Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

At work... sneaking some time while the kiddies are in choir. :shy: :haha:

Happy 15 weeks Kelly!!

I told some ladies here. I shook like a leaf telling them but I did! :D
Yay! Did it go ok Mindy?
Kelly, looking forward to it. Check out trains to York and Hull. Hull is easier as you can get a connecting train to the town where I live. I can put you up for a night as well if its too much to do in one day.
Well I have had a lovely day. Met my friends from post natal group at the play cafe where we all used to meet up weekly when our tots were babies. Since everyone going back to work etc and being busy with second babies its been rare that we have all been together but for the first time in ages all seven of us were there. Seven mums, seven toddlers, five babies and two bumps.
My day has also included clearing up cat poo and toddler sick, but that's by the by.
Mrs M-You're not supposed to be cleaning up cat poo, but if you must, please wear gloves and a face mask!

Sounds like you had a great day! Wow, that's a lot of toddlers and babies! Just the kind of situation that used to make me run to a corner and hide! It must have been nice to have the whole group together.

Woo hoo Kelly! 15 weeks! :happydance: Oooh, gender scan soon, or are you going to be team yellow?

Mindy, how did your day go?
Hi ladies :)

It went well! One lady there suspected already since we ran into her a few weeks ago. They were all happy. I am feeling a little more confident now to go in public in fitted clothing. :haha:

Mrs. M., it sounds like you had a lovely time at the meet up. Sorry Edie isn't feeling well today. Hopefully it was just too much excitement and not a bug.

Kelly, I was always one for animals too. I always said I would never have children. I used to feel like I was broken, I had no desire whatsoever to have children. Not until about a year and a half ago. :dohh: I have never changed a diaper and I have only held a baby 2 times and that is only because I was forced to by a friend of ours! :haha: I am so nervous but I am so happy.

MMM, I hope your appt went well today! :hugs:

I know I am missing things I want to talk about. I am going to have to go back and read it again.

I had my dr's appt today. It went well. I only put on 2 lbs in the past 4 weeks, only 5 total. The dr said it is a little low but he said it is good. The baby's heart rate was going between 150-158. The dr said it was on the high side of normal but he said he is not worried. We could hear the baby moving around in there. I just wish I could feel it! I have my anatomy scan on Tuesday. I hope it goes well. I am nervous but trying to keep my PMA.
Lexi, I know! I had no choice. She had done it on my stepsons bedroom floor and it reeked! There was only me to do it. I always clean out her litter tray anyway, Mark leaves it to me! She is an indoor cat so it's not quite so risky.
Thanks Mindy, Edie was ok. She had been sick in the night but was totally fine today.
Hope everyone else is ok. I'm very excited about the new series of strictly come dancing!
Been in quite some pain this afternoon and evening. It's across my left hip, the left hand side of my bump, and across my sacrum.
mrs sounds like you had a lovely day boo for pain hope it vanishes soon xx
crayz i def wana know am too excited to wait lol
ts glad your day went well now im worried as peanuts heartrate is around 160 165 does this mean this is too fast??
hope your all ok ms is back for me yuk
Yuck, sorry you are feeling sick, Kelly :hugs:

I don't think that is too fast at all. I am pretty sure it starts off faster and then gets slower as you are further along. Try not to worry. (even though I know how hard it is not to worry!!)
Don't worry about the heart rate ladies. It will most likely slow down once you're farther along.

I'm glad your appointments went well!

You KNOW, they say if the heartbeat is on the faster side, it's a girl!

But that's not really true, because if it was, Scott would be a woman. When my MIL was pregnant with him, they kept telling her the baby was a girl because the heart rate was so fast...

SURPRISE!! It's a boy!

Mindy, don't worry about the weight gain either. I only gained about 4 lbs. in the first 20 weeks. By the time Yeardley was born, I had gained about 30 lbs, and she was only 3 lbs. when she came out!! You're tiny anyways, so you'll probably be all belly!

Mrs. M-glad Edie is feeling better. I agree, I would have cleaned up the cat poop too.
Mrs. M., how the heck did I miss that you posted?? Sorry about that! I am glad that Edie is doing better. About the cat litter, I heard that if your cat is an indoor cat and doesn't eat raw meat (or mice) then your risk for toxoplasmosis is pretty low. My cats are indoor cats but Shawn scoops their litters anyway. But, my dogs eat a raw diet and I am the one who is on poop duty when we go for walks! :haha:

I'm sorry that you are hurting today. Are you still having problems with SPD? Do you think that Migglet might just be laying funny and causing you the pain? I hope you feel better soon!

Crayz, you that is funny that you said that about the gender and the heart rate. My dr already predicted (jokingly) a girl for us because of the higher heart rate. Also, our friend predicted a girl today because of it. :haha: I know that it is just an old wives tale but it makes me just a teeny bit excited. Haha! That is so funny that your MIL was totally expecting a girl because of the heart rate thing!

