August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

Oh crikey, she's not even eligible for the free hours yet either is she.

It's no wonder mums struggle with getting back to work.
I always feel like it's not worth me even working at all. No DD is a September baby and she just turned 2, so not entitled to the free hours until January 2017, at which point if things go well this time I'll not be far off heading back to work and putting a second in nursery, so won't really be any better off at all!
I know what you mean. When I worked full time I felt like I was just working to pay someone else to look after my kids! I love being a sahm for now but at times I do miss working. I'm looking forward to having (fingers crossed) another healthy baby, then hubby getting the snip (!!) and the next chapter- me getting back to work, hopefully a less eventful few years ahead of us.

Ps- when are you going to change your sig?!
That's exactly how I felt when I first went back to work, like I was just going to pay someone else to look after DD when I wanted to be with her, felt so pointless. But now I appreciate the break and having a bit of both worlds by being part time, I know DD loves nursery and I think I'd hate to be at home all the time, don't think DD would appreciate being taken out of nursery and being with me full time either!

Hadn't even thought about my sig, doubt I'll be changing it any time soon, still not feeling that confident things will work out. Still a few days off the point I started bleeding last time. I'm not planning on booking in with the midwives again anytime soon either, although I suppose the earlier I do that the longer they've got to possibly sort early scans etc
Has Asprin ever been mentioned to you? I was told to take it after losing Alfie.
Sorry should add- I aldo have a family history of blood clots and in at higher risk of blood clots because I have so many babies 😂 but I've heard other women being recommended especially after a couple of losses. Maybe worth asking Mw advice on that when you see her?
I'm a sahm too, I always wanted to be but never thought I would be able to afford to. Turns out I couldn't afford to go back to work haha! Unless I went full time but that would have meant DD being in nursery 10-13 hours a day, the meagre amount of extra cash I would have at the end of the month would just not be worth it, plus I have an anxiety disorder which I was struggling quite badly with when she was 10 months old so I would have had a breakdown if I had to try and juggle full time work.and nursery etc. Like Lora I am looking forward to that new chapter when the kids have gone to school and I can focus on getting back xx
Sorry should add- I aldo have a family history of blood clots and in at higher risk of blood clots because I have so many babies 😂 but I've heard other women being recommended especially after a couple of losses. Maybe worth asking Mw advice on that when you see her?

Not really thought about aspirin much, I know a lot of people on here use it. By the time I see a midwife I'll probably be at least 10 weeks and well past the stage of my two losses so I would've thought it would maybe be pointless by then?
I honestly don't know- just that I was told to take it from 6-36 weeks with alice and eden. I've been told to take it from 6 weeks again next time. I think it's definitely one of those 'iffy' subjects that nobody really knows what they're doing re asprin. Some drs recommend it and others don't- seems Theres no clear cut recommendations.
I'd probably consider it if it was something that definitely wouldn't do any harm but would likely benefit, but I don't know anything about it so probably best not. Both my losses have been issues that started so early, before 6 weeks so wouldn't have made any difference if I'd started it at 6 weeks with both of them.

With my loss last month, I'd been determined to try and do everything the same as I did with DD when TTC#2, and thought I had but still ended in mc. But I remembered I'd weaned myself off the Vitex slowly with her rather than stopping them suddenly, even though it probably makes no difference, so I'm doing that again this time and taking one every other day then every 3 days until they're gone. Just so I know they're not causing a sudden change in hormones that affected things. Also when I was trying to TTC#1 and had problems for months, I went for all kinds of tests and appointments, never really got anywhere as all tests came back fine so they just couldn't give me any answers for why I'd suddenly gone from a regular cycle to only having one period every three months or more. I ended up going to see an acupuncturist as I was willing to give anything a go, and it was so strange, she checked my pulse then told me I'd be pregnant by Christmas and refused to take my money or give me any treatment, she just told me I had low iron and to go buy a liquid supplement called Floradix, which I did and then conceived DD three days before Christmas. It was so odd, but I'd forgotten all about the Floradix this time round when TTC again, so now it plays on my mind that things would've maybe been different if I'd remembered that again. I know I have low iron through pregnancy, and I ended up getting the Floradix again wth the last mc as I felt so ill and wiped out, so carried on with it and conceived again and fingers crossed it will work out this time again. Obviously it's probably all just a massive coincidence and wouldn't have made any difference, just plays on my mind a lot at the moment, it's hard not to blame yourself no matter what anyone tells you.
Hey ladies how are you all?

