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August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

Hello ladies. Sorry for just dropping in without reading, I hope you are all well. I've bad news to share 😢 I think I'm losing my baby again, I'm 5 weeks and 4 days, had a bit of spotting and went to the EPC they saw a sac but no baby inside. I'm completely devastated and don't know what to think. I got my bloods taken and they said they would phone tomorrow and they'll see from there. I knew this would happen. I've decided I'm going back on birth control after this... I can't do it anymore :(

Oh Vicky I'm so sorry I must have missed this post whilst writing a reply!

Try not to panic too much- spotting can be so common in first tri, and at 5+5 with Amy all we saw was the sac too so it all sounds completely normal in that respect. Are you having any pain? Xx
Vicky, try and stay positive :hugs: as others have said, it's not uncommon to only see a sac as 5 weeks is still very early. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

Oh Lora :hugs: Yesterday I realised I'd lost track of how many weeks I "should have been"... 18 weeks. Was thinking about how big my bump should be. I'd seen a pregnancy announcement due mid April and it took me by surprise how quickly time has passed!
So sorry vicky.

I hope it's just too early to see baby. You must be so worried :hugs:
Thank you so much Amy really need it :)

Thank you too Mrsmac hopefully don't have much hope :(

Thanks lots for sharing about your scan. It deffo give me a little hope.

I just want to know if I'm going to lose him/her or not! It's the not knowing that is the hardest.
Thank you joo and cbeary. I'm soo thankful yous are all thinking about me. Xx
I'm sat in the doctors at the moment as I think I've got an infection. I'm still bleeding 2+ weeks after which I know is normal but sometimes the blood doesn't smell right so the hospital told me to get some antibiotics.

When will this nightmare end :cry:
I'm so sorry cbeary that must suck :( good luck will be thinking of you xx
Sorry loraloo for not answering in my other posts. No I'm not having any pain.. But I didn't have much the last time either. They said they could see blood on the scan, I asked why or what it was and they said it can happen I don't even know what that means.
Vicky: I am so sorry you are having to go through this. When I went for my scan to see if I was having a miscarriage I was 5+5. They saw no sac at all. The doc said that they should have seen a sac. So a sac is a good thing. My viability scan wasn't until the 7 week mark as it was too soon other wise to likely see a heartbeat or anything else.

Lots of rest for you.
Thank you Aayla I was 6 weeks the last time and it was the same as you nothing at all was there. The doctor told me today they should see something in the sac at 5+weeks but I was reading on here and other sites and people were saying that there scan there was just a sac and then a few weeks later they saw the baby and everything went well from there. I'm hoping that's the case but it's so hard to stay positive 😢
Tomorrow is 6 weeks post loss. No period yet except for the bleeding after I gave birth. I also have PCOS so I've gone 6 months without one. Hoping the RE is able to help us get pregnant again when we see him on Thursday.

Me too danser. Have you tried agnus castus? I swear I would not have DS if I hadn't taken it first time round x

No I never heard of it. I worked with an RE to get pregnant the first time on femara and metformin so I will stick with his plan.
Hello ladies. Sorry for just dropping in without reading, I hope you are all well. I've bad news to share 😢 I think I'm losing my baby again, I'm 5 weeks and 4 days, had a bit of spotting and went to the EPC they saw a sac but no baby inside. I'm completely devastated and don't know what to think. I got my bloods taken and they said they would phone tomorrow and they'll see from there. I knew this would happen. I've decided I'm going back on birth control after this... I can't do it anymore :(

I'm so sorry Vicky. I'm hoping it's just a late bloomer <3 Keeps us updated.
Hi pips, welcome - seems odd to say that but everyone is so supportive here so hopefully you'll find it helpful posting! Sorry for your loss x

I really am Joo! Ibwas so sure I was going to have to wait much longer but that was 42 days which is about average for me pre-agnus castus, which I started again on cd1!

