Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I have my next scan on the 11th too! But I'll be 19 weeks and hopefully we'll know if we're having a boy or a girl!
Yay for all these scans, im waiting for my 20 week scan letter to come through and hope its not when Ben is in Portugal!!!

Im not finding out although people keep saying boy!! I dont mind either way!!

Loz, i think my friend is loaning me her doppler next week after all I said about not getting one. I think it will be nice for Ben and my mum to hear and also Bens parents are over from France so will be able to hear too!! I promise I will not be obsessed :rofl:

Pink, yay for 3+ :wohoo: its reassuring to get these steps behind you isnt it.

Sarah, I cant believe we have avocados!!!! Have you felt movement yet?? I thought i felt something roll around last night!!

:hug: for everyone xxx
I don't think I've felt anything yet. I sometimes get weird feelings that I can't place though and everyone has described their first feeling of movement as "fluttering" and that's kind of what I've been feeling, so it's possible!
it feels like fluttering or popping - kinda like wind i guess... :flower: it's possible you felt it by now :)
Hi girls

Sorry i have been silent for a few days. I sadly miscarried on Mon so have been going through a tough time. That is now 2 mcs for me and we have decided to see a fertility expert at St Mary's hosp in a few weeks time....

Have any of you been to an expert and/or miscarried twice and so can offer me any comfort?

V sad time........good luck to all of you in your pregnancies xx
Hi girls

Sorry i have been silent for a few days. I sadly miscarried on Mon so have been going through a tough time. That is now 2 mcs for me and we have decided to see a fertility expert at St Mary's hosp in a few weeks time....

Have any of you been to an expert and/or miscarried twice and so can offer me any comfort?

V sad time........good luck to all of you in your pregnancies xx

I am so sorry, I haven"t personally had two, but I know plenty of woman, who have and many of them have went on to have healthy children. I would push to have some testing done, it is possible that it could be something that iseasily corrected.
:hugs: Happys so, so sorry for your loss.

I have had 2 mc, 10week mmc and 5week mc and I am hoping this is 3rd time lucky. I did get some tests done due to my age. Cardiolipids/lupus/karotyping/7dpo progesterone all came back normal. I got thyroid done through my GP (as I have some symptoms) that came back just above normal but that have increased more than double when they were checked a few years ago so I am going back tomorrow for that to be repeated. I really hope you get some answers at St Mary's.
Hi girls

Sorry i have been silent for a few days. I sadly miscarried on Mon so have been going through a tough time. That is now 2 mcs for me and we have decided to see a fertility expert at St Mary's hosp in a few weeks time....

Have any of you been to an expert and/or miscarried twice and so can offer me any comfort?

V sad time........good luck to all of you in your pregnancies xx

So sorry for your loss Happy. I too have had two missed miscarriages but I have had no testing done as the rule in our area is 3. My gp was about to refer me on the grounds that I had been ttc for 18 months and I was awaiting an appointment when I fell pregnant. Sorry I could not be more help. My Gp did explain that they run blood tests first then do more invasive tests on uterus lining etc if needed. Really hope you get some answers hun. Sending hugs.
Aw Happy, im so sorry to hear that sad news chick, look after yourself and I would definitely go and ask for help, the worst that they can say is that they wont do it. If you have been trying for a long time though I would push for some tests or to be referred to a specialist.

Take care and massive hugs :hug: xxx
Oh HappyS I'm so sorry hun :hugs: I have actually mc'd twice but one was many years ago when I was a teenager and they were different mc's. Some specialists will help you after 2 losses, so fingers crossed here that they find something simple and treatable and that you are pregnant again soon with an extra sticky baby. :hugs:
Thank you all for your kind words. I have opted to see a specialist privately as cannot bear a third loss. I have my first appointment on 3rd April.......I will keep you all posted.

