I can't believe I have bad news, Monday we had a 16 week scan both babies looked great. On Tuesday morning at work I felt a lot of pressure, so luckily my OB office is ten minutes away. They said Baby A's waters were bulging so I was rushed in an ambulence to the ER. In L&D they said there wasn't much they could do and it's was likely I could loose both babies.
Maggie Catherine was born Wednesday 7/27 at 1am. Luckily my body calmed down and for now Baby B is safe and has a 60-70% chance of making it. I was released from the hospital last night. I am on bed rest of the next 2 weeks. I am so devastated we have had another loss. We got to see her hold and the hospital gave us a beautiful memory box. I am trying to be strong for her sister but it's so hard.