Lora - so much for the holding out for missed AF, deciding a testing date at 3dpo, love it! Excited for the upcoming testing marathons!
Feeling really stressed today, I've been back at work an hour and already sick of all the questions and all the lies I'm trying to keep up with. Today was the point I started having bleeding last time so I'm so paranoid and constantly checking for any signs of it today. I went to bed early with a bad headache last night, which is how it started last time too. I've read loads about how common headaches and sickness are in early pregnancy, but I only ever seem to get them when things are going wrong.
Had a bit of a sad day yesterday, my friend who is due in March text me about her 20 week scan and that she found out she's having another girl, I don't know why this made me feel a bit sad, maybe as I didn't know she had her scan then and wasn't expecting it. And my friend who is due the same time I was text asking if I'd look after her DS for a couple of hours next Thursday. She didn't say why, but I'm pretty sure it's so she can go for her 12 week scan. I don't know if I should feel offended that she's asked me to do that, or offended that she's not said what it's for. If she feels that she can't tell me the reason then maybe I wasn't the person she should've expected to do it. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.