August loss thread - TTC our rainbows!

Hi ladies. So, I'm thinking of booking a holiday for next year. I was thinking May because I'm wirried airlines woukdnt take me if I were to fall pregnant within the next couple of months- however May is going to clash with my daughters year 10 exams.

My head can't work it out. If I fell pregnant in oct (obviously I'm working out the furthest on I could be) would that make me due july? Would I still be able to fly in June?! I know chances are I won't fall Preg in oct but I'm hoping to have a bump by May!
It really does hurt when someone announces they're expecting. I can be having a nice and if i see someone has announced or someone saying their baby is due march, it's enough to make me fed up all day! Totally get that inner turmoil of being happy/jealous/upset and then feeling guilty or disappointed you feel that way. It's normal xx
Im so sorry , I know exactly how you feel, I cry because this is the time when I was going to announce and its heartbreaking.

It really does hurt when someone announces they're expecting. I can be having a nice and if i see someone has announced or someone saying their baby is due march, it's enough to make me fed up all day! Totally get that inner turmoil of being happy/jealous/upset and then feeling guilty or disappointed you feel that way. It's normal xx
Same here and it sucks because one has twins and was due a week after me, now I have to watch her go through it successfully (not saying im not happy for her) but its a constant reminder :cry:

It's awful isn't it. I suspect my best friend has just started trying so am expecting an announcement soon. It just seems so unfair that other people have no problems ttc and healthy pregnancies. I'm back at work this week and there are two ladies pregnant and one off on maternity leave. It's not fair :cry:
Big hugs to all you lovely ladies. I'm looking forward to the days we have all our rainbows on the way, moaning about our big uncomfortable bumps and these difficult sad days will just be a bad blip to look back on.

Lora it's mind boggling trying to make future plans isn't it, but still working around the what ifs. My DH was convinced things were going to be ok last time when I kept insisting we should be careful just in case as I never felt confident about the pregnancy really. He ended up talking my mum into coming on holiday with us next October, expecting the baby would be almost 6 months old by then. We'd found a hotel a load of our family go to quite often has had a big refurb and we found a good deal to go in October. My mum ended up inviting a few other family members, and it spiralled to the extent we had a load of people who'd booked the time off work and were ready to send me deposits to get us all booked in. I stalled a bit by telling them we can't book time off work over a year ahead, which gives me until next month to try think of a better excuse, but since our mc I don't see how we can commit to go, as chances are I'll be too pregnant to fly, or have a new baby too young to take abroad. Even if I was to fall pregnant this month the baby would be under 4 months old which I feel is a bit younger than I would like to take a baby abroad. So I worry all the time about all these people waiting for us to sort things out for this holiday I don't think we can go on, and what I'm meant to tell them.

I have so many plans next year that were going to be affected by TTC, then by me actually being pregnant, and now by me not being pregnant anymore but TTC again. My auntie is planning a weekend abroad for my mum's 60th, and I've not been able to give her a straight answer for all the same reasons, blaming work but can't get away with that one much longer. We've got my sisters and a few close friends weddings all around the time I was due, so I had all the stress of not being able to fit in my bridesmaid dress my sister bought, and still don't know how big I'll be then now, so haven't been able to warn her the dress may be no good for me. And I've had to drop out of a good friend's hen weekend because it was two weeks before my original due date, so again made up some excuses but now I'm not due then so could go but it's too late as arrangements have all been sorted without me and I can't really go back and said my excuse was a load of rubbish.

