August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

Wtf?! Who is that KandI? Someone you know? Regardless, I would report it - I'm not exactly sure what he means but even using that word is suspicious/worrying.

Bubbles, sorry you've been upset by more announcements. I think it will be a while before I don't personally feel a little bit of sadness inside when I see an announcement (as well as happiness for the person!)

But off piste but I had a really awful dream last night that I randomly went to the toilet and had a full blown mc again out of nowhere. Was so upsetting. Damn hormones/cheese before bed!

Hope everyone's ok this morning. Beary, did your bleeding stop again? Xx
I feel so different from everyone else here. My fertility journey has been very public. Everyone in my facebook land knows everything. From the first doctor visit 5 1/2 years ago up to my miscarriage. It's not always easy and I have had to drop from FB for a few months at a time. I lost some friends. I had a bad year and a half where I was on a high dose of progesterone in order to try and get rid of the hyperplasia (which made me practically psychotic). All the while a hysterectomy was looming as I had a high chance of getting uterine cancer. In that year and a half I dealt with 14...14!! different pregnancies around me. I was angry and bitter and not a good person. And when I came back to FB I let it all out. I let everyone know why I was the way I was.

and so I keep going on with being public. Everyone knew right away I was pregnant (I couldn't stop that train even if I wanted to lol) and as soon as it was confirmed I told everyone about the miscarriage. it was simple and short and a to the point status update. some people pm'd me, some just expressed their sorrow on my page. I have cried (I still do) and I have grieved (I still do) and I sometimes snuggle the little eyeore stuffy I bought for him/her. this time I have found out 1 person I know is pregnant, 1 person's wife is pregnant and 1 person just gave birth (her second through ivf). My best friend is actively trying as well and we are normally about 1-2 weeks apart in ovulation. I am her walking ttc dictionary. I am helping her right along. I have another friend overseas who is trying and also has fertility issues. I told her to tell me right away if she gets pregnant. I bask in the joy of this miracle of creating life.

I must admit it has been hard to read the posts today. I understand and I don't understand. I get why people want to be secretive about it but I don't understand being bitter towards people who have no idea you are going through anything at all. I am of the mind that fertility issues needs to be heard. I think more woman need to speak up. People think that it just comes so naturally and so quickly. It seems that it's portrayed that way. Oops, had sex for the very first time on our honeymoon and get pregnant. Wait that one year and as soon as she is off bc, it happens. Get drunk at a party, forgot to take your bc for a few days...woops.

people's lives do go on while we are still here. And as it should be. I am only 4 weeks from when I first started bleeding. I am about done with people asking me if I am okay. I just want to move past it. I will never forget but I don't want everyone else to keep on with it. I want to make plans that don't revolve around my possibly being pregnant. I will deal with that when it comes. I will ttc until it happens. As long as I am not away from hubby for any length, the rest is gravy.

but these are just my midnight ramblings. We all grieve and process and continue on in our own way. No one way is right or wrong. It just is and we just are.
I am so glad she is finally here after playing hide and seek for 3days. I am gonna try ovulation strips this time when they arrive hopefully will be able to make it in time.

I read many posts but, it's really difficult to keep up. Just gonna say feel better everyone. And tomorrow will bring opportunities for you.

Mrsmac, I didn't want to rule it out but, it's just my intuition was telling me it's not pregnancy by any chance.Thanks for info though.

kandl, it's better to keep it the way you guys want it. None of there business.

Bubbles, I saw that post on fb. So true!

Anyone tracking ovulation and due to o around 16-18th?
Wtf?! Who is that KandI? Someone you know? Regardless, I would report it - I'm not exactly sure what he means but even using that word is suspicious/worrying.

Bubbles, sorry you've been upset by more announcements. I think it will be a while before I don't personally feel a little bit of sadness inside when I see an announcement (as well as happiness for the person!)

But off piste but I had a really awful dream last night that I randomly went to the toilet and had a full blown mc again out of nowhere. Was so upsetting. Damn hormones/cheese before bed!

Hope everyone's ok this morning. Beary, did your bleeding stop again? Xx

That is scary dream Mrsmac and upsetting too. Have you started tracking ovulation yet?
Aayla, I'm very outspoken about my losses and journey too. Most of my friends have known me since before we lost Eve and their support after losing Eve, Alfie and Eden has been invaluable. I think sometimes my openness may cause people to feel uncomfortable but it's not a patch on what I'm feeling so that's their issue not mine. I will always try and raise awareness of babyloss.
At te same time I totally understand why people can't deal with doing so- grief is such an individual thibg and we all express it different ways.

Kandl- that's disgusting, I can't quite fathom what he means buti would report and block him!

Mrsmac I have had so many dreams about taking tests and miscarrisge these last few weeks. That's when I manage to sleep. Is anyone else a terrible insomniac?

How is everyone today? My opks came today, poas has commenced! 😄
Good Morning ladies -

I can not keep up with you all (lol) miss a few days its like a whole week babybump world.

Beary - How are things today?

Bubbles - I'm sorry honey. I know it can feel at times like all of that is in your face, Sometimes simply saying congratulations and leaving it at that is the best thing to do. Anything else (when you're not ready) is fake and we do care, but we are just in pain. It's understandable, it will be difficult to jump for joy or get fully engaged with others at this time. No need to be hard on yourself. It takes time.