I hope that I don't have to worry about the weight gain. The dr isn't too worried right now. I feel like right now I am turning some pudge that I had into baby weight. Since I got pregnant this time I have totally cut out gluten which means I have totally cut out take out food. It seems my muffin top is slowly going away from my sides. :dance: Haha! My mom only gained 15 lbs when she was pregnant so I don't know if it is genetic or not but we will see. The dr said that as long as the baby is growing/gaining as she/he should then he isn't worried.

I am currently cuddled in a blanket with a kitty cuddled into me and I am watching America's Next Top Model. So lazy. Haha! I already had a 2 hour nap this evening. :shy:

I hope you are all having a good evening/morning. :flower:

Oh, what do you ladies think of this coat? I don't know if it really looks warm enough, but I think I am going to be pretty warm then anyway. Haha! I was looking at one coat (this one) but it is so expensive and I already have a similar coat anyway so there won't be much use for it after baby comes or if I am not carrying baby in a sling.
Mindy, I think I need one of those coats!!!

Now that we'll be somewhere with winter instead of sticky tropical weather 85% of the year, I should really invest in one of these! I got Scott an ergo carrier, and I have a Moby, but I don't use it as often as I should, but I don't leave the house much either because I'm so afraid she'll get sick. And when I took her to the post office to ship the clothes, some mother let her 3 year old son with dirt caked under his finger nails touch my daughter!!! I wanted to nail her. I picked her carrier up high enough that he couldn't reach her.

Oh, and my mother only gained about 15 with my brother, and about 22 with my sister and I. When she went into labor with my brother, the security guard at the hospital didn't believe she was even pregnant. He followed her upstairs to OBGYN to make sure she was telling the truth!

Mrs. M-could it be sciatic nerve, maybe? I hope you feel better soon. It's tough to be uncomfortable already, but to have more pain on top of that sucks. Maybe a nice hot bath would do you good with some Epsom salts!
Mindy that coat looks wonderful. I have a sling that I will wear some of the time, but I'm not going to be doing a lot of baby wearing.
Re weight, I weighed myself yesterday. I seem to have gained just over a stone so far. It could probably do to be slightly less, but I'm not feeling like I need to slow down, I'm quite comfortable with my size and the size of my bump and I'm eating what I can. I'm maybe having more crumpets and donuts than I should, but during the day the thought of most other food still makes me feel sick. I balance it out with a healthy evening meal. I'm finally, for the first time since 16 weeks, seeing a midwife on Tuesday. She won't weigh me but I'm sure she will let me know if she thinks anything is wrong.
I was supposed to be working today, but I had nobody booked in at all, so there was no point me going in. I may have to make the hours up at a later date, but I'm getting to the stage where I don't care. I'd rather lose the money.
One of the cities close to us has the fair this week. It's the second biggest travelling fair in the country, and pretty much everyone goes. I can't wait to take Edie so she can go on the carousel, or the "Big horses" as I used to call them. I think we are going tonight. Hopefully my back and hip pain will be better today. I haven't got out of bed yet so I don't know!
Hope you all have a good day.
I hope to catch up on this thread later but thought I'd just post now x
Hope Edie enjoys the fair :) and I hope you are less sore too. Do you think a support belt for your hips would help you any? I think you can get them off amazon? Your pelvic muscles will be slowley be loosening now top won't they? :hugs: feel better x

how are all the little rainbow babies doing today :)?

T_s that jacket looks awesome but I think id sweat buckets wearing it haha. Its a really nice idea though! Both are :)

Crayz: grubby kids that look like their mums havnt bothered to wash them make me sad :( in your position i would have done the exact same thing. Good news of your move too :)

Sorry if i have missed anything (on the phone again) but i hope everyone is well :)

nothing very exciting to post from me im afraid. 40 days to go and ive now started on mr peas curtains :haha:
Lexi, I would have totally done the same with my baby with a dirty little kid trying to touch her! I would have also said something to the mom... :shy: Haha!

I like the fleece coat but I don't really know if I love it in the "not pregnant" mode. :haha: I am still looking. I really like the M coat, but at $300-$400 it is a bit much for the few months that I will need it. Like I said, my winter coat now is quite similar to the look of the coat without the panel. I don't need 2 of the same coat. I am going to keep looking. I made a cozy fleece poncho a few years ago and just took it out of the closet again last night. It will work for a while into the fall but now so much once real winter hits! Newfoundland winters are quite the thing!