I've been quiet, I've been painting my house and hurt my neck, pinched a nerve. Its so freaking sore, I can hardly move! And because I'm in the tww around cd27 I don't want to take anything the Dr has prescribed. He knows I'm trying but told me to get the medication just I'm case my AF turned up and I can have dome relief. Panadol/ Aspirin isn't doing anything. I have physio tomorrow though so hopefully that makes a difference.

I haven't felt the urge to test yet, I like living in hope that if I don't test I might be pregnant lol crazy I know but I hate the stark white bfns more than anything!
I log out for a few hours and miss loads! Hope everyone's ok?

Aayla, I think I might see a shadow on one but not sure, my phone is rubbish! When I zoom in I don't see anything :(

Sorry you've hurt your neck kakae, I have a back problem and know how sore it can be! And I know what you mean about testing - those bright white BFNs are so crap!

Ladies I had cramp and sore boobs yesterday for a while, maybe I ov and missed the LH surge on OPK - is that possible? I'm testing when I get home at about 4.30. The only hint of a second line o have had has been on cd11 when I started testing and since then there's been no second line at all. Is it possible I ov early or just missed it? I had what might have been a bit of ewcm but I always get left over fluid after bding and we bd on Saturday night/Sunday morning. So bloody confusing!!

Either way, if I get this new job, I might need to wait a few months because it's only a one year contract. It's with the same company but I'd feel bad if I got the job then went off two months before the end of the contract, they've had so much hassle getting people in to do the job it's been like a revolving door! X
I think unlikely you would miss it- I get positives for 2 days. I would keep testing, but just get lots of bd in anyways!

Kakae sorry you've hurt yourself and are in pain. Hopefully you know one way or the other so you can get some pain relief if AF comes.
It is totally possible to miss it. Consider my last cycle for example. I tested in the afternoon every day. Then I read that I could test in with fmu with the CB smiley digi ones I was using. So far all were negative. I had 2 tests left and tested with fmu. it was negative. Something told me to use my last one and test in the evening. I held for 4 hours and tested at 7pm. Got my smiley. I wasn't able to test the next day to see if I got more than one smiley. But if I went by my first test I would have assumed I didn't surge.

We were doing it every day so I knew no matter what we wouldn't miss it. We plan on keeping the same schedule next time.

I bought 2 more tests. I found that my local grocery store is the cheapest so far that I have found. $12.99 for 1, $19.98 for 2 Frer. I am going to do my best to not hold and test tonight but I have to stay up as I work graveyard tomorrow. We all know what's it like.
Mrsmac it's quite possible to miss the surge, especially only testing once a day as it might be earlier than you get your surge, but I would think it's unlikely to miss it and get stark white tests either side of it, they would probably show something if not quite positive but still close to your surge if that makes sense. I only ever used to get my positives quite late, around 9pm, and once I randomly decided to test at midnight and got it then but if I hadn't tested I would've missed the positive as the test before that and all the tests the next day were negative, not stark white though.
Here is today's test. 3 hour hold. I just couldn't wait until morning. To anyone else negative but I still see a shadow. But maybe I just have line eye and wishful thinking.

I have one more test. If I go by what FF I am only 10dpo and I still have a ways to go if it follows the same pattern as before. I really can't afford to spend the money to test every day so I am going to do my best to wait this out until Monday.

I wanted you to compare my last 10 dpo with this one. The one with the 10 written in it is last cycle (which of course turned into a positive)


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Hmm don't think I see anything, but know how hard it is to pick a line up on camera.
I don't see anything on that picture either. Don't be disheartened though, I got a definite negative then tested two days later and got a squinter xx
kakae, so sorry you got hurt. Even, I have problem in my back so, I know how hard it must be. Take good rest.

Mrsmac, I myself is first timer in opk so, don't have much opinion regarding your query but, hopefully everyone here already gave you best advice.

Aayla, I don't see it either. May be waiting to test is a good thing for now. Good luck.

Ladies, please help me understand how does implantation pain feels like?

I am having lots of pain from morning to the point I can't bear it. As faasr I remember my implantation pain were sudden and for few seconds. But, this feels like something different. I am on cd8-cd9 so, af pains this early doesn't quite fit into picture. Also, they are not same as af pain. kinda dull and randomly coming and going. I have lower back pain too. I would have been very happy if they felt similar to last implantation pain but, they are not.
I've only felt it once and that was last pregnsncy- I had cramps at 7dpo and got bfp at 9dpo. Are you going to test Sweety?

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