August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

Good luck Aayla!

I love slimming world too - lost just over 4 stone (61lbs) in 11 months in the run up to my wedding a few years ago. It truly is the easiest 'diet' in the world as pretty much nothing is off the menu. Only downside for me was the amount of cooking from scratch and with a full time job and 3 hours of commuting daily, it took a bit of getting used to.

But I work much closer to home now so as soon as baby is born, I'm back on it X

Sorry I've not been around much ladies, things have been so manic - my 20w scan yesterday and all seems well, just need to go back in a fortnight to get a better view of the heart chambers (baby flipped round when the sonographer was half way through so she was struggling to see the right side).

Plus DS had his 30m check today and aced it! Was so worried about it because his speech seemed a bit garbled sometimes but the HV said e did amazingly well.

AAAND - been mega busy tidying and touching up paintwork because our house is going on the market next week. Eeek! It's all going on 🙈
That's fantastic Mrs Mac, I keep saying I'll go back soon but I still feel that I need to eat rubbish to get through the day!

Wow to 20 week already! That's literally flown hasn't it? Glad all looks ok even though baby was being shy. Least you get another peek at him!

Well done to Ben!

Oh exciting about the move! I'm still in 2 minds whether to move or stay, wish I could make up my mind. Are you staying local or is it a big move? Xx
Thanks, yeah it's starting to go quite quickly now! Hopefully get some decent pics next time, the ones from yesterday are pretty rubbish.

We're hoping to stay in the same town but all depends how quickly we sell this place and what's available at the time - 3 bed semis tend to go really quickly round this area and I'm not prepared to pay over the odds. Most important things are schools and a garden! X
Slimming world isn't big here. I had never hears of it until this forum. And I have usually heard of almost every diet, even in passing.

Unfortunately with insulin resistance it isn't possible to eat like that. It does sound great and for those with no issues having a plan where you don't have to deprive yourself is awesome.

Right now I am following Hammer & Chisel, a Beachbody program. The nutrition plan is amazing. I get 6 servings of veggies, 6 servings of protein, 4 fruit, 4 complex carb, 1 healthy fat, 1 for sauces and 6 tsp of healthy oils. I find it hard to eat most of it most days. If I am a little under I don't stress. I usually end up cutting out fruit. So it is fairly low carb.

And what us most awesome is the exercise is counteracting the awful emotional side effects of the Provera.
That's wonderful about your scan. Did you find out sex? If not will you or are you team yellow?
You totally have my sympathy Aayla, losing weight with insulin probs is really tough - I have insulin resistance issues too, I have PCOS and type 2 diabetes runs through my family, so I totally understand the whole carbs and fibrous fruit issue!

SW for me was more about better understanding portion sizes and the nasty stuff in processed foods.

The one thing I now never go without is coconut oil. If you're not familiar with the benefits, you should look it up. It's really changed my body shape and helped a lot with hormonal/adrenal probs.

Whatever you're doing, I hope it works out for you!

Re the scan - we had it confirmed that we're having another boy. We're delighted! Kinda had a feeling we were team blue and DS keeps referring to baby as 'my brother' so it felt like we were having another boy from the start. X
YAY FOR TEAM BLUE!! I totally want a boy. I love little suits and bow ties.

I love coconut oil. I totally need to pick up more. almost out. lol I love to cook with it but I limit the amount because it can change the flavor but it's great when I make a curry as that already has coconut in it. I love to put it into my Shakeology or smoothies. It's the only oil I use now. sometimes if I haven't added oils to anything (cause sometimes I don't make anything that requires it) I have just eaten it to get my oils in. Hubby thinks I am weird. :haha:

How is everyone else doing?

I'm feeling fantastic. These workouts are great and I'm feeling better every day. I'm glad March is over. I'll be more happy when April is over but each day I cross off the calendar is one day closer to my IUI.
It's amazing stuff, I couldn't live without it! I agree though, it doesn't go well with some things especially eggs :sick:

Glad you're feeling healthy and motivated, keep going - each lb is one step closer to baby! X
Hey ladies how are you all??