Mrs. M., I plan to get a sling and use it only for taking baby out. I don't plan to wear baby in the house often. I know this could just be coincidence but 2 friends of mine did the baby wearing thing all the time and they can't even step away from their child now or they cry. One friend was out with her child and put her down to play with our other friend's child's toys and then she got up to go put her coat away and before she was even fully stood up the baby was crying. Even at home they have to constantly sit on the floor with her. She is over a year old now. I don't know how they get anything at all done. I am afraid of that happening. Not that I plan to ignore baby, far from it!, but I would like to be able to put baby down to play on her own for a little while (5-10 minutes) under supervision from a small distance away. I feel that babies need to learn that skill. But, I am not a parent and these are just ideas I have now... who knows what will happen when I have baby!

I hope you guys enjoy the fair. I am sure Edie is going to love the carousel. I hope you aren't so sore today so you are able to enjoy yourself!

I am not overly concerned about weight gain so far either. I think you look wonderful in all the pictures you post so I can't see your mw saying anything. I was about 10-15 lb more than I wanted to be before I got pregnant anyway so I am just assuming that cutting out the take out food and cutting out the gluten completely is what is happening. I think the extra weight is turning into baby weight. I am really hoping that after baby comes I will be able to get into a shape that I am comfortable with. I think a combination of new eating habits and bf'ing will really help :)

MMM, I hope you are well :)

Pichi, I think that wearing baby would be hot, but I think it will be hot no matter what someone wears, a fleece coat or a t-shirt :haha: Winters here get quite cold/snowy so I think that a warm coat is a definite must for me.

I can't believe it is only 40 more days for you!! How exciting :dance: I am so excited for you :D

Are you planning to post a picture of your completed work? I would love to see it all together. You do beautiful work!

I hope you are all well. I hope you all have a great day :flower:
Mindy that coat is lovely $300-$400 ouch!! :lol: I think hubby would have a heartattack if I spent that much on a coat :lol: I'm just hoping my coat from last year will last as it only has 3 buttons so it will just expose bump :lol:

Mrs M how was the fair? My LO's love the fair and rides too :)

Crayz where are you moving too?

Pichi how are you doing? 40 days! Eeeekkkk are you all prepared?

Hows everyone else doing?

I've been to work today (it's my weekend off) as they were desperate for cover so I've done 2 1/2 hours over lunch and tea. Just had a nice relaxing bath and now just waiting for our chinese to come so we can watch take me out :) Tomorrow I have a ladies day, with entertainment and food with my bestie :cloud9: can't wait x
Too bad you had to go into work today :( But at least it was only a few hours. It sounds like you have a nice day planned for tomorrow! Nice :D
Crayz that's so not nice I would of had to say something :haha:

Ts love the coat looks lovely and snug as a bug

Mrs m hope your having/had a lovely time at the fair, sounds like the hopping s we get every June but the weather always knows when it's here because it never stops raining :haha:

My parents got back from Mexico today, missed them lots, they got back at 7.30 this am and my poor dad still hadn't sat down when we got there about 3pm, they'd arranged to get painting/decorating and electric stuff all done while they were away, but the window people messed up for a second time so they have no bathroom window until mon now, the electrician changed the fusebox and the idiot forgot to switch the electric back on so they lost about £200 worth of food in the fridge and freezers, they'd pulled the cooker out and ripped a wire out so the cooker wouldn't work they've dinted the door on the dishwasher and left it to my parents to clear up the whole mess of their house they'd left, bless them they've had an amazing hol then brought back to this

Finally had my carpets fitted today I feel like I've moved house :haha: totally rearranged all the bedrooms, but took about 4 hours to clear everything up and sort stuff out, now my hips and back are sore and I am soooo tired, I knew I was doing to much but I can't help it I can't leave things if they need doin :haha:

Anyways apologies for the rambling and hope your all having a great weekend :)
Pichi, I think that wearing baby would be hot, but I think it will be hot no matter what someone wears, a fleece coat or a t-shirt :haha: Winters here get quite cold/snowy so I think that a warm coat is a definite must for me.

I can't believe it is only 40 more days for you!! How exciting :dance: I am so excited for you :D

Are you planning to post a picture of your completed work? I would love to see it all together. You do beautiful work!

i can't believe it is just 40 days either - it's gone by so quickly :wacko:

and yeah i do agree with baby wearing is a hot business haha. we had a brief stint of baby wearing but pixie didn't like it :nope: still have the wrap for #2 though :) they're handy things especially if you want to just nip out for a few things without the hastle of the buggy :)

i will post up the whole nursery when it's all done which should be within the next few weeks ... finally got the OH to get his finger out :thumbup::haha:

Pichi how are you doing? 40 days! Eeeekkkk are you all prepared?

I've been to work today (it's my weekend off) as they were desperate for cover so I've done 2 1/2 hours over lunch and tea. Just had a nice relaxing bath and now just waiting for our chinese to come so we can watch take me out :) Tomorrow I have a ladies day, with entertainment and food with my bestie :cloud9: can't wait x

i'm good thank you :) for the most part we're prepared but really should crack on with the empty hospital bag O__O!

relaxing bath and a chinese sounds good :D have a good day tomorrow with your girlies :flower:

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