Also still got the whole London trip DH was arranging for us with his brother and SIL. I pointed out to him this week that we can't really go, as I'll possibly be expecting again by then, and won't want to tell them or be that far from home with the worry of another possible mc, but it will be really obvious I'm not drinking. DH didn't seem bothered and wants us to go, but didn't have an answer as to what we would do. It annoys me a bit as if I am pregnant then I really don't want to be trailing round London with the three of them watching them get stupidly drunk and staying out late while I can't join in the same, but DH would say this was selfish even though there's no chance he would consider going if he was told he couldn't drink!
OMG I'm so sorry how long my posts get sometimes, I don't mean to take over the thread or bore you all!
Men just don't get it. It is hard trying to make plans especially for next year as you just don't know where we will be in terms of Ttc znd pregnancy. I don't want to keep postponing things becUse it's not fair on the kids- I migr not get pregnant so quickly or may mc again etc, but at the same time it's only sensible to be realistic. Rather than bury our heads in the sand.
If only we had a time machine!
I know exactly how you mean with the planning ahead thing. My friend is getting married on 19th August next year. We've been friends 24 years, & she's asked me to be chief bridesmaid. I said I will before I got pregnant & now I'm not wanting to do it. As if I got pregnant this month, I'd be due in July. Yeah I'd made the wedding put I'd have a newborn I wouldn't wanna leave. And I wouldn't be able to go on the Hen. I'd have to plan a hen night I wouldn't even be going on, and do I really want the stress of it? If I got pregnant after this month then I wouldn't fit in my dress. I'm not telling her I'm TTC. But I just don't know what to do
Lora and bubbles, it really is mind bogging. But, we have to think and plan keeping in mind everyone else in family. Men don't think too much about it. Lora, I would say go ahead and plan. Everything will be ok when time comes.

Bubbles, we do get many long post sometimes but, trust me no one look at the length. It's about talking our heart out to ladies who understand you better.
Iloveme and joo, it does sucks but we can't help. World is going to move on.

Btw, just heard one of my childhood friend had lost his dd just after birth because of meconium got into her nose and mouth. Can't imagine how much pain he and his family must be going through.

Afm, I am having spotting from 2days just like I had with my first pregnancy. I am not saying I am pregnant but, it just reminded me of first pregnancy. Am I suppose to spot before af after D&C. Anyone else had this and got af soon.
I know exactly how you mean with the planning ahead thing. My friend is getting married on 19th August next year. We've been friends 24 years, & she's asked me to be chief bridesmaid. I said I will before I got pregnant & now I'm not wanting to do it. As if I got pregnant this month, I'd be due in July. Yeah I'd made the wedding put I'd have a newborn I wouldn't wanna leave. And I wouldn't be able to go on the Hen. I'd have to plan a hen night I wouldn't even be going on, and do I really want the stress of it? If I got pregnant after this month then I wouldn't fit in my dress. I'm not telling her I'm TTC. But I just don't know what to do

Ohh, kandl. It's really difficult situation. Can you give her any other excuse? may be you might have to go somewhere related to work?(training or something)nI know It's really early but, may be tell her It's annual thing and you might go but, you will try to cancel it.
Sweety have you been tracking ovulation? I'm so sorry to hear of your friends baby daughter, Its the worst thing in the world to lose your child 😔 I hope they get lots of support. They may find SANDs helpful if you feel you could suggest it to them xx
Sweety have you been tracking ovulation? I'm so sorry to hear of your friends baby daughter, Its the worst thing in the world to lose your child �� I hope they get lots of support. They may find SANDs helpful if you feel you could suggest it to them xx

Lora, I am temping but, temperature are all over place. When I went to doctor's on 17th he said, I am about to ovulate around 20th or 21st. So, I am guessing I am 8-11dpo?

I don't have much contact with him as I live in different country than him. My mother told me about it. What is SANDs btw?
I know exactly how you mean with the planning ahead thing. My friend is getting married on 19th August next year. We've been friends 24 years, & she's asked me to be chief bridesmaid. I said I will before I got pregnant & now I'm not wanting to do it. As if I got pregnant this month, I'd be due in July. Yeah I'd made the wedding put I'd have a newborn I wouldn't wanna leave. And I wouldn't be able to go on the Hen. I'd have to plan a hen night I wouldn't even be going on, and do I really want the stress of it? If I got pregnant after this month then I wouldn't fit in my dress. I'm not telling her I'm TTC. But I just don't know what to do

Ohh, kandl. It's really difficult situation. Can you give her any other excuse? may be you might have to go somewhere related to work?(training or something)nI know It's really early but, may be tell her It's annual thing and you might go but, you will try to cancel it.

