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B vits gals!

I know what you mean about worries with the symptoms coming and going... and I'm lucky to get the weekly reassurances, but i'm just as nervous before each scan that they're not going to see anything :dohh:

I totally agree with that girls, I was doing it myself this morning, but I remember with my daughter I used to have those worries - I think you just get good and bad days, the next day your ms can be back with a vengeance! :sick:

Lisa you're so lucky getting a scan every week - Im almost thinking about going for an early scan for the reassurance, I think its terrible how long we wait over here for our 1st one :growlmad:

Oh btw - Im going to carry on taking 100mg Bcomplex for the moment , will probably lower the dose soon but as it isnt harmful I just want to be confident with my progesterone levels first, thanks for the advice.

Gonna go now ladies , i think food is calling me!! AGAIN! :pizza: :pizza:
tinks... if I you go for a private scan, I'd wait until 8 weeks if you can... the earliest you typically see the heartbeat is 6 weeks, but the statistics for miscarriage only go down a SLIGHT bit after seeing the hb at 6 weeks (psychologically its reassuring though!). I asked my doc this week, at 7 weeks, seeing the heartbeat what my success rate is, and he said its about 85%...
I read that seeing the heartbeat at 8 weeks is a 98% success rate...
So... if you CAN wait, I would wait until at least 8 weeks for a private scan...

Just my thoughts on it though!
I feel so tired and sick today:( Having a bit of a duvet day and going to send DH to the supermarket for the weeks shopping. How do you write a shopping list when all food seems horrible?
hi ladies i thought id pop by hope u dont mind, could i join u all?

hi ladies i thought id pop by hope u dont mind, could i join u all?


congratulations on you bfp. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months:)

how long were you ttc for?

ttc just over a year as had to wait for depo injection to get out my system which took 18months before we could try....im so happy but a bit scared be glad when im past 12wks... xx
Yeah I can't wait for 12 weeks, just will make me feel so much happier and less worried. I get worried over every stomach pain and fear spotting every time I go to the loo. Felt quite rough today which gives me a bit of comfort as it's a sign some thing is going on in there.
Have you had any symptoms?
Can't believe it's Sunday evening! How come the weekends go by so quickly!
Yeah I can't wait for 12 weeks, just will make me feel so much happier and less worried. I get worried over every stomach pain and fear spotting every time I go to the loo. Felt quite rough today which gives me a bit of comfort as it's a sign some thing is going on in there.
Have you had any symptoms?
Can't believe it's Sunday evening! How come the weekends go by so quickly!

I could have written that post merry! Never had travel sickness before but 3 hrs travelling back from my sisters has mad me notice it, but last 2 days have felt bit more sicky, but like you said its a good sign! Its not nice to feel rough but glad your dh is looking after you!

Congrats shell, another bfp yey!!!
I can't wait for that landmark too!
DH blabbed to the neighbors yesterday :dohh: What part of 'we are not telling anyone else until the first Trimester is over" did he not understand!!! ARGH
And when I scolded him and told him no more people, he said 'we'll see'

A few days ago he said 'so are you going to say something on facebook soon? because I'm going to' .... I'm going to freaking kill him!!! LOL!!!
I might feel a little different after my 8 week scan... and might not even hit him if he does it after our 10 week scan... but seriously!!! It can wait!!!
ive been having light headaches like every day since ov and i keep having faint af like cramps the last few days if that makes sense and down the sides of my boobs have been aching and tender....

i have a fear of spotting too i keep going loo to check but last time i got my bfp i was spotting for days then stopped then started again but ended in mc so id be happy to have no spotting as im scared enuff with have pcos....gotta see my doc bout metformin that im on as i want to stay on it till im 12wks!!
I would kill my DH if he told people before 12 weeks! He told his parents I was feeling sick on the phone earlier and I gave him a glare. I don't mind him telling a close friend, some one to talk to incase of mc but not everyone. Certainly not his parents! I've told 1 close friend and work and that's it. The others can wait:)

feeling less sick after eating dinner:) I had a pie:) Have spent most of today on the sofa watching a discovery Castles Day special. I now know a lot of useless infomation about castles!
Hi Everyone! Welcome Shell, congrats!

We have told all our friends and Fam, not going to tell work till my 12 week scan. I remain positive that nothing bad is going to happen!

Just been feeling really tired and I have been pigging out :help:! I weighed myself and since I got my BFP to now I have put on one Kg! Have to take control and STOP eating so much!

Anyway last night I went to bed with a headache, thought that it was just cause I was tired but I had it the whole night :( and I woke up to go to the loo like 6 times! I don't really want to take any medication but if it gets really bad we are allowed to take Paracetemol right?? Just not Ibuprofen like nurofen?

Anyway hope you are all ok today. Merry when you motioned you had a pie for dinner I began to salivate!:dohh:
I know we can take tylenol and aspirin... one of those is paracetemol, right? ;)

Some of that weight gain is probably water weight/bloat and even maybe constipation.
I have been snacking constantly (and not always on healthy things!!) but eating smaller portions at meals and haven't put on any weight yet.. *knock on wood

I get so frustrated with being hungry every 2 hours or less! :( Especially because I feel sick if I ignore it... grrr...
Hi Shell - Congrats on your :bfp: Welcome to the other side!!

How are you all feeling girls? Nausea seems to be kicking in more now for me , it was terrible last night, felt really queasy for a couple of hours until I ate (again!)

Im with you on that Lisaf, need to eat every couple of hours!! Dont know how Im fitting it all in! I ate 2 roast dinners yesterday (thank god for Moms and MILs cooking!!mmmmm :munch: :munch:)
ooh, yummy... I've been eating frozen foods or restaurants... I have the ingredients for lasagna but forgot to make it this weekend :dohh:

It sounds like too much work to do on the weekdays though, lol. I think I'll have to cook it anyway and find the energy somehow.
I read a good idea in one of my pregnancy books, to make up some meals and freeze them - I think I will need to do that soon so I always have something handy to stuff my face!! :haha::haha:

Ive never had an appetite like this, even with my DD, so Im just thinking give my body what it wants and Im sort of enjoying getting to eat all the food that I normally wouldnt want, yum yum :winkwink:
I feel sick if I don't eat every few hours, been heavy on the toast and other not so healthy foods. Been out for dinner and had chickpea stew. It was Cuban food and nice but feeling queasy and now on the train home:(

it was nice to see my friend and she asked me if I had plans for kiddies yet, I said no and felt so guilty! Will let her know at 12 weeks but just don't want to share my news yet. I'm graduating to blueberry tomorrow. So excited.

Crissie the pie was lovely, have another one in the freezer for Wednesday to have with buttery mash. Hmmmm. Given up totally on the healthy eating it seems:( o well
oh I need to eat lunch right now! :( Nothing sounds good enough for a meal and I don't feel like driving out from work to pick something up :(

Just having a whine here, don't mind me...
Lisa please feel free to whine away, some times I'm hungry but have no idea what I want! Nothing seems right, I can't be bothered to cook, drive to the store etc. I just want a magical food to make me feel better!
Morning ladies, has anyone else had really sore bbs?? I was having really bad shooting pains last night and they feel so heavy!There definitely getting bigger as well! Do you think it might be due to the high amount of progesterone? They were a bit sore with my daughter but never anything as bad as this Ouch:sad1:

Isnt it horrible not knowing what you want to eat? and some things make me feel sick even thinking about them! :sick:

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