Random TMI question but I have AF now and it's kinda gritty. Is that normal? Seems like old and new blood together? X
THanks lovely
I'm glad to have found Bnb at times like these x

Sorry for your loss Pips, but welcome :hugs:

As long as there's no bad smells it sounds fine MrsMac x

Sorry Vicky &#128532; try to have a little faith 5 weeks is very early. I'll be praying for you! Xx

Thanks all ladies xx
Oh Vicky I'm so sorry you're going through this. Fingers crossed all turns out well for you, it is so hard to be waiting around not knowing. I had my scan at 5+6 last time, they could only see a gestation sac and nothing else, but said that was normal between 5-6 weeks, and I read so many stories on here from others who'd had similar and everything worked out fine. I really hope you're one of the lucky ones x
Today has been a much better day for me. I started a new workout program called 21 Day Fix. I got great results with it before so now I am doing it again. I have gained so much weight in the last few month. I let ttc be an excuse not to exercise and I just let the eating go. I am pretty sure my doc is not going to be happy when she sees me tomorrow. I have one set of femara pills left before i have to get a new prescription so 1) I am hoping it takes first time of course but 2) if it doesn't I am hoping to lose enough weight they will give me some more.

physically I feel so bloated and crampy. Not totally like af but not totally unlike either. Just a really heavy feeling in my uterus. The cramps aren't the same, more like twinges on each side. But I am likely gearing up for her to come. oh man, she could be a doozy.
Vicky, hope it is nothing. fx for you!

Aayla, great to hear you are feeling better today. I know what you mean. Even I have gained some but, mostly around my tummy. I look pregnant for some reason.

Mrsmac, I agree with others if no smell than it's good. I had very heavy and mucousy one. I am still having some spotshere and there but, it should be ok.

AFM, done with af and waiting for those fertility signs to get into real BD.lol.
I have never used opk so, would be needing alot of help from you ladies on when to use them. I could get the wondfo one's because I don't have any other source. Anyone have good experience with them?
Sweety I just use IC and they work fine so sure the wondfo will do the job &#128512;
Aayla good look with the fitness thing- I'm the same ive used the pregnancy, then grieving, then Ttc as an excuse to not exercise and eat rubbish. I've put on about a stone n half on since May &#128561;
Bubbles- any tests today?

Afm cd 16/17 negative opks &#128544;
Aayla good luck with the fitness thing, hope you get some good results. I've been lacking in the healthy eating/fitness department recently too, too much sitting around feeling sorry for myself! I'm usually really good with healthy eating but just seemed to want to eat junk lately.

Sweety you should be ok with the wondfos, I started off spending a fortune on the expensive digital OPKs but I only get ICs now and they do the job just fine. Give us a shout if you need any advice along the way with them, but they're pretty straightforward once you get the hang of what you're doing! Do you have a rough idea of your cycle length and when you ovulate etc?

Lora hope you get your positive soon, it's so frustrating doing endless tests trying to work out where you are. I think I was CD23 before I got my positive, and was testing 2-3 times a day by then, went through so many tests!

My chart is looking terrible, another drop today but another bad nights sleep and another early wake up from DD, so I can tell myself it would look fab otherwise! BFN on the IC again this morning, although I've not been back to inspect it yet since a few minutes after I tested. I've still got the sore/bruised feeling boobs which I never get other than when pregnant, but suppose anything could happen with my crazy body this cycle! I'm a bit worried about AF coming if I don't have my BFP this month, as I've been crampy for the last few days so expecting a very heavy painful one.
Just been to have another look at this morning's test and I think I can see a very faint hint of something. Not sure it will show up on the pic very well as it's so faint. I put them on top of a shoebox to try photograph them better, but just after I took the pic DD grabbed the box and knocked them all onto the floor. Took a while to work out which was today's test again when they were all mixed up, but think I can still spot a faint something on one. So probably a bit of a pointless pic, but here you go!


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