I hope your pregnancies all progress well xx :hugs:
Thanks loz x I have had every test possible that they ofer on the nhs so I need to find out which of this have or havnt been done then find out where if any where can do the ones that havnt! I just found an interesting site and might try and raise the cash to follow that route but in the mean time we are app ing to adoption agencies x
hi ladies thought it was bout time i joined you all on here :)

happy so sorry about your loss :hugs:
Hey Hope, welcome to our little thread :flower:

I'm getting exited, less than 24 hours to go til next scan, and my boys will get to come this time!

Bump its wonderful you plan to adopt- you will give much needed love and security to a child that desperately needs it. That mc clinic looks good, with good success stories, you could end up with an adopted son or daughter, plus a sticky baby! :hugs:
Bump, i think adoption is such a lovely and worthy thing to do, you get your baby and a baby has two parents to love it :hugs: good luck with the tests too though, i agree with Loz, it will be typical that both will come at the same time!!

Loz, yay for scan, good luck chick, is this the private one?? Are you finding out the sex??

Happy, thinking of you :hugs:

Hopeit, congratulations my dear, welcome, whats your story chick??

Yup its the private gender scan! They do it from 16w onwards but I was cheeky and put in my lmp on the booking instead of my EDD lol If Baby is cooperating, it should be obvious whether or not I will have to say sorry for referring to Bellybean as 'he' all this time! Taking my sons plus OH, then after we will go tell his parents that we are expecting again. They are both unwell so will be nice to offer them some good news. Will also go buy something for Bellybean after the scan, something gender specific. I don't actually need to buy any clothes if its a boy, but will buy something anyway to celebrate finding out.
loz - soooo exciting cant wait 2 find out wot ur having

clobo - i miscarried at 4wks 5days back in dec started ttc again straightaway and finally got my bfp just over 2 weeks ago, but joined the thread started by firsttimer not sure if you know which 1 i mean but anyways found such lovely ppl and support on there

im starting to feel sick a lot more now and very very tired, i even turned down a chinese lastnight in favour of going to bed soo not like me :haha:

had an awful time this morning my ds fell off a chair and i tried 2 grab him but he smacked into the bottom of the stairs which when they built these houses i dont know what u call it but it some kind of dec with bars of wood going up the stairs which are very triangular and sharp at the bottom anyways he obv started crying and i noticed hes popped his nose so i thought ok i can deal with that then realised his head was pouring of blood and me being me just panicked an screamed 4 oh who was still in bed needless 2 say he sharp woke up, then i panicked even more ds stopped crying and just sat staring not moving or talking, thankfully after being at the hospital half an hr he got up and started playing with the toys and only had a small nik 2 the top of his head plus a nice bump and a bright red nose bless him
Hi Hope!! Aww glad your DS is okay now. It is such a shock to the both of you when things like that happen.

Can't wait to see scan pics loz. Now you have and both boy and girl dreams it will be a suprise tomorrow!

Bump - adoption is such as great way to go and hopefully you'll be helping another little one while waiting fo your own too.

afm- My boobs are still sore but not as much nausea and cramps as I have been getting. Lots of creamy CM, it feels as if I am always wet down there. And boy did the night sweats return with a vengeance last night after giving me the night off on Thursday.

We nipped into town this morning and OH ended up carrying the bags, he jokingly said ‘what are you going to carry?’ to which I replied that ‘I was carrying our child’! He didn’t have much to say to that, but it was the first time ever that we have been able to be light and jokey about things. The first one he was in shock and I was ill with the pg and the second just never felt right from the start. So here’s hoping all this PMA brings great rewards.
Oh Blimey Hope, what a heart stopping moment! I swear boys are put on earth to give us heart attacks! Reminds me of when my youngest came in from the garden bleeding from his mouth, trying not to look horrified while I checked he had all his teeth present and correct (he did, they were fine) twas his lip! I'm glad ds is fine- I bet he scared himself into shock for a time there!

Pink, so glad you are finding moments of lightness already! Keep it one day at a time, and those moments will get bigger and more frequent! Good answer that is to the bag carrying query, I'm going to use that one tomorrow when we do some after scan shopping!

As we are going to his OH's parents after the scan I don't know what time I'll be back, but I'll get online soon as we get back to let you all know how it went. :hugs:

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