feeling really rubbish today, had some brown tinged cm this afternoon and I'm feeling all panicked now on top of that I have tummy ache and boobs feel less sore so am getting worried
feeling really rubbish today, had some brown tinged cm this afternoon and I'm feeling all panicked now on top of that I have tummy ache and boobs feel less sore so am getting worried
morning all
The spotting did stop but came back abit last night, but tmi ahead, I am really constipated and both times the spotting seems related to me going to the loo especially last night so maybe its irritating something down there? I've no cramping apart from um poo pains lol
Took some senna last night which has helped alot, am less bloated and uncomfortable but think will get a doc apt today anyway just to put my mind at ease or I'm gonna be a nervous wreck!
Anyway gotta go to worl now, take care everyone and any words of wisdomwould be appreciated
thanks everyone, am off to the hospital in abit as doc as very lovely and said even though not much spotting or pain he'd rather I had a scan. He was naughty and exagerated my symptoms to the hospital doc so have a letter for a&e to get seen today.
He was worried as I've had a bit of lower back ache, but I'm not the only one am I?
He wants to rule out ectopic too.
Naturally, I'm a big mess now and am just preparing for the worse as you never know. Will hopefully be back soon with some good news