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August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

How many DPO are you? I always wait til AF is actually late with the digis, they don't ever seem sensitive enough for my liking! X
Only 9dpo today, can't believe I've cracked the FRERs out so early. AF isn't due for another 5 days
They'll get darker over the next few days then you could break out the digis to prove to hubby it's a BFP! :happydance:
OMG! that is a clear positive bubbles. Massive Congratulations! I amd Happy dancing in my mind. he he. I know men's don't understand those lines. Mine won't evenagree with me until he sees something on scan.

Lora, Thank you so much it helps alot. When do I start using them? 10cd or 12cd?

Bubbles, I have fertility signs around 11-13cd but, my temperature doesn't drop until 16-18dpo. Should I continue testing until I get two dark lines?
I don't think DH really believed DD was actually really coming until she was born!

If it's your first proper cycle using OPKs I would start them quite early so maybe around 10dpo just to make sure you don't miss your positive. Yeah just keep testing until once a day until they start to get darker, then maybe twice a day to be sure to catch your surge. You're looking for the test line to be as dark as the control or even darker x
Omg bubbles congratulations I will keep everything crossed for you that this is a sticky bean :).

The EPC rang today said my levels were low and I've to come back in tomorrow to see if they will rise or not. I haven't bleed anymore. But I know It's gone I just know. I didn't ask what the levels were cos I didn't even think, and I was in a middle of an appointment for my son, so couldn't even talk. I know we have all had losses and some have had more... But really two!! Back to back! How am I even going to start putting myself back together... I haven't even recovered from the first m/c. So sorry for the rant I just needed to say it, and I know I won't be judged here. I'm definitely just going to go back on birth control.. Maybe not forever but I can't do this to myself again xx
So sorry that they said your levels were low Vicky 😔 I realy hope they rise quickly.
You're right life can be so cruel and unfair xx
Just felt a pop in my belly and had pain. And its starting... Brown blood for now but that's the way it started the last night x
Thank you lora means a lot. This sucks it really sucks I havent even slept since Monday night. My heads completely away... I just don't were to start to heal, I don't know what to do. I'm such in so much emotional pain :(
Oh Vicky, my heart is breaking for you hun. It's so unfair.

I know it's no consolation but you are young and I am guessing healthy. There's time hun.

Take really good care of yourself hun xxx
Bubbles! I'm so happy for you, praying for a sticky bean! 🙏 xx

So sorry it wasn't the best news Vicky 😔 thinking of you, life really isn't fair xx
Thank you Mrsmac. I don't think I'll be trying again for a long while if not ever I just can't do it anymore. I know that this was only my second m/c and people have it worse but it's just because it happened so close to each other. Yea I'm only 23 and as far as I know I'm healthy but I can't help but think now there must be something wrong xx
Try not to think like that, maybe give your body a bit of time to recover and allow yourself to become 'ready' mentally too. It's my second loss too (albeit not in a row) and I'm starting to wonder if I can't have a certain gender or something. I've decided to wait til we try again, give myself time to recover xx
Sorry Amy didn't see your post. Thank you! You are definitely right there, life hasn't been fair on any of us recently :(. I just have no idea how I'm going to get over this xx
And another post I didn't see sorry. How long are you waiting if you don't mind me asking? I'm just at such a low point right now, I probably will change my mind. Thank you everyone for your kind words.
Wow. Three pages of writing to get through and it's a roller coaster of emotions all the way. I'm crying here. happy and sad.

Vicky: I am so so so very sorry for what you are going through. I instantly started crying. I think it's perfectly fine to go on bc and take some time. I don't think there is anything wrong with you. But if you suspect something my first thought is to get your thyroid checked out. It's a big cause of miscarriages and it can be one point off, and that's fine for every day living, but it's not good for carrying a pregnancy to term. I had that exact issue. I was put on synthroid last year. I don't know if went abnormal again and that caused mine since I have been off of it long before i got pregnant but if I have another one I am getting it checked again.

Bubbles: OH My God...that is a line there!! I didn't even have to click on the picture. Bright and pink on my computer screen!!! Sqeeeee! I hope you keep testing and posting pics!!!

Lora: I hope you get your positive opk soon. When do you normally O?

Sweety: I think IC's are fine. I haven't used any off of the internet but I used the dollar store ones and I got a positive with them. I think it was false due to hcg in my system or my body was gearing up and didn't O but it turned positive so I count it as working. No more will I be spending a ridculous amount of money on digis. I have no idea how I will be when it comes to hpts though..the dollar store ones only have a sensitivity of 25 and frer's have a sensitivity of 6.3. But I don't know if I want to go through early testing again.

AFM: Had the biopsy today. man did that hurt. Always does but it's a necessary evil. doc said that my lining was thin (which is a good thing) and that because i have been ovulating that my hyperplasia should be gone for good. As long as the results come back good I don't have to do another one for a year. I was given a presription for 5 months of Letrozole! Which is awesome. I thought my weight may be an issue but it wasn't. I still have one month left at home so I have 6 months in total. FX it won't take that long.

I had cramping this morning. Then the biopsy caused more cramping and some bleeding of course so hopefully this induces af to come. Doc said I could be a couple more weeks to get it but I should get it on my own. If I haven't got in on my own in a month then to take provera to induce it. She really doesn't want that as it's a false cycle but I can feel my body gearing up for it. So I think it will be soon. I am only on cd33 today so I still have 2 more days before she usually shows up.
Oh aayla I can only imagine how painful it was. Hope you are resting up now? Hopefully Af will come soon for you.

I've not heard of the thyroid thing and mc before- how do they test for that, do you know?

I'm not really sure when I ovulate, ive spent pretty much te last 9 years pregnant and/or breastfeeding so not had many AF- but my cycles can be long and irregular.

The 2 cycles I had between having my implant out Nd falling pregnant with eden, I ovulated on days 14 and 17- which isn't normal for me, but was very welcome!

Vicky I agree with the other ladies, maybe just give your body a cycle or two to recover physically. So Sorry it's happening again xx
They do a blood test. Easy peasy.

That sucks not knowing when you O. I guess it's just test until positive then and BD as often as possible.
Oh it's possible they may have already tested for that then - they took loads of vials of blood from me, I will check when we have all the results back and I see consultant. If it's not been checked I will request it, thanks for that! 😃

Yeah it's annoying not knowing. When TTC Amy I didn't ovulate til cd 90 odd! I got pregnant that time too!

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