CD1 today I don't think I'm going to carry on ttc. Its too hard now to even think it will happen, I'm done obsessing about it. What will be will be, but I can't go on in this head space of waiting to ovulate then waiting to test. Then repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Sorry if this sounds overly dramatic but I'm so freaking tired of giving it 'one more month'. Then one more freaking month. And then another. And so on. Pregnancy announcements (in real life, not here I promise) kill me. Seriously I have that horrible sinking feeling in my stomach reading them. And then I feel terrible because they aren't on my journey, they aren't to know nor should they. Its my issue and I've got to take a break or be done as its tearing me apart. I shall cheer you all on from the sidelines still, its only through this group that I've stayed as long as I have so thank you all for your support xx