Vicky you've been in my thoughts all day, I just don't have the words for you right now as I know there is very little at the moment that will make you feel any better, it's just something you learn to deal with in time in your own way. At 23 you have so much time on your side to let yourself heal physically and emotionally until you're sure you're ready to go again. I'm 33 now and don't feel I have the luxury of time on my side anymore, but you definitely do. It's such bad luck to happen to anyone at all, but twice in a row is just rotten and no one deserves to go through that. I can't believe how upset I am for someone I've never met, but I think we all really feel for you and would do anything we could to fix things as we've been there and felt the hurt. Take care of yourself and just trust that one day it will feel easier to deal with, even if it seems impossible now.
I know where I live they don't see two early losses as a problem really, just one of those things that happens until you've had more than three, but may be worth pushing your GP for any possible tests in the future if that's something you'd want to do, just to rule out any possible issues. I've had blood work done before to check for any issues when my cycles went crazy, I had to really push for those and not sure it was worth it as they never really gave me any answers, but might do for others. I can second the thyroid thing, I've read a lot about how that can effect TTC from my years of trying to find answers for my loss the first time, thyroid problems do run in my family as it is, and I know as Aayla said, that what a GP would count as normal for thyroid levels could still be out of the acceptable range for TTC. There are so many little things that can affect it, and seems to be so hard to find someone who actually thinks it's important enough to look into it properly, as usual probably a funds thing and also because they can't go testing every person who has any TTC issue. I'm sure you're probably fine though and it has just been really rotten luck.
I also worry a lot about things like not being able to carry boys seeing as I've had two losses either side of my daughter, and the symptoms with both my losses were completely different from day 1.
I know where I live they don't see two early losses as a problem really, just one of those things that happens until you've had more than three, but may be worth pushing your GP for any possible tests in the future if that's something you'd want to do, just to rule out any possible issues. I've had blood work done before to check for any issues when my cycles went crazy, I had to really push for those and not sure it was worth it as they never really gave me any answers, but might do for others. I can second the thyroid thing, I've read a lot about how that can effect TTC from my years of trying to find answers for my loss the first time, thyroid problems do run in my family as it is, and I know as Aayla said, that what a GP would count as normal for thyroid levels could still be out of the acceptable range for TTC. There are so many little things that can affect it, and seems to be so hard to find someone who actually thinks it's important enough to look into it properly, as usual probably a funds thing and also because they can't go testing every person who has any TTC issue. I'm sure you're probably fine though and it has just been really rotten luck.
I also worry a lot about things like not being able to carry boys seeing as I've had two losses either side of my daughter, and the symptoms with both my losses were completely different from day 1.