Bubbles, if it's bothering you just let her know. She will understand. I know some people are very insensitive but, we can't just do anything about it.
Sunshine, so sorry af got you. Good luck next month.
Mrsmac, it will happen soon. As Bubblea suggested grapefruit juice I am going to give it a go next cycle.
kakae, hope she doesn't turn into af. fx.
Afm, after day of cramps I am feeling better. Had rls yesterday night and managed an urge to poas. Roll on tomorrow. I am totally expecting to see bfn but, still clinging to the hope. The just knew it feeling didn't kick in this month neither did symptoms I usually get. Just waiting for af to come already. We will be moving house next month so, ttc for next month won't be good either. If I don't get pregnant this month then ttc business will shift to December!