TTBaby - I had IB before with number 4 -literally was only a brown CM streaked gloop (lol don't know how better to describe it haha) - am sure it was about a week before AF due too, if you are generally very regular then 6 days early would be odd, fingers crossed for you; and your chart looks good (although in my opinion, charts ALWAYS look good until AF arrives lol -sorry, just my experience lol)
It's hard not to get our hopes up though isn't it? I am CD11 after the strangest 'period' ever. Normally 5 days medium to heavy flow, this month 1-2 days brown to light red spotting (much more than I would expect for IB ) and today I am nauseous, bloated, crampy and have achey pelvis and sore back so totally start questioning if last period WAS period or something else lol
Keep me away from those HPT's -but for you, I would say possible- wait a few days for Hcg to rise and test