Breastfeeding Champions - need old and new members!

Hi. Happy to be on the list. Breastfed Poppy till 16 months and she was prem and in SCBU for 2 weeks so some experiene of breastfeeding a prem baby too.

Happy to say that breastfeeding Florrie has been a doddle so not had any 'experiences' to share but always here to offer help to anyone who might need it :)
Im up for being a champion

ive bf through anemia, a baby in SCBU, while having a toddler running around, with cracked,bleeding nipples and oversupply ive exclusively expressed and then gone back to BF
dealt with biting/teething and a baby born with teeth, and now been nusing EJ over a year and hes nightweaned and down to 3 times a day and I milkshare ( donate privately ) for a local woman through HM4HB since i cant donate to a milk bank because of a bloodtransfusion
My blurb...........

LO was born at 41 weeks by emergency C-section. As a result of not being able to get up to put her back in the moses basket after night feeds (DH is no good at being woken up :dohh:) we ended up co-sleeping and still do for half the night. After having cracked and bleeding nipples and being on antibiotics after the section we ended up with thrush at 3 weeks PP. Got rid of that after some great help from the midwife. :thumbup:
Have succesfully nursed in public - with a cover when LO was smaller and now without a cover now she is older and I'm super confident about it :thumbup:
I have experience expressing with a pump and now hand express. I am back at work part time and expressing by hand 3 times a day whilst there and feeding straight from the breast the rest of the time. LO is on 3 meals a day and finger food but still loves her boobie :haha: I have had numerous blocked ducts so got experience with them and my baby also refuses a bottle.
..............sorry it got long!! :dohh::haha:
OT but tigercats, SS are massive in UK! At one point I swear you couldn't go 5 mins without hearing one of their songs! I've seen them live at a festival and they were fun if not a little crazy to watch! (in fact they were headlining at the time!)
Thanks, everyone!!!! :dance: These are fabulous offers. :flower:

Sun!!!!!!!! You finally got your :bfp:!!!!! :yipee: Congrats, hon! And you, too Blah11!!! Congrats! :flower: Welcome to the wonderful world of tandem nursing. Well... not so wonderful while pg. :haha: But if you get through pg, feeding two is amazing!

BecL, I'm going to put you down for BF while pg, too, if that is okay? You feed Poppy for about half your pg, right?

Lottie, well done on expressing for so long! :shock: I think that's the longest I have ever heard of! Here's hoping you can BF directly this time. :thumbup:

I've taken notes and will be updating the actual thread soon. Work is busy right now, and home even busier! :wacko: So, my time on BnB is less than I would like. But I'll get it refreshed and updated asap! Thank you, ladies, for being so generous with your offers of help. :D

Re: SS -- they never became all that huge here. At least not yet. More of an underground following... largely in the gay community. :roll: Two very close friends of mine (both gay guys) introduced them to me. We went to see them live a few times in small settings (bars). It was outstanding!!! I'll never forget Anna Matronic telling Jake that he hadn't seen a p***y since his mother gave birth to him. :rofl:
I cant be a champion yet as I have only been BF for 5 weeks but if your still looking when I get to 3 months I would love to.

I could not BF first baby as I had no milk despite medication and pumping and trying everything under the sun so I struggled and finally gave up, I had enough milk to feed once per day and I did that for 5 months. This time around everyone including me thought it would be the same however my milk is here and have been exclusively BF for 5 weeks and her weight gain is awesome, she is 2.2lb above her birth weight.
Lynnikins, you had a lo born with teeth?!:shock: I've heard of that happening, but never known anyone it's happened to. How many teeth, and which ones?
Thanks for the congrats TL :hugs: Sooooo excited! :happydance:
Not so sure if Bun will still be feeding once #2 is here though - he only BF 1x/day now! xx
Happy to stay on the champion list! Exclusively BF for 6 months, pumped like a crazy person while being a working mom, extending BF as I'm still nursing, and obviously, I'm BF while pregnant. :)
I'd be interested in being a champion,

