Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

The michelin man look has been exacerbated by my milk coming in today. OMG I have porn star jugs and am leaking all over the place! Poor Sophie looks like a terrier trying to bite a beach ball :rofl:

Harry is still not very well. It's only a virus but when his medicine runs out his temp shoots right up. Its rubbish timing as he's got enough to deal with right now and it's making the transition really difficult for him. So in answer to the earlier question, yes, hands are full!

Britt theyre all nice names but my favourite is Carys as that was on my list too.
britt it must be weird to be able to look at my pics and know that you have one like that in there, with us having the same due date! I can't believe this precious little person is what i've been carrying round all those months. I want another one already. Every day that passes now she's here is horrid as my precious newborn is getting bigger. Want to keep her like this! But I've been like that with every stage of Harry's development so far. It does upset me though, especially with DH sounding reluctant to want a third. I know we're truly blessed with what we have but I like having babies and I have already forgotten about the rubbish bits of pregnancy and am remembering the idyllic bits with my rose tinted glasses on!
yeah MrsG- I am kind of off Piper (DH isnt, its his top pick) but I am almost sick of it already, and I have had a few people tell me they know dogs named that :growlmad:

ahh DM- Sophie is absolutely beautiful, and you are right I look at her and think I am carrying one of her around. I have to admit I am very jealous :cry: I think I will go over maybe to the max time, but hopefully not. My poor little kitten is so smushed in there already, my goodness they guess she weighs 8 pounds already- she needs some room!! I have to say I am super fatigued this last week. did you have any weird labour signs or just the standards?
oh and thanks for the name opinion, I love that one too- now to convince DH

as for a third, you still have lots of time, I bet you guys end up having another yet- I have a feeling you will get your way but yes you have 2 beautiful kids now and are lucky. I am hoping we can have 2 but we will have to play it by ear
I want my baby girl too!!!!

Last day at work for me today, woo hoo! Dreamt that my boss had a paddy and sacked me last night, that'll be a good start to my maternity wouldn't it!!!!! Not holding out much hope that today will bring baby shower and parties, think a lot of people are off and I'm going to be maxed out, oh well, guess that's what I get paid for!

Last full pay packet this month too!

How did the new arrivals take to the thunder last night (if you had any)? We had a huge crash of thunder and it gave baby hiccups which was quite amusing at around 3 this morning!

Just a quick question on movement as she seems to be going through a quiet stage, when they say at least 10 movements a day, is this individual movements or bouts of movement, I get loads of individual movements but like I've felt her a couple of times through the night, then yesterday on the way to work she appeared to be dancing away to radio then at work I didn't feel a thing, again on the way home she was moving and a few bouts in the evening, especially when oh was laying his head on my tummy! This morning she seems to be following the same pattern!
just a quickie before trying to go back to bed - been up for hours, I can't stand the heat but the thunder has just started here in south lincs...... so hopefully a good storm to come!

all ok at hospital yesterday....... going to book c-section for 27 July but if anything happens before then we might try naturally...

DM - how is the recuperating from the c-section? I'm scared stupid as I've never really been in hospital anyway let alone saying someone can take a knife to me!

Britt - I liked Piper too but all of them are nice

MM - have you packed your bag yet? They say from 28-30wks for twins just in case.... haha hope all is ok :)

right am shattered - going back to bed! xxx
Awww DM, poor old Harry a new sister and a virus cant be the best combo! Hope that Sophie manages to drain you down to a page 3 model instead of a porn star :p

Britt - yay for having your bag packed at last, you must be sooo excited!! I still love Piper but can understand if you have changed your mind, I think that's one good reason for looking at names early - they have to last a lifetime after all! For me my favourites are Piper, Reese and Sienna.

MrsG - Hooray for last day at work but boo to no big goodbye! I hope they give you a nice send off and that you aren't rushed off your feet all day! I can't say much regarding movements but I do notice that quite often when I'm busy I don't really feel mine but then when I relax, they go crazy! I think if you are getting good bouts of movement then there is nothing to worry about.

ahbon - wow, awesome to have a date already! And scary! I havent packed my bag yet but you're making me think now that I ought to at least start gathering stuff together - leaving it to DH would be a disaster!

looks like DH and I have finally settled on some names but he wants to keep it secret now from family - it's killing me!!! I will try though for his sake but I can share here! ;) We are looking at Emily Grace and Jowan James although are letting ourselves stay flexible until after they're born just in case!
Oh wow!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, DM :happydance:. And she looks sooo precious!!!

Congrats again, Mrs F!!!! :hugs:

Britt....waiting on you. Good luck sweetie!!!

Good luck to all you lovely ladies going in soon......Ahbon, Mrs G, Mars Maiden....hope I haven't missed anyone.

Sending you and the twinnies loads of hugs, Maxxi :hugs: :hugs:
Abhon I was out of bed and wandering about within hours. Honestly this time round recovery was a breeze. When I had H it was a category 1 emergency so i was just hacked open willy nilly and back then they used staples to stitch up. This time as it was nice and laid back, they were more careful with the incision (apparently it looks neater now than it did last week1) and the wound has been GLUED rather than stapled. I have had literally no pain from it. My tummy feels bruised and tender, and my undercarriage is a bit sore from the catheter. Thats it. If you remember I was absolutely shitting myself and dreading it. I was so scared when I had the spinal that I was trembling but you know what? It was the BEST birth experience. Honest to god you have nothing to worry about, it's incredible! Its a bit odd feeling a couple of surgeons rummaging around in your giblets for 45 minutes but otherwise I couldn't praise them highly enough. Yesterday i was back cleaning the house, to DHs horror! :hugs:
G i wouldnt worry about counting movements, just go by what you know is normal. you know in yourself if she's moving as she should be. I know with Sophie she had cycles of few days. She'd be quiet for a couple of days then I would have 3 solid days of somersaults!
Hi, finally finished at work at twenty to eight tonight!!!! And I'm going back thursday, what a mug! Everyone called me downstairs and they gave me flowers, cake, cards, an outfit and some vouchers. But been busy busy busy all day!

