something is happening as it just wastes everyone's time. Mostly mine! It would be fine if we didn't have a child already but we have to drag my parents out to come and sit with Harry every time I have a false alarm! Am still getting pains. Constant period pain. I think i could be leaking water again too as I had a bit of a wet patch earlier. Got a pad on now, will inspect in a bit. joy of joys!
I wonder if you'll make it to Monday DM? You've gotta have c section regardless haven't you?

My baby is kicking me to death!!!!! I have no idea what she is thinking or doing! Maybe I've upset her in some way!
Yep no choice either way. More bloody contractions. 4-6 mins apart now. Sigh....
ohh good luck DM, keep us posted :thumbup:
a lot of people look at me and think I am going to have Kitten next week, but I'm not convinced. I am SUPER low though
Thanks guys! I had my pre-op today and Sophie is fully engaged. Bless her, trying to help! I feel a bit better now I've had it, some of the apprehension has dissolved. And when the MW was going through the schedule for the day and talked about putting Sophie on me for skin to skin I burst into enormous uncontrollable tears. That image is what got me through the whole vile TTC process. It's what got me through the horrid Metformin months, the MC and all the various failures. Just picturing the MW handing me my baby. Of course I missed out on that moment with Harry as I had to have a general so this time it will be doubly precious.

Hope everyone is well. I seem to be gettin a cold which I am vexed about
ahh she is ready now than DM :thumbup: I dont think Kitten is engaged...comfy I guess
I am so happy for you that you will get more of the birth you wanted (skin to skin ect...)

Happy 39 weeks today!! can you believe it??!!
i really cant! i keep expecting to be in the early 30's so when i see 39 weeks it always makes me jump!
Oh DM, you're def next, Britt nothing yet?

Finally finished work for this week thank god!

Re baby being engaged, mw says baby was 3/5 engaged when I went on Tuesday, is this normal at 34/35 weeks?
Yeah, they bob in and out for weeks. Right at the end, once theyre down theyre down but before then theyre on a little bungee cord :rofl:
DM gosh you are soo soon, lucky....I actually could be quite awhile yet, some others may beat me first

So Kitten gave us a scare today...
my dr checked me out, all seemed to be okay (I was having bigtime decreased movement) but was still measuring 36cm instead of 39cm.
she sent me to the hospital and the little Monkey woke up as soon as the u/s was attached, tons of movement and great variability, so all is great :thumbup:
also that dr measured me and I am measuring 39cm :shrug: technic on that measurement is so varied.

anyway, they checked me too and she is super high, not at all engaged so in no hurry to come out anytime soon, I could actually be pregnant still on July 10th!! :dohh:
Oh blimey, just what you need. i really think FH is a load of cobblers. Look at clareabell on the BB thread. She's been measured by her (inept, it turns out) MW at 4-5cm over the whole way through. She was sent for a growth scan as she was being estimated at 10lbs 5oz. At the scan they reckoned 7lbs 11oz. Er, quite a difference!
Heard from Maxxiandniko - she says to say hi to all - twins still in NICU but putting on weight which is good - she's shattered and obviously been a tough time. x

DM - interesting re them bungying - I had no clue. I'm still getting a lot of tapping and hiccups around my cervix which worries me but glad that it was still closed last monday.

*hugs* to all x
Morning ladies, will post more later, but am home now :) currently on second breakfast sitting!!
feeling better by the day, and more confident, and more in love!! Hope u r all well, I'm so excited for you and meeting yr bundles, its crazy!!! :) much love x x :happydance:

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