I've been breastfeeding ds2 for just over 6months,the problems I faced was that nobody showed me how to breastfeed for 3days so I taught myself it was a tough 3 days though as sometimes lo wouldn't latch and tbh I had no idea how to latch him,but after trying and trying he's had a perfect latch ever since, I also have an energetic toddler to run after which was difficult in the beginning but didn't stop me!lo also refuses the bottle he once went 9hrs without milk coz I wasn't there! I nip without a cover and I have huuuuuge boobs
Lynnikins, you had a lo born with teeth?!:shock: I've heard of that happening, but never known anyone it's happened to. How many teeth, and which ones?
yes Nate was born with his bottom centre teeth ( forget what they are called sorry ) one was right the way about 1ml out of the gums and the other had just broken the gum surface, the MW's and Pediatrican were shocked as were everyone who saw him, he was the most visited baby in SCBU ( in for other reasons not the teeth ) just caus of those teeth lol
Lol I was born with a tooth apparently but then they said it disappeared :shrug:

sorry ot!

I would love to be a champion but i'm afraid I really don't have the time atm and don't get onto bnb that much :cry: I don't know what the commitment is? i guess people usually need advice there and then and can't really wait? i have experience with EMCS under general, NICU, delayed meeting baby and delayed start to bf'ing, delayed milk and low supply at the start, slow weight gain, then poor latch problems, thrush, expressing and donating, going back to work, extended bf'ing, bf'ing a toddler :) i would love to be of help if i could but i understand that i'm probably not able to commit properly to what people need.

So I just wanted to add my thanks and admiration to all you ladies who are doing it, you're amazing :flower: sorry to hijack the thread, as you were ... :)
I am willing to become a champion.

Breastfeeding my first exclusively for 4 months now.

I am currently doing the La Leche League Breastfeeding support course and have been leading on a breastfeeding campaign in Merseyside so have done this hand in hand with the local breastfeeding team (see my blog link on my sig).

I donate milk so express every day (swear by Medela) and suffered with badly cracked nipples at the start.

My boy still feeds anywhere between 1 and 4 times in the night too.

I'm still interested in being on the champion list!


C-section mummies
Feeding babies with cleft lip/palate
Young Moms

:D Thanks!
Thanks, Ladies! These are great offers. :happydance:

ellie: The commitment isn't that huge. Basically, just respond to PMs when you get them. But if you don't get on every day, that is okay. You probably won't get loads of PMs. It is much more common for ppl to just post questions and problems on the Champ thread. So, the biggest help would be to subscribe to that thread and answer any posts you feel you could have input on. Again, as long as enough ladies are helping on that, you don't have to do it everyday. If you feel you can do that, I'd be happy to add you! Let me know. :flower:
Feel free to add me.

My LO was slow to latch and had an initial weight loss of 18%, followed by ongoing weight issues til 2.5/3months. Needed supplementing (not just cos of HV "advice" but cos just didn't gain), so combi fed to begin with, so was palying catch up on supply from day 1!. Eventually went exclusive at 4 months.

Now "extended" feeding.

Also I'm TTC and BFing and am starting to build up a wealth of knowledge on that subject too.

Oh, and I'm a trained BFing Peer Supporter.
Hi TigerLady, hope all is well with you and your family!

I rarely check the breastfeeding forum anymore but you have inspired me to subscribe to the BF champions thread and answer questions if I have anything useful to say. I didn't have any major problems with BF so I'm not sure how much use I would be but happy to try to answer general queries.
Thanks, Polaris! I appreciate the extra help. Often the questions that come in there are fairly "normal" ones and can be answered by those with only minimal experience with problems. So, you will be a great addition!

I would like to be a champion! My areas are jaundice, young mums, bfing in a very low bfing rate area. I have good general bfing knowledge too and am starting the LLL training soon :) xx
Would be willing to be a champion, have just redone me bf peer support course(had been a few years and moved areas:thumbup:) and have experience in.....I have now managed to succesfully feed 4 children

premature babies bf
feeding multiples
bf whilst pg
extended feeding

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