Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Yay for being home!!! We need pictures please.....

sigh.... more mad signs today. Have had a few watery gushes (cm? water?) and am having painful contractions but only every 10 minutes. Come on little girl..... give mummy a break!
awwwww DM, sounds like you are doing so well! Just one more weekend to go! It was strange hearing you sound nervous as you are always the calm collected one of the thread but is def understandable. I am so glad that they have put your mind at rest now and that you are looking forward to the day!

Britt - maybe your hunch is right and you really could go over?! I still think you will be next after DM though! Is your bag at least packed now?? :p

Awww ahbon, thanks for the update on maxxi, so lovely to hear that the boys are doing so well. Hope you're ok too and that the sickness and itching is still at bay!

MrsF - what a lvoely update! yay for being at home and settling in! *huggles*

MrsG - hope you enjoyed the day off! Not long until you can start taking it properly easy

cranberry - hope youre well hon - is it tomorrow that you hit the NCT sales again?

i just cannot believe how unbelievably happy I am at the moment. I seem to wander around just in a state of utter contentment. I love being pregnant soooo much!! <3

Hope all you ladies are well and looking forward to a nice weekend!
Mrs f you're making me so jealous, I so want my baby so I can have lots of snuggles! Glad you're enjoying being a mum, hows your oh coping, is he smitten to?

Mars - two more working days, Monday and Tuesday! Can't wait!

Britt you've always said she'll be late, not sure it works like that, I've always said I'd be early, now wishing I'd kept that quiet just in case!

DM you're coping very well, I'd have been in and out of the maternity ward 10 times by now, you're so cool at this!

Abhon, thanks for update on mm, hope she hasn't gone back to work, it must be so tough and scary x

Anyone else just incredibly lazy? It's twenty past 11 and I'm still in bed, was gonna go to aquanatal but can't be bothered, need to go shopping to buy oh some 3/4 shorts for his work thing tomorrow! Need to clean house from top to bottom as mum and dad are coming to stay tomorrow and have a pile of ironing! Plus still gotta pack that bag! Right, that's kicked my arse into gear, I'm getting up!
G it's only because of the logistics. We have Harry to sort out and I can't keep calling my parents out! Also I know exactly what they will be after. if my water HAS gone I will need to produce a soaked pad. If it is contractions they will want them established. Otherwise it goes on my notes as "niggles/braxton hicks" like the MW put on my notes yesterday at my pre op :dohh:

Which considering some of the ones today have had me crying out in pain seems rather an understatement! Anyway, it's all stopped again now. Just wish my body would give me a break. Her head is so far down I can barely stand up let alone walk.
Ah bless ya DM.

Aquanatal was good, really glad I got my arse in gear and went, shouldn't have laid in bed all morning, I'm seriously running out of time! Ironing done, nearly! Shopping for oh done, just gotta tidy up before 1030 tomorrow morning.

Anyone craving milk?
Hey ladies,
quick update from me. We had the u/s today and Kitten is perfect, all is well. Get this, they are guessing she is measuring a whooping 8 pounds already!! :shock: and I could still go over to 2.5 weeks, OMG!! She is still measuring days ahead so you have to wonder about the cycle, I really dont want them to have me go over in case the placenta stops working or something.
Legs are still in the 97% percentile, so she is going to be a tall little girl
and her head is only measuring 50% :thumbup:
she was so darn cute, practicing her breathing on u/s
her face was so chubby ahh :hugs: mind you she looked really squished
I am totally in love with her :cloud9:

MrsG- I crave milk all the time...

DM- no Sophie yet?
Oh my god Britt, you can't for over by 2.5 weeks, not if she's already measuring 8lb!

Well think I'm all ready for mum and dad, first time they'll see the nursery and first time I'll see the swing I bought!!!!!

I think I'm all shopped out and ready now! Just a couple of bits missing from my hospital bag like water spray, snacks, magazines - plus the bits I can't live without, iPod, staightners, make up etc and my going hone clothes, I'll chuck them in nearer the time!

I must have drunk 3l of milk in last 2 days, least it's good for me and baby! Better than fanta orange which I think has been my only other craving in the whole pregnancy!
yeah careful on the milk, I have drank it through my entire pregnancy and her legs are in the 97th percentile and an 8 pounder already, ha ha, good for the growth I guess :hugs:

have fun with the family
Hey all. My beautiful Sophie arrived on Friday evening! The contractions died off then stated up again at 5pm. At about half five we called the hosp who said come get checked. 7pm we got there and I was put on a trace that showed them at 10 mins apart. Dr came in and did internal and was 3cm. Taken down to theatre and Sophie was born at 8.53pm. :D
Ah well done DM, sounds like it all went well, congratulations to you all, bet you'll have your hands full now!

