Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

oh no Yomo- I feel for you, any signs yet? Have you had an u/s? Hoping its soon :hugs:

MrsG- what the heck are you doing at work?? thought you were done. please relax and take it easy and the antibiotics should clear you up right away, poor thing

DM- how is Ms Sophie? thanks for the well wishes, ahh no worries I guess Sophie was ready and my little bambino is way too snug

so went to the dr's today and not great news, she could barely reach my cervix and its closed :dohh: so yeah no signs yet but she did say cramping was a good sign, so lets see if it turns into something.
they will let me go us late as NEXT Monday...agggh
but so far, booked in for a sweep on Monday and then U/S on Friday to check the baby, if there are concerns they will induce me then if not induction Sunday or Monday...lets hope she decides to come on her own first...if people are counting the dates than yes thats 10 days away still that I could be pregnant
:hugs: to everyone
oooh Britt, I hope she comes of her own accord before you have to be induced, I'm sure things can change pretty quickly so fingers crossed for you *hugs*

DM - hope everyone's still settling in to the new routine ok and that Harry is feeling a bit better

MrsG - blimey that was a work day and a half! Hope that you're done properly now and that the infection clears up quickly!

yomo - wow, you must be ready for it all to start now! Fingers crossed not too much longer!

I'm still plodding along although boob leakage (from one boob!) is going insane! Only two weeks left at work for me after today and leaving a bit early today for DHs works barbecue - now where did I put that 'hands off the bump' tee??! :p
oh no Yomo- I feel for you, any signs yet? Have you had an u/s? Hoping its soon :hugs:

MrsG- what the heck are you doing at work?? thought you were done. please relax and take it easy and the antibiotics should clear you up right away, poor thing

DM- how is Ms Sophie? thanks for the well wishes, ahh no worries I guess Sophie was ready and my little bambino is way too snug

so went to the dr's today and not great news, she could barely reach my cervix and its closed :dohh: so yeah no signs yet but she did say cramping was a good sign, so lets see if it turns into something.
they will let me go us late as NEXT Monday...agggh
but so far, booked in for a sweep on Monday and then U/S on Friday to check the baby, if there are concerns they will induce me then if not induction Sunday or Monday...lets hope she decides to come on her own first...if people are counting the dates than yes thats 10 days away still that I could be pregnant
:hugs: to everyone

Hi Hun,

Had loads of BH and lost my plug but nothing other than that still waiting :wacko:

Not had a US I am booked to be induced on Monday at 10am xx
Yomo, Britt - looking close now, are you scared?

Well, no work today and I'm a bit bored, been googling this am, now got an hour to kill before aquanatal! 2 loads of washing done and on line. Got to pack this afternoon for Leeds and Whitby, will need to iron too :-(

Just found out that the hospital in Whitby is only minor injuries, so the nearest is Scarborough which is over half an hour, hopefully baby will stay put!!!!

Think I'll take hospital bags and car seat just in case!
Yomo - hope baby comes for you soon! x

Britt - you too - hope your little girl comes soon! x

Mrs G - how are you feeling? x

MM - has it hit how it's all happening soon yet? haha xx

DM - how's life with another one then? I'm still panicing re staying in hospital and c-section but the more I talk to nurses/midwifes about it they all recommend I have it really.

Mrs F - how are you doing? x

All ok here - had my liver scan on wednesday only to find out that's fine but I have gallstones too.......... is there something I don't get whilst pregnant?!?!?! lol The girls are fine - kicking off against the monitoring the little monsters! haha my OC (liver ezyme levels) have gone up again so on stronger meds now - they sounded like they were going to get me back today but I managed to say I'm back on monday anyway ..... just gotta get to 27th.......
oh Ahbon, you poor thing, hope it gets sorted out soon but glad the twinnies are doing good- yeah! must be so flippin cool to see them on u/s

MrsG- not scared as much as I know its going to hurt like he#l but want to get it over and done with, cant wait to meet my little girl....anxious now for sure. One of the girls in my class looked just like me, with a due date a day later and she brought her little girl into the class...I was soooo jealous

Ahbon, I'm doing fine thanks, got my ironing finally done and ready for a rest now!! Gonna have half hour, then put clothes away and pack. Woo hoo holiday time, I am missing going abroad though, but hopefully weather will be nice and oh will let me chill out!

Aquanatal was good again, bit energetic today but nice to be in the pool and also to mix with other mums to be.

Britt, glad you're ok and not scared, I'm starting to get a bit nervous now, not at the prospect of being a mum and the huge responsibility (don't think I've thought that far ahead!) but about the birth! From being a teenager I was always petrified of labour and birth, my friends say that by the time I get to 40 weeks, I won't care, I'll just want her out!

Ahbon, what have you got to do with your gallstones, I've heard they can be quite painful, fingers crossed yours ate nice and small!

Any updates from our yummy mummy's? Or are your hands too full now!
Hey all, am still alive!

Sophie is doing really well. She actually put ON weight in her first week where she would normally be expected to lose, so very proud of her!

Ahbon I wouldn't worry about the hospital stay. I was in for three nights with Harry, two with Sophie. You're generally completely off your tits on adrenaline and endorphines for the whole stay anyway - I slept for 20 minutes the first night! Actually there are benefits to a longer stay in that you always have somebody on hand to answer all those early questions.

G just remember when youre feeling scared that whatever happens, it will be the BEST and most memorable day of your life.

