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August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

Oh, also looks like I'm going to have to cancel tomorrow's scan as hubby has just dropped it on me that he's working 😣
That's not good Lora loo.

I've just done a hcg and ovulation test. Would you count the pregnancy test as negative? It probably would be if it was a frer?

I did the ovulation test as I had some ewcm but I reckon it's darker due to a bit of hcg still in the system


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Pretty darn close. I can see the line sort of. It's a squinter for sure. But if you had taken it to get a bfp then I would tell you to test again to be sure. lol So I count those as negative.
So I talked to my doc's assistant. She wanted to book me in on Oct 13! I asked her if I was meant to miss the next cycle and she asked when I was due. I told her anywhere from 2-7 days. She got me in on Wednesday! So it doesn't look like I will be missing the next cycle unless the biopsy comes back with an issue (which I doubt...my original gyno doc said that getting pregnant can actually fix this issue but I know the docs just want to be sure).

So now I wait for af to arrive!!
It's still a bit positive Beary, mine was like that for around a week before it went completed negative.

Aayla glad your Dr brought it forward, thats good news!

So hubby's goig to ust take an hour off work and meet me at hospital n wait outside with kids, makes it a bit easier x
I got the call Im over the moon everything looks great, I prayed on it I couldn't wait to start again. I start my letrozole (Femara) tomorrow night and go back for another scan Thursday.
Argh I just spent ages catching up with posts, typed a huge reply to everyone then wiped it off by accident before it posted!!! :dohh:
Some good news on the posts tonight!

Glad you got an earlier appointment Ayala and you will be able to go to your scan Lora!

Iloveme - that's great news! Good luck, here's hoping for another BFP soon!

Afm, I've had some really horrible sharp cramps that come and go (defo not implantation and had a BFN today) I really really hope AF is just round the corner, it's driving me mad! Xx
Just catching up, thread moves so fast!

Kandl, that message would have creeped me out!

Vicky, bless you hun :hugs: you are one of the lucky ones who got pregnant straight after :) It gives me hope xx

Lora - I'm confused, is it AF? I hope your scan goes ok tomorrow, glad your OH could take time off to look after the kids.

Great news Aayla and iloveme!!

How is everyone doing? Are we going to get a list of testing dates going soon? Anything to help.pass time!

AF is due in about 4 days. Got bloating, really uncomfortable. Before we started ttc#2 I wanted a September baby but we missed the boat and then it ended up taking months to get pregnant. We weren't' expecting that because we got pregnant 1st cycle with #1. I would still like an autumn baby, but would just like to be pregnant asap now. The baby we lost would have been due 7 days after my daughter's 3rd birthday - 18 years down the line we could have had an 18th and 21st birthday to celebrate in the same week! I was nervous/excited about the dates being close but I have accepted it just was not meant to be and accepted it's for the best. Xx
The bleeding joo? Don't think so- it stopped after an hour yesterday. I've basically bled 5/7 weeks now. Nothing today though.

Getting few ovary twinges but I was like this for a week leading up to ovulation last time, hoping for a + at some point next week!

Mrsmac hope she shows her face soon so you can get it over and done with and start afresh- I think these early 'where the hell am I at in my cycle' days are the worst! It's the not knowing!

Aww joo, here's hoping you get a late summer/ early autumn baby! Are you going to test or wait it out?

My 2 youngest william and alice share a birthday 2 years apart (6th nov) so we will have a 16th/18th when they're older! 😃
Well let's hope that's it for the bleeding then Lora :) i agree, the not knowing where we are in the cycle is a total pain in the ass.

I am.waiting it out, but don't think we did enough as only DTD twice, may be 3 times around ovulation (if it happened). X
Random, but is anyone else viewing on iPhone and the page keeps expanding to massive proportions so you can't read without scrolling across?! Can't decide if ta a problem with my iPhone or the site! X
I am either on my computer or my android. No issues with me
Mrs Mac mine did that yesterday on and off- annoying!
So I've been for scan. Hubby was supposed to meet me there to wait with kids and never arrived 😠 must have forgot!

Scan was fine, said lining was thin and smooth so whatever came out must have been all of it. Such a relief. Totally forgot to ask where I was in cycle as was too busy wTching kids!

When we got home Amy told Ollie the lady had been checking Mummy's baby was ok 😔 bless her
Hey ladies. I'm on my iPhone too and I've been having the same issues. Not today tho hopefully it got fixed :) glad to hear your scan went well loraloo
Hey ladies x hope ur all well?

Lora that is soo fab ur lining is thin and u can get ur cycle back again x

Mrs Mac hope it's af for u it's so annoying waiting for it to get back to normal!

Joo good luck hope u did enuf and ur our second rainbow x everything crossed for u hun

Aayla and Ilove Harrah for some good news!

Kandl hope u reported that twatty bloke hun x

Sweety, beary, fairycat and anyone else I missed hope ur all ok xx

I'm gonna rant now for a minute and apologise straight away for GROSS yucky post!! Sorry! I am soo fed up of bleeding it started lightly Tuesday and then cramps and heavy from Weds. After the mc and bleeding so long after it all just seems so physical and never ending. Yesterday at work I felt something coming out of me & I thought I was gonna throw up when I looked at it was this 1.5cm square lump of solid god knows what placenta stuff. Soo disgusting Uggh! Once I got over the shock I thought great that's the retained bit and bleeding should ease off now but it's still really heavy today aaaaaggghhhh!! I've just had enuf of all this physical shut! When is it gonna be over ..... Sorry rant over now phew! Sorry again for tmi xxxx
Sunshine that's exactly what happened to me last week! Hopefully that's it for you now. Seems never ending doesn't it? X

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