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August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

That's absolutely awful! 😳
I know they meant well but that was so inappropriate without an official word from you.
Hi ladies, sorry I've not caught up yet - will do when I've got more time to reply properly tomorrow.

But wanted to tell you, I got AF!!! Hurrah!! Healthy living, agnus castus and much BD'ing starts now :happydance:
Thanks Justme, fingers crossed your rainbow is on the way very soon too.

I just got into work to find a 'congratulations on your pregnancy' email from HR, and maternity pack. I couldn't believe it, someone saw my sicknote which was down as 'pregnancy related' so it didn't affect my sickness record, and decided to assume I forgot to inform them officially of a pregnancy and just had a bit of time off, so they recorded it for me, meaning I get all the emails. Not really what someone who's just experienced a loss wants to see. My sicknote even stated 'recent miscarriage' as I didn't get to actually speak to the doctor to request anything different be put on it. Made me feel very fed up, and stuck here until midnight.

😱 oh my effing goodness! That is wrong on so many levels!

I'm so sorry bubbles, that was really unfair :hugs:
I was so annoyed about it earlier but I know it's just someone who doesn't know me, sat in an office who hasn't meant any harm. Just felt I should've done something to save anyone else the same upset in a similar situation, but wasn't sure what to say. I checked back on my old emails to when I was pregnant with DD, and I was chasing them for most of my pregnancy and had nearly started my maternity leave before they'd actually sorted all the admin stuff properly that was meant to be sorted for while I was at work. So extra annoying this time when I haven't told them anything about a pregnancy and they're congratulating me and sending me all the things out I spent months asking for last time.
Hi ladies, sorry I've not caught up yet - will do when I've got more time to reply properly tomorrow.

But wanted to tell you, I got AF!!! Hurrah!! Healthy living, agnus castus and much BD'ing starts now :happydance:

Yay! It's so weird we're all excited to see BFNs and AF! Hopefully all that will be ending soon though and we'll be turning this thread around! Good luck Mrsmac!
Bubbles: I am sorry to hear about the mix up at your work. What a crappy thing to come back to.

Afm: today has been an Bleh day. Just waiting on af. I have the biopsy in 2 days. I hate getting them. I have a very low pain threshold and having something shoved through my cervix to rip a piece of my uterus is not fun.
My feed on Facebook has been slammed with abortion topics. Every news page I follow has done some stupid piece on it. It has made for an angry day. I would rather deal with everyone else pregnant on my feed.
Bubbles, so sorry. It must be really annoying.

Mrsmac, Congratulations. Mine ended officially today. So bring on the BD.

Aayla, so sorry hun. Hope you feel better soon.

How is everyone doing? I just returned here after two days. Took the much needed vacation we were postponing for long. But, I am still tired and hubby is going on 4days business trip again. Have to gather all the energy I can to look after dd. But, glad that we can finally start BD. yay!
Aayla that doesn't sound fun at all, hope it comes round quick as it's not nice having something like that coming up when you're feeling a bit anxious about it, best to have it over and done with. All the abortion stuff on FB sounds bad too, I'd rather have a feed full of pregnancy news too. I'm ok with seeing pregnancy things on there now, but still found it a bit hard at work yesterday when a newly pregnant colleague was sat near me continuously moaning about her pregnancy because it makes her feel hungry all the time. I tried to just ignore, it but at times I really wanted to just scream out that I wish I had pregnancy hunger to moan about instead of sitting there feeling rubbish about just being congratulated on the pregnancy I lost. I just sometimes wish people knew how lucky they were.

Hi Sweety, glad you got a vacation sorted, and good luck with BD time!

I mentioned that email at work to my boss, just so she could check my records were correct so I didn't have to come in to anything else like that. She was quite annoyed about it being sent though and is putting a formal complaint in. Which is good if it puts a stop to it happening to anyone else in future, but I wish I could just leave all this behind me now and it just seems to keep causing little problems like this and dragging on, and getting more people involved. I feel like it's going to make it awkward if I actually have a successful pregnancy to inform them about soon too. I feel sorry for the person who sent the email if she's going to get into trouble at all, but maybe something needs to be said to her so she knows to check things properly next time.

I'm 8dpo today, another BFN on the IC, but got the ever familiar sore boobs, nausea and cramps. Hope my body isn't playing cruel tricks.
Thanks bubbles. I feel the same way, just want to move on but every so often it comes up. I don't mention it. But then there are days that I wish people would talk to me. It's weird. I do hope stuff gets figured out at work. I hope your body isn't playing tricks on you. Post some pics of tests if you are unsure. I love to squint and look. :haha: I think most of us do since I see us all commenting in the testing section. I'm a bit of stalker on it. lol
I found you all!!
Am I still allowed to stalk even though we're not actively trying til next year?

P.S my tests are negative and I got my AF! Finally.

Hope you are all well ladies, so sorry I went AWOL! X
Bubbles.. So sorry about what happened at work, not something you'd want to see.. Especially when it was so different last time and you had to do the chasing.

Mrsmac, glad af is finally here for you!! Weird isn't it how we are hoping and praying for our afs to come when before we hoped and preyed that it wouldn't show
Thanks bubbles. I feel the same way, just want to move on but every so often it comes up. I don't mention it. But then there are days that I wish people would talk to me. It's weird. I do hope stuff gets figured out at work. I hope your body isn't playing tricks on you. Post some pics of tests if you are unsure. I love to squint and look. :haha: I think most of us do since I see us all commentingd in the testing section. I'm a bit of stalker on it. lol

I'm pretty sure they're all BFNs, not even a hint of anything! But thought I'd post anyway, might be good to see some progression if it happens! These are 6, 7 and 8dpo top to bottom. Just had a look back at my pics from last time and they show 8, 9 and 10dpo together, and the only one with a hint of anything at all is 10dpo, so still got a chance I suppose.

I found you all!!
Am I still allowed to stalk even though we're not actively trying til next year?

P.S my tests are negative and I got my AF! Finally.

Hope you are all well ladies, so sorry I went AWOL! X

More than welcome chick! Glad you got your negative tests and AF x
Strangely- I see a line on the top test- is that te 6dpo one? Nothing on te bottom two pics but odd that there is on the top x
Ooh don't say that Lora! Yeah the top one is 6dpo, definitely nothing on it in reality!

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