As I was leaving work tonight I went to the loo and noticed that pink discharge again so I called hospital and they told me to monitor over next hour with my feet up so that's what I'm up to now!

Ahbon, that's two days before me! We'll be taking bets as to whose first!

DM, hope harry's coping ok with his poorlyness and his new role as big brother, you'll have to spoil him rotten!

Isi - hope your pregnancy is going ok so far.
wow DM that sounds wonderful and very reassuring if it turns out that a c-section is needed for whatever reason. I do hope if I do end up having a section that it is a planned rather than an emergency one, the calmness and time to prepare sounds very appealing.

Blimey MrsG - that's a hell of a last day but lovely that you got a nice send off! You are a total mug for going in again :p but I guess it's nice to know that they are already struggling without you!

I'm off to see the consultant later today so am trying to arm myself with a list of questions, am getting a lot more curious about the birth and things like taht as time goes on so hopefully will come out a bit clearer! (That is if I even see the bloomin' consultant! Saw the registrar last time and half expecting it again this time especially as I'm not having any problems) Seems weird that some twin mums are getting to see the consultant regularly but I havent seen mine once yet and even the registrar appointment was all the way back at 16 weeks! ah well!
DM - thanks for that - am nervous of the unknown I think. How's your little girl doing now?

Mrs G - still working?!?!?! blimey I couldn't!

Britt - how's it going?

Isis - how are you two doing?

MM - good luck today - we don't always see the consultant but I think if she's around she tries to see us since we've had so many worries to start and obviously the immune extras too which they don't understand.......... I do see the endo consultant regularly due to my thyroid - he is such a lovely man anyway he always stops to say hi when he sees us (very old fashioned gent really - also he has twins so is interested in how we're doing :) )

back to hospital for me today for the liver ultrasound and another fetal heart monitoring (just cos we're going to be there anyway they said!) haha I'm glad as the girls are being monitored so that's the main thing. :) Already feel sick and am fasting (water only) until the scan now anyway.

Hi to anyone I've missed - hope everyone is doing well :)
First day of the next 9 months off work..... yeah! Only to find however that my lovely attempt at making me beans on toast, sat at dining table eating slowly failed miserably and ended with me throwing it all back up!!!!! I can't believe I got through the whole first tri without being sick and now I can't eat a simple meal without either feeling like I'm about to immediately be sick or actually being sick! Doh! It's ruining OH dinner times too, he doesn't get how I can just come back and carry on eating!!! Should be fun, out to dinner with friends tonight and lunch with boss tomorrow! Hope she lets me digest it!!!!

Good luck with your appointments today, I'm not at midwife now until a week next Tuesday, I'll be 37 + 4 by then, ooops, supposed to go at 36 weeks but I'm on holiday next week.

I'm getting a little panicky about birth now, its getting mighty close. Doesn't help that I'm sat watching pregnancy and birth programs on day time TV!!! Might go shopping Friday to get those bits that are missing from my hospital bag.
oh dear MrsG - sickness sounds yucky! Is it just because your stomach is so much smaller do you think or is it reflux?

ahbon or isi - was just wondering what you had been told about when you might deliver the babies? The registrar has jsut totally put the woolies up me saying that in his experience, most twin mums go into natural labour by 36 weeks! I thought I had 8 weeks left and now I feel like I've been stripped of two! It's like being told you had ages left to prepare for that major exam but now actually you don't! or something! ahhhhh!

Otherwise, all still looking really good! Blood pressure good, iron levels good, twin weights good so still nothing exciting to report!

6 weeks????!!!!
The race is on then!!!! Me, Ahbon, mars!!!!!

It's all getting a bit close now!

Has cranberry found a new thread? Hope shes ok!

Everyone else doing ok?

Britt- you still holding on?
hello ladies, well I guess I get to say happy due date to me and not to DM as she has her precious beautiful Sophie already.
i think I had some contractions last night but cant be sure as I dont seem to have them now, mind you I do feel a bit achy- who knows :wacko: I have a dr's apt today and they will check me to see if anything is happening.

hope everyone is well
Ooooh happy due date, Britt! Apparently my body likes to evacuate a bit early! There's nothing I can say that won't make you want to punch me (nearly there, not long now, blah blah blah) so I will just shut up and wish you lots of luck xxx
Ha ha, my couple of hours at worked lasted from 10 til 6.45!!!! Boss took me for a nice lunch so had an enjoyable day.

Oh, apart from the doctors calling me mid my handover with my boss to advise that my urine results show an infection and I've got to pick up some antibiotics, got no idea but my face just burnt up, I must have been so red! Aaagghh! Why did I get some embarrassed?

Happy due date Britt, think you must have put a curse on her coming late, how late did you say she could be?

DM how's Sophie and Harry? Is Harry better?
Happy due date Britt, Hiya to everyone else xx

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