So once again I am faced with more delays on starting the femara. My RE called Friday morning, my prolactin levels are high he wants me to get an MRI on the brain. I may need to go on meds for that, they tend to help regulate the cycle and are a sign of PCOS as well. Not too big of a deal my RE said. I hope I can get the MRI done and scheduled this week.
Then he said stuff about the DNA test we had done. MH has a pericentric inversion of chromosome 9, he wants us to speak with a geneticist about this. Our RE doesn't think we will need to go to IVF, but at this point I'll do whatever it takes for a healthy baby.
So Tuesday I have my hysteroscopy and Thursday is our appointment with the geneticist. I hope I can get an appointment this week for the MRI & by Friday my RE should have all of the information he needs. I hope that by next week he has a game plan for us so we can finally begin TTC. I am so grateful my RE is being so thorough. I hope we can begin trying very soon.