It's just awful isn't it, I know I need a new pregnancy to be able to move on as much as I can from this, but I know I'm not strong enough to handle another one anytime soon and definitely not strong enough to cope with another loss again. I can't believe how much I spent on tests last time, and the progress was perfect for 6 weeks until I had to stop as they couldn't get any darker, yet here I am still going through another loss. So the tests didn't really mean anything and were pretty much a waste of money, but I will still do the same again next time! The scans were so expensive at £100 a go, plus travel costs as there's nowhere near me that does it. But I'll still do that again to save weeks of delay in finding out things haven't worked out. I'm already waiting around long enough now for my cycle to come back without the extra month I would've waited if I just had my 12 week scan.
I wish I could be one of those who just pees on a stick once, sees a pink line and accepts I'm pregnant and don't need to do anything else until the 12 week scan where I see a healthy baby. I've never had that in pregnancy as I had a loss straight away before my first, and while I get so annoyed sometimes that my friends have no idea what it's like for me, I'm really glad they don't. My friend who is due when I should've been in May laughs when she finds out I've got more tests, she finds it hilarious I can't just do one and that be good enough like it is for her. She has absolutely no idea.