Yomo and Britt I am thinking lovely dilating thoughts for you :rofl:
hey DM, glad everything is going well with little Sophie. How are you finding BF second time round?

well day 2 of being overdue :wacko: operation eviction has officially begun already. Tried long walks, stairs, spicy food- maybe try sex tonight but DH has been really under the weather so thats not fair if he isnt better....
having a sweep on MOnday....having some BH but big whoop, just tightening of the stomach the cramping I had 2 days ago is completely gone :growlmad:
this girl is going to be 9 pounds, you guys should see me, I am MASSIVE!!
Ah but I was mahoosive and she's a tiddler!

Apparently the only things that have any scientific basis for working are orgasm and semen deposit. Shame.... :winkwink:
Ah but I was mahoosive and she's a tiddler!

Apparently the only things that have any scientific basis for working are orgasm and semen deposit. Shame.... :winkwink:

thanks, my DH is too sick to dtd I think :(
I think I may be loosing my plug, so hopefully thats a good sign...
Good Luck Britt!!!!!

I'm sat in my hotel room in Leeds, OH out on his stag do! Saw him 3.5 hrs ago and he'd already had 8 pints, divorce may be on cards! LOL

Decided that it would be best to bring hospital bag etc with us inc. car seat. Tried to put car seat in car but it was a pain in the arse so it's going back and I'm getting an isofix base, about £150 more but I think worth it after the piss around today, also my decision was based on the fact that my car didn't have isofix and that thats the one that would be used most and today I found out that it does! So been looking on internet and Mothercare do pricematch so I think I'll visit them tomorrow.
evening ladies :flower:

apologies for sporadic postings, i'm absolutely drained!!! Harry & I are doing well now, he's finally putting weight on after agreeing to top up his bf with formula, so we now have 60ml bf and 60ml formula each feed (4 hourly). i decided to express as i dont think we were doing it properly and he was on for up to 2 hours at a time. feel much better about it now knowing exactly how much he's getting.

i'm still anaemic too and sore from surgery but it is getting better. am just so drained all the time, but am forcing myself to eat fish and meats everyday to build up some energy :sleep:

yomo & britt - have i read right yr both being induced tomorrow?? yay!!! good luckk guys, i will be thinking of you :)

mm, abhon, mrs-g, cranberry, isi, x x x how are you ladies? x x x

dm - you sound so calm and collected mrs, please share yr secret!!!! i think i'm getting the hang of it now, just trying to get some sleep between feeds - my house has never been so hairy what with all the dog and cat hair!!!!

well, off to express another batch for DH's 2am shift, speak soon ladies, much love and thoughts x x x
Don't want to sound like a pain in the arse know it all (something I personally can't bear!) but Sophie's been doing the feeding for hours at a time thing too (7 bloody hours one day!) it's just cluster feeding and only lasts a couple of days. It's babys way of getting your milk in. When you top up with formula you won't produce any extra milk. xxx
:hugs: dm, youre not a pain in the arse, it's nice to hear others experiences and wisdom - one thing i dont have x x i am able to express more than 60ml at a time so i can stockpile, which is good, and i feel more assured he's getting the right stuff from both bf and formula, especially as i'm not feeling too healthy - i was worried that my milk was all volume and no quality -noone has ever said about the clusterfeeding before :( x x x x
Oh dear, it all sounds very complicated, I've got my heart set on breast feeding, I hope I can manage it, might just have to get some formula in just in case!!!

Well I'm in Whitby now, OH tried to kill us off earlier walking so I'm now soooo tired.

OH told me today that he wants to buy me an eternity ring as a joint wedding anniversary and baby birth present, I was looking and if she is born in July, her birthstone will be Ruby, which is also one of my shortlisted names, but seeing how she is due on 29th I don't think that'll happen, but thought if it did it might be nice to have a ruby eternity ring.

Also OH says we can upgrade our phones so hopefully we can get an Iphone tomorrow, woo hoo!!!

Good Luck Yomo and Britt tomorrow, thats if nothing has happened this weekend.
hey ladies good to hear some chatter.
MrsF- Harry is gorgeous, glad you are feeling a bit more human, hopefully more milk comes in so you dont have to FF at all soon.

Actually I think Yomo is being induced but they wouldnt induce me for another week agghh....I am just going for a check and membrane sweep tomorrow.
gosh I want my baby so bad, so jealous of all the ladies that have had theirs already :baby:
nobody told me either so when H started doing it at about 5 weeks I just assumed that I wasn't producing enough and put him on the bottle. This time Sophie did it while I was in hospital - literally a whole day on the boob. I called in a MW, desperate for advice and hoping she would justify me using a dummy and she just said "she's just getting your milk going, you just have to put up with it" which infuriated me but the next day my boobs were lovely and heavy and she was having big long gulpy feeds every 3-4 hours. They have growth spurts at set times I think and around those times (4 days when your milk comes in, 10 days, 6 weeks, 10 weeks from the top of my head) they will cluster feed for a couple of days then settle back down again. It's not much fun but I found it really helpful to know that it's normal, it will stop and they ARE getting enough. :hugs:
Oh and as for quality of the milk, as long as you're letting him empty one boob completely before you move him onto the second one, he'll be getting plenty. Your body prioritises the baby so it takes all the goodness from you and puts it into your milk. Just make sure he's getting all the fatty hind milk at the back of your boob and not just the watery stuff at the beginning of the feed.

It sounds complicated and I remember how confused I was when I had Big Harry and it didn't work but nobody told me about the growth spurts or the cluster feeding. The way they had me holding him (under my arm like a rugby ball - supposedly best with big boobs) made me feel constantly exposed and I just felt like a failure. This time round I have had much simpler advice. I can nurse Sophie in my arms and am feeling a lot more confident that I am meeting her needs. I hope you can get him back on the boob (assuming thats the way you want to go) cos it will be soooo much easier for you than expressing then feeding. XXXX

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