Nope, I can't use work as an excuse I'm afraid. & she knows I wouldn't be able to. There is honestly no excuse at all I can use 😩
I know what you're all saying. I'm sick of putting things on hold due to ttc and possibly being pregnant. I'm just going ahead and booking things and I'll deal with the consequences. I'm glad I've felt this way as I'm going on a girls weekend at the end of the month and would ordinarily have backed out thinking I would have been pregnant but now I'm not anymore I'm going to enjoy it
Lora and bubbles, it really is mind bogging. But, we have to think and plan keeping in mind everyone else in family. Men don't think too much about it. Lora, I would say go ahead and plan. Everything will be ok when time comes.

Bubbles, we do get many long post sometimes but, trust me no one look at the length. It's about talking our heart out to ladies who understand you better.
Iloveme and joo, it does sucks but we can't help. World is going to move on.

Btw, just heard one of my childhood friend had lost his dd just after birth because of meconium got into her nose and mouth. Can't imagine how much pain he and
an his family must be going through.

Afm, I am having spotting from 2days just like I had with my first pregnancy. I am not saying I am pregnant but, it just reminded me of first pregnancy. Am I suppose to spot before af after D&C. Anyone else had this and got af soon.
I am so sorry to hear of your friends daughter. :hugs:
Sweety that sounds promising, I'd test in a couple of days!
Sands is the stillbirth and neonatal death charity- they were a huge support to me when Eve died. They have an online forum just like this to connect with others in similar circumstances
Kandl- do you feel you may be able to be open with them or not? I find it really hard to talk about TTC with people, I'm quite private like that, however everyone knew tat I was pregnant with Eden so there was no hiding that one x
Sweety that sounds promising, I'd test in a couple of days!
Sands is the stillbirth and neonatal death charity- they were a huge support to me when Eve died. They have an online forum just like this to connect with others in similar circumstances
Kandl- do you feel you may be able to be open with them or not? I find it really hard to talk about TTC with people, I'm quite private like that, however everyone knew tat I was pregnant with Eden so there was no hiding that one x
Thank you Lora. But, I am really not expecting it to be a pregnancy because, whenever we dtd we used pullout and have been using it for almost 6years without any oops moments. So, I really don't think so it is pregnancy. I have read and read many times it is still possible but, never happened with me.
Will test anyway in 5days time if af doesn't show her real face soon. Have to go to doc too. So, probably will get my answers.
Thanks for SANDs info. Will try and get touch with him and let them know about it.
Sweety that sounds promising, I'd test in a couple of days!
Sands is the stillbirth and neonatal death charity- they were a huge support to me when Eve died. They have an online forum just like this to connect with others in similar circumstances
Kandl- do you feel you may be able to be open with them or not? I find it really hard to talk about TTC with people, I'm quite private like that, however everyone knew tat I was pregnant with Eden so there was no hiding that one x

I don't want to tell her no, we're not telling anyone were trying. & we've agreed to not tell anyone when I get pregnant either.. Until the 12 week scan x

I've started spotting today.. Why!? 😩
Don't rule it out sweety - that's how I ended up pregnant many years back!! But that sadly ended in mc that time too x
I'm the same kandl- a few people have asked me if we are trying again and I think it's so rude.
I'm not sure when I will tell people next time- the 12 week scan isn't really a 'safe' time for me as all my babies have been after that point, although I see why it is for a lot of people. I guess for me the whole pregnancy is a worry and then afterwards is no better. Maybe I'll just hide my bump for 40 weeks and... Surprise! Lol x

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