Britt, you're next! Then is it me?
DM - congratulations and I hope she brings you all you wish :hugs:

Mrs G I'm hot on your heels :happydance: anywhere in the next 5 weeks :wacko:
YAY!!!!! DM - many many congratulations on the safe arrival of sophie! Thats awesome news!!!! Whoop Whoop! And what a dink at 6-8! bless!!! how are you feeling hun?

wowsers ladies, the graduates are coming through now - britt - please tell me you have your bag packed now seeing as though it could be you next ;)

again, it is just a quicky, so apologies for not donig individual shout outs, but i do think of you all and send you my love - i'm just crazily excited for you as i know what's coming and how bloody fab it is!!!

Harry lost more than 10% of his birth weight which should have meant another hosptial admission, but our mw is lovely and felt we could bulk him up at home - so we've been on a 3 hourly feeding plan (breast feed, then formula top up) which has been great as we can do stuff around huim as he's on our schedule (not meaning that horribly or anything). sometimes he has a demand breastfeed (like we would have a cuppa, lol) in between times. Today we're spcing the feeds at 4 hours, so far so good :) i cannot describe the joy he has brought ladies, i know every baby is special, but there's something extra special about this little guy (and all miracle babies). dare i say it, he was well worth the wait - the 5 years we've waited have seemed to all disappeared and it's all about the present now :)

having trouble uploading some photos :( poop. will get DH on it x x x
DM - congratulations and I hope she brings you all you wish :hugs:

Mrs G I'm hot on your heels :happydance: anywhere in the next 5 weeks :wacko:

You'll be before me then, you're having two!!!!!

Anyone else suffering in this heat? Don't wish to complain but it's bloody uncomfortable!
Mrs f, I'm so glad it's everything you have waited for, I'm so happy for you and after a tough pregnancy you appear to have everything under control! Well done you!
Oh it's all gone quiet on here! Where's everyone?

Cranberry? Mars? Abhon? Britt?Anyone?

Just today and tomorrow at work for me then! Woo hoo, then we're away to Leeds this weekend followed by a week in Whitby, hope the weather holds, but not too hot as I struggled yesterday!
oooh, what an eventful weekend!

Congrats to your and your lovely family DM, Sophie looks absolutely beautiful. Sounds like you had a great experience too, hope the recovery is all going well too *hugs*

MrsF - you sounds absolutely blissed out and so you should be, how lovely after all those years *more hugs*

Britt - sounds like a great scan! Is that standard over there to do one so late in the pregnancy? I hope that kitten arrives soon for you if she really is as big as they're estimating!! Mine were showing as having really long legs in an early scan but they seem to have evened up now! Bet you can't wait to meet her and find out for real!

MrsG - yay for having your bag ready, must be reassuring to know that you're all prepared.

Can't believe how crap the weather is today after all that glorious sunshine yesterday! I even managed to go to the beach for a couple of hours for the first time this year - was lovely! Got a few great toys and bits from the carboot too - more bargains :D

Hope all you lovely ladies are well!
Hey all. re the heat yes I am suffering! I went the whole pregnancy without any swelling, now she's here my hands and feet look like inflatables!

We're doing well. She's feeding every 3 hours at the moment which is fine. I can live with that. She had been very alert but has spent most of the last 24 hours asleep. I guess my little girl finally drained her adrenaline supplies!

Britt get that bag packed ffs! Am starting to panic!

Mrs F glad your Harry is doing well (I shall call him little Harry from now on and mine will be big Harry pmsl). I know what you mean about scheduling. I'm not planning a garden party or anything but knowing roughly what time I will be able to get my lunch is a bonus!
Hi ladies, good to hear from you, of course I am here- not leaving!!
DM- sounds like you are in the swing of things, did BF come really easily the second time round?

and yes ladies I have packed my bag and babies bag :thumbup::haha: hee hee, definitely needed to get that done.

MrsG- yes you could be soon or Ahbon, I think twins is standard at 35 weeks isnt it? I just better be before you both :growlmad: hee hee

Mars- glad you got to enjoy the weather, its suppose to be beautiful and hot here all week- yeah!! so nice after a gruelling winter and crappy Spring.

oh and no its not common to get an u/s unless you are overdue here, I was sent for one because of my panic of decreased movement from Kitten and thats when they guesstimate her to be 8 pounds. I have to say, starting to get a bit worried about when she will make her debut, she isnt even engaged yet....agghh
i did wake up to a little foot sticking out, which I could grab this morning :cloud9:

oh DH are fighting a little less of names, here is the short list we are taking to the hospital. Opinion/favorites are welcome!

Britt, I thought you'd decided on piper? I kinda got used to that, the others are nice too though. We're waiting till she arrives to pick, I think once I see her I'll know! I'm sure you'll be the same.

DM glad you're doing ok, apart from the Michelin man look x

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