Kat - I was thinking about you this morning. Hope the IUI went well today!
Awww, thanks!
Well, I think it went well! Unfortunately, the lab is closed on Saturdays, so though they can do the sperm wash, etc, they can't give me hard #'s. They do look at it carefully through a microscope and are familiar enough with that to offer a ballpark number. They said it looks to be about 25-30 mil post wiash, which is what he was last month (with a 99% motility). So we're pleased with those numbers. They let us look in the microscope, too! Very cool
So now I'm home, feeling a little crampy on the left (which is where I had two juicy follies). Now I waaaaaait for two weeks and try hard not to symptom spot...especially since I did Bravelle and had the trigger, which totally can give you preg symptoms the whole TWW.