I'd probably consider it if it was something that definitely wouldn't do any harm but would likely benefit, but I don't know anything about it so probably best not. Both my losses have been issues that started so early, before 6 weeks so wouldn't have made any difference if I'd started it at 6 weeks with both of them.
With my loss last month, I'd been determined to try and do everything the same as I did with DD when TTC#2, and thought I had but still ended in mc. But I remembered I'd weaned myself off the Vitex slowly with her rather than stopping them suddenly, even though it probably makes no difference, so I'm doing that again this time and taking one every other day then every 3 days until they're gone. Just so I know they're not causing a sudden change in hormones that affected things. Also when I was trying to TTC#1 and had problems for months, I went for all kinds of tests and appointments, never really got anywhere as all tests came back fine so they just couldn't give me any answers for why I'd suddenly gone from a regular cycle to only having one period every three months or more. I ended up going to see an acupuncturist as I was willing to give anything a go, and it was so strange, she checked my pulse then told me I'd be pregnant by Christmas and refused to take my money or give me any treatment, she just told me I had low iron and to go buy a liquid supplement called Floradix, which I did and then conceived DD three days before Christmas. It was so odd, but I'd forgotten all about the Floradix this time round when TTC again, so now it plays on my mind that things would've maybe been different if I'd remembered that again. I know I have low iron through pregnancy, and I ended up getting the Floradix again wth the last mc as I felt so ill and wiped out, so carried on with it and conceived again and fingers crossed it will work out this time again. Obviously it's probably all just a massive coincidence and wouldn't have made any difference, just plays on my mind a lot at the moment, it's hard not to blame yourself no matter what anyone tells you.