Loo - Your rant is understandable. So rant on (lol)

Kandi - I agree with the ladies, that does not look good. I'll report it.

MrsMac - I started having crazy dreams about two weeks ago. I think because I was stressing over AF coming. Then when I started having PMS symptoms the dreams went away (crazy). I think the dreams were my body's reaction to my stressing.

Aayla - I hear you. I just want to give you a hug and high five...

Sweety21 - Congratulations! Mine came yesterday and I am over the moon.

Everyone else...Happy October!!!! May this month be full of positive readings, high temps, ovulations, AF or not and finally.....positive pregnancy tests.
Yes new month- new hope! I've noticed from other threads that each month seems to have around a 1/3 success rate. Some of us will definitely be getting bfps this month!
Hey ladies. Sorry I haven't posted on the thread I have been reading each post tho. And I'm keep my FX for everyone, that your BFP are only around the corner. I just feel guilty that as you all know I got my BFP, and I don't what to make you all upset or annoyed or anything. Don't get me wrong, you haven't made me feel this way... You have all been lovely and supportive and I thank each and everyone for yous. I just feel bad.
Thanks for asking mrsmac and just4me. The bleeding seems to have stopped :shrug:must have been a random clot and blood that needed to come out :shrug:

Sorry to hear about your dream mrsmac. That sounds awful. I've been having really vivid dreams lately and it's reminding me of being pregnant again :cry:

Sweety21 - I am tracking ovulation this month but only so I know when my next af is. I'm a bit of a control freak like that. I have absolutely no idea when it will be though. It used to be cd12/13 but I'm already on cd10 now and intermittent bleeding /no ewcm :dohh:

On the plus side I took another pregnancy test and it was :bfn: it doesn't feel right to be happy about that
Hey vicky. Don't feel bad. It's great that you got bfp! It should make this thread lucky:winkwink:
Don't feel bad at all Vicky! We will all be joining you soon xx
vicky: don't feel bad. This is the ttc thread. Those who weren't ready to talk about it or hear about a bfp wouldn't be here. and this group is different than hearing about someone on fb because we all know the struggles each of us have with fertility.

Kandl: sorry I didn't post about your messages. That is very odd. I think he may have likened his original message with being raped. In so much that it was out of line and he went too far. So his comparison is that you wouldn't forget about being raped so how have you forgotten about his message? I don't know...grasping at straws. I don't know if he meant it in a bad way and maybe his message just got confused. I would still probably block him.

Bubbles: you will be ready when you are ready. but after reading all of your posts, I believe you have chosen not to tell people what you are going through and maybe it is time to tell a few people. It's your choice of course but even telling those closest to you can help get you through this process. It may help them to understand why you can't make plans or why you've been dodging calls etc. I don't know your family so I have no idea how they would take it. Some people are great and give just the right amount of sympathy and leave it at that, some just want to talk about it all the time (whether you want to or not), and some people are just assholes. I think it's so hard to judge where people are going to fit in within this spectrum. We're already grieving enough, we don't need asshole things said to us. Like my dad. Oh this is good...

So the day after I started bleeding I had a birthday party to go to for my sister. oh yay. i was worried sick, I had gone to the hospital that morning, I was told they saw no signs of pregnancy but the urine test came back positive. So I'm at the party and talking with my parents. My dad had the nerve to tell me that I wasn't really pregant because true pregnancy doesn't start until around the 12 week mark..the approx cut off time in which I could have made the decision to abort the baby. :dohh: I tried to argue with him but it was futile, I just had to nod to him that I understood what he was saying and I walked away.

AFM right now: waiting patiently for this day to be done. Didn't have the money to fork out for a test but hubby gets paid tonight so getting him to pick me up a frer on his way home from work in the morning. Tomorrow is Oct 2. I test and tell the doc if it's positive or negative and we then book in the scan. Cramping is gone and spotting is basically gone. I think it was just left over stuff that got pushed out due to moving heavy items. I do hope it's negative. I have just over a week until af is due. FX it stays away to get all this other stuff done.

:hugs::hugs: to everyone.
Hey ladies. Sorry I haven't posted on the thread I have been reading each post tho. And I'm keep my FX for everyone, that your BFP are only around the corner. I just feel guilty that as you all know I got my BFP, and I don't what to make you all upset or annoyed or anything. Don't get me wrong, you haven't made me feel this way... You have all been lovely and supportive and I thank each and everyone for yous. I just feel bad.
You're our baby dust.. don't feel bad...
Aayla I'm sorry your dad said that it must have been really upsetting. They are our babies from the moment we see 2 lines.

Justme I'm ok, I just want my body back- it feels as though it's having a good old laugh at my expense! X
Hey ladies this thread is crazy it's very hard to keep up x hope everyone is ok xxx it's kindof weird to say but I'm just so happy to have rotten af cramps.

October is my fave month as it's my birthday month and that has to bring baby dust to some of us lol! I'm mentally sprinkling tons of it over us all xx

Vicky will u get an early scan hun? U have to take good care of our first rainbow pregnancy xx
I know what you mean sunshine. When I sleep you guys are waking up so it can be hard to catch up but it's basically become a morning ritual. Wake up, temp, go pee, make coffee, sit and read B&B. lol
I know Aayla........ Sounds like u have had a tough time of it hun praying you get ur sticky bean soon sweetie xx

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