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August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

It's awful isn't it Lora I've just had enuf now! How long did ur bleeding last hun after the stuff came out? Was it still heavy like mine is? Did it ease off then? Sorry for 50 questions hun -- u had a good scan today didn't u so there is hope that that might be it soon and I might get my body back finally ..
I started spitting on the Monday night, passed the tisdue wed night followed by heavy bleeding, and stopped the following Thursday. So 10/11 days 😐 but I think some of that was AF bleeding too. So confusing but yes, it's better out than in and hopefully it's just your body getting the lining shed for the next cycle! X
Thanks Lora gives me a bit of hope that it will be over soon xxx hope ur ok hun xx
So sorry to hear sunshine, I really hope this ends for you soon.

I'm a bundle of nerves right now, my mind is on overdrive thinking about this pregnancy and if it's going to be successful or not. I'm driving myself crazy. 😢
Hope the drs do bloods or a scan to reassure you Vicky- can you self refer to epu at your hospital? Can't at mine.

Hubby didn't make it to work as an alarm went off. When that happens it goes into lock down and nobody can leave or enter. Annoying but never mind we managed.

Plans for tonight ladies? Glass of code and X factor for me I think (please tell me it's not rugby again?) I know how to live the high life! 😄

Had a bit of cm tonight n ovary twinging so think ovulation may happen next week!
Oh ffs just checked, it is as well!
Thanks loraloo know you need a GP referral in my local EPC 😔 No plans for me tonight... Wee movies sounds good x
Lora loo - is this your first af since mc that is 10\11 days?

I still am getting bleeds\ clotting and am day 12 after mc - does that sound right?
Lora loo - is this your first af since mc that is 10\11 days?

I still am getting bleeds\ clotting and am day 12 after mc - does that sound right?

It is. I bled for around 3.5 weeks after the loss (I was 15 weeks) i then had around 10 bleed free days, then 11 days bleeding. My Af is usually 5 days so think it was a mix of post mc bleeding and AF!
It is the afternoon here still but my plans are to shop for a present for a 1 year old and spend time with my best friend working on my Christmas album. I am a singer and with all of what has been going on we are behind schedule to get it out for mid November. Not even at the recording stage yet. He also has major personal stuff going on. But we are finally able to get together to work on it. Not sure if it will happen for this season. I may be able to release a few songs but not the whole album. We shall see.
Oh man...am I ever bitchy. When I am able to notice how bitchy I am and how I can feel the anger flowing through me (unjustified anger) then af is usually not far behind. If she could take a few more days that would be great. I would like to be in it during the biopsy. It makes it far less painful. But I will welcome her with open arms when she does come.

I am thinking of doing a written journal of everything. Symptoms, temps and stuff. I find that FF just doesn't have everything I feel. I will still record temps on there to better see the shift but I think a written journal would be something o could look back on easier.
Oh man...am I ever bitchy. When I am able to notice how bitchy I am and how I can feel the anger flowing through me (unjustified anger) then af is usually not far behind. If she could take a few more days that would be great. I would like to be in it during the biopsy. It makes it far less painful. But I will welcome her with open arms when she does come.

I am thinking of doing a written journal of everything. Symptoms, temps and stuff. I find that FF just doesn't have everything I feel. I will still record temps on there to better see the shift but I think a written journal would be something o could look back on easier.

Have you thought about a journal on here? I have one n it helps to refer back on with symptoms etc x
Sunshine, it will all be over soon :hugs:

Glad your scan went well, Lora! FX for ovulation next week xx

Vicky, I'm sure everything will be fine. I completely understand why you're so nervous though. In my area we have to be referred to the EPAU by GP, or we can self refer if we have had 3 or more losses. I know it's down to funding and they have to priotritise, but I wish we could just get seen though, it's worrying for anyone after a loss, regardless of how many.

Aayla I get rage issues before my period. I am on a facebook group for mums and someone asked for things to take for really bad pms. Magnesium, b6 and evening primrose were all suggested. Haven't tried any yet. Have you tried anything for it? X
Sunshine, it will all be over soon :hugs:

Glad your scan went well, Lora! FX for ovulation next week xx

Vicky, I'm sure everything will be fine. I completely understand why you're so nervous though. In my area we have to be referred to the EPAU by GP, or we can self refer if we have had 3 or more losses. I know it's down to funding and they have to priotritise, but I wish we could just get seen though, it's worrying for anyone after a loss, regardless of how many.

Aayla I get rage issues before my period. I am on a facebook group for mums and someone asked for things to take for really bad pms. Magnesium, b6 and evening primrose were all suggested. Haven't tried any yet. Have you tried anything for it? X

When I had a panic when preg with Alice epu said I could ring anytime even if it was just for a chat but they'd scan me. Just knowing that reassured me but I still never get confident enough to do it.

I wish there was easer access to maternity services 😣
I have thought about a journal on here. Also, maybe someone who reads it will know they are not alone if they have similar feelings.

I haven't taken anything for it. Usually hubby can make me feel better but I haven't seen him yet today. Going for a late lunch with him so that should be better. I will look into those things though. Thanks.
I feel so sad tonight 😣 it's not helped that Ollie and Any are sleeping out. It's only the 5th time Amy has slept out. I don't like chsnge when it comes to the kids/ it sets my anxiety off and makes me extra paranoid, so much that I'm too scared to check on Alice.

I feel really sad tonight. I'm doing the project heal thingy on fb as its baby loss awareness month- ive been flicking through my pics for tomorrow's task and have come across loads of my bump pics. I want my bump back :( I feel incomplete without my bump snd a baby wriggling inside me.
How is everyone today? I'm as fed up as I was last night- really down in the dumps today!
Not had chance to have a proper catch up with the whole thread yet, been so busy at work last few days. Just saw your two posts Lora, hope you're ok, sorry to hear you're down. Have the kids come back today? My DD was having her first sleepover at my mum's last night, she's stayed at MIL's a few times, and my mum has looked after her at ours loads, but she's never actually stayed there so it feels strange. She's only had to stay at MIL's due to our work as me and DH both work overnight sometimes, and MIL lives over an hour away so it's easier for her to stay there if we're working late. I last saw DH and DD early yesterday morning, won't see either of them again until Tuesday evening due to how our shifts have fallen. So feeling a bit rubbish here too, coz I'm missing them on top of working long hours and feeling generally rubbish lately!

Is there anything else in particular bothering you at the moment? I can totally relate to the whole empty feeling, I feel that too, and like a complete failure as I can't even do what I'm meant to do naturally as a woman, feel like I've really let DH down with the loss as if it's all my fault.

I'm 6dpo today and having AF cramps even though AF should be another week away, so feeling a bit fed up about that too!
Yeah they're back. Amys only slept out a couple of times- the first time when she was 5. Williams slept out once and Alice never. I find it too hard.

Possibly the time of year- it's Eves birthday next month. Other than that I'm just being a miserable cow I think!

Your chart looks fantastic btw! X
Sorry you were feeling down Lora :flower: and sorry your were feeling bitchy aayla :rofl: hope you're both feeling a bit perkier today!

Ladies, I still haven't got AF. Anyone else not since mc? Thats 42 days. I'm getting so fed up waiting for AF to arrive. I just want to get back to normal :cry:

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