Opk today was really close to positive. I have no idea what is going on. Maybe it is the tests I am using. I wish I had forked out the money for the digital. No ambiguity with a smiley face.
That would suck if I haven't. There is no way to get BD in until Saturday night. It is just weird that 2 cycles have me O on day 17 but this one is all over the place. Maybe the mc did something.
That would suck if I haven't. There is no way to get BD in until Saturday night. It is just weird that 2 cycles have me O on day 17 but this one is all over the place. Maybe the mc did something.
They always say you are regular until you are not. I hope it comes soon. What does BD mean?
You never know Sweety.
I got my positive Opk today, cd 17. really happy with that, the soya has deff brought it forward 😃
Aayla hope they go positive soon
Joo and kandl how are things going?
Bubbles, sending you love xx