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, been super busy buying a house which we move into at the end of the month :) So excited about a new place, but also it's in another town (about 50 km's away from where we are now) so I need to organise my daughter to go to a new pre-school and then start at a school in September and so on. The bonus is, it's double the size of our current house, so definately room for baby number two! ;)
Whenever baby two comes haha just thought I better add that as it looked quite cryptic like that...Not pregnant yet!
Congratulations mrsmac, team blue that's amazing :)

So I had my appointment today they didn't find anything wrong with me! Which I'm kind of annoyed with but I know it's good news. On a good note they did say I could take aspirin with the next pregnancy. The doctor was lovely and I feel a bit more confident about trying again. So... I think I'm going to TTC again *gulp*. Nervous isn't the word haha. My period should have been yesterday but still not sign took a test but it was negative... Wasn't really trying this month but want to know where my period is flip sake. Hope everyone is well :) xx
This is good to hear Vicky. I know sometimes you almost want a reason so that you can 'fix' it, but good news means that you shouldn't be at any higher risk of another.
Good luck for ttc! I'm sure they'll keep a close eye on you x
This is good to hear Vicky. I know sometimes you almost want a reason so that you can 'fix' it, but good news means that you shouldn't be at any higher risk of another.
Good luck for ttc! I'm sure they'll keep a close eye on you x
Hey loraloo thank you. Just wish there was a magic pill.. But don't we all. Well the doctor said I'd be high risk and will be scanned often. Hope you and your beautiful sticky bean are doing well :).
Keep it up Aayla.

Kakae, congratulations. Hope you sort out everything about preschool and moving goes smoothly with you.

Vicky, Glad everything is fine on health matter. And really great to know that you would be monitored and are allowed to take medication. Finger crossed for you sweety.

Afm, nothing much to report here. Just having waking up episodes in middle of night and then cannot go back to sleep. Nature's way of preparing me?
Thanks! I'm already losing weight. Not quite at the pace I wanted but yesterday was a rest day from the plan and it specifically says not to work out as I now have 6 days on of working out. So when I don't work out I tend to stay the same. I had a day out with my best friend, I tried Bubble tea for the first time, we had sushi and did some shopping. It was a great day. Today was an even better day. Spent the day with hubby walking around town, went clothes shopping for him and tried out this new bistro. Very hipster and good food. A little too much money for us so we won't go there again but it was nice to try it.

So curious thing happened. Had some spotting today. Not sure why as the provera is supposed to keep my period at bay. I haven't missed a pill (but I will count them to be sure). If it continues I will be calling the doc to see what they want me to do. May go in early for a biopsy or I may be able to take the femara on my own and not do an IUI cycle right away.

I hope you don't mind me joining this group. I really need some friendly advice from women in a similar position.

I recently suffered a MMC in February - I've had one period since and I ovulated right on time this month which was very reassuring. I took a random FRER on 20th just after my period ended and I'm certain it was negative. I also took one just a few days ago and same again - negative.

For the last few days I've suspected I'm pregnant as had painful boobs, tingly nipples, heartburn and bleeding gums and since yesterday morning (I think 8dpo) I've been able to produce these lines on 4 FRER tests. I'm 9dpo today and I guess a little over 24hrs since I got my first line. Do these lines look good for 9dpo and would you expect to see little change in the space of 24-30 hours? Do they look positive to you? They were definitely reddy/pink. I tried a clear blue digital and got "not pregnant". I just don't want to get my hopes up and be so disappointed!

Your advice would be very much appreciated as I'm driving myself mad slowly xx


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Hi Claire,

Welcome and sorry for your loss. That's great that you ovulated on time right afterwards.

I can't see a line, I'm terrible with things like this, but if you see one irl and its pink and you're sure your HCG has fallen then hopefully it's the start of a BFP x
Hi Claire- I do see a line. Keep testing and good luck!

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