Yes Sweety, really excited!! I still have to apply for it and be interviewed, and to be honest it's a pay drop but it's four days so I save on that much on childcare a month, it makes no difference money wise!
Ive worked in corporate communications for ten years so I've done everything else - PR, crisis comms, events and internal/staff engagement, but I haven't done digital and this is a web development job. It would mean I could go for managers jobs in the future because I've got experience of the whole lot.
Plan would be to do this job for a year of i get it, go off on mat leave for a year, then go back to my substantive role (which is more senior) then apply for jobs elsewhere.
Means I need to hang on getting pregnant for 3 months for it to work out like that but if I was to get pregnant sooner, it wouldn't be the end of the world! Xx