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August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

Forgot to add another person from the group of friends I mentioned I made who were all expecting at the same time I had DD has just announced she's expecting #2, so that's 3 in the last week just in that small group all due in March/April, when I was hoping to be having #2. And I just realised this morning it makes me the only one in the group now who doesn't already have #2 or expecting again. Makes me a bit sad all these friends I should've been sharing this exciting time with will probably already have their babies before I even have a bump. Even if I do get my BFP soon I feel like I'm already so far behind them all and my other friends who are due around the same time, I remember when I was expecting DD my cousin was due about two months after me and a girl I worked with two months before me, and even then we were at such different stages of pregnancy and couldn't really relate to what the other was experiencing at the time, even though two months doesn't sound that long, it's a long time in pregnancy terms.
Have you tried a FRER bubbles? If there was a faint line on ic chsnces are you'd get a half decent line on a frer!

It's so hard having people around you/ friends that are pregnant isn't it?

The friend tat ive mentioned on past posts is due a month today. I really wanted to be pregnant by then to make it a little easier.

It is nice to go through pregnancy along a friend tata a duiker gestAtion- as you say- even a few weeks makes such a difference in pregnancy. Hopefully we will all have bump buddiesin each other soon though 😊 not quite the same but wil still be nice

Vicky how are you today? What time is Dr calling? Xx
Not tried a FRER, I normally wouldn't even consider using them before 12dpo at least, but I have 4 upstairs that are calling now you've mentioned them! FMU was at 6.30 and I've only had one cup of tea since and not been again yet, so over a three hour hold with SMU...wonder if that's worth wasting a FRER on?!
I'd have to do it! 😂 smu actually wirks better for me but know everyone's different x
Will hold as long as I can then give it a go. But I'm holding you responsible Lora! FRERs do usually show a better line once I've got a hint on an IC, but I'm not even sure the IC is a real hint yet, and I'm 5/6 days off missed AF. Also FRERs are meant to be a lot less sensitive than ICs aren't they? Not sure this is a good idea!
🙈 good luck!

Last time I was testing daily because I had a funny feeling I was pregnant. 8dpo not a hint of a line, then 9dpo squinter on ic. Did a free and was no mistaking it- lovely pink line!
Hello again, sorry I'm so behind on posts I've just been so busy with work recently.. Been working long hours.

But welcome pips and I'm so sorry for your loss x

Vicky, try to stay positive.. I know it's hard but as the others have said., a sack is a good thing! Did they do an internal scan? Or just a normal ultrasound?

Lora, you tested today for ovulation? I hope you get your positive opk soon

I can't remember who mentioned about how far we'd be.. Sorry! But I'd be 14+2 now. Hurts seeing people on school run who are pregnant & due around same time 😞

Sorry if I've missed anyone else but I hope you're all okay!

Omg! It's positive! Biggest congratulations! So happy for you! Xx
I'm not sure I can see anything?! I think these tests send my eyes funny, one minute looks like something there then nothing!
Are you joking?! That frer is clear as day!
I totally have psychic powers 😂
You should hire yourself out with those!
Think some imaginary morning sickness has just kicked in... 🙊
Haha it's probably the shock! Have you told hubby yet or are you going to wait a couple of days? X
He's at work, not told him yet. He asked yesterday when I should be due to test and I told him not until the weekend as AF due Monday. Probably best waiting a few days until I have some decent lines to show him, he'll not believe these ones
Or a digi? Men like words- can't deny those 😄
Oh my god!! Congratulations bubbles!! I can see that clear as day on frer! & honestly, I do struggle to see lines. I can't see it on The other test I'll be honest. But that's definitely a bfp on frer! So happy for you :happydance:
That a line!! I didn't even need to squint or anything! Congratulations!! X
Oh my god bubbles, I just got giddy there it was ridiculous:rofl:
Aw thanks ladies. There is nothing to see on the FRER now it's dried so I'm not convinced! Need to wait a few days I think for something more convincing. DH would definitely need a digi, the lines just don't work for him, he doesn't buy the whole a line's a line thing, he thinks he's the TTC expert and obsesses over them not being dark enough meaning BFN. I've only got 1 digi though and don't think it would show anything today, I know they're less sensitive than the FRERs and I've had BFNs on them before even when the FRERs are darker.

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