Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I am so sorry Debzie, my heart really goes out to you. I had the erpc last year and was glad I did. I had to wait 6 weeks after my 2nd mc before they could do any tests so I am assuming that might be the same for you. I am so upset for you, sending lots of love and big hugs xx
Thanks again ladies I did the same last year clobo went to ibiza after the last mmc. This year finances are a little tight bt we are going to go away somewhere.
Debzie i'm so sorry for your loss :(

clobo - yeah we'll be finding out the sex. i found out with Pixie and it was so much more practical for organising everything. to me it's as much of a surprise finding out at 20w than it is 40w :)
Oh Debzie, I'm so sorry sweetie. My heart goes out to you.
So sorry to hear of your loss, my heart really gos out to you.
Debzie I'm so so sorry, you will get there in the end you'll see. Erpc is the way to go, I will never have another medical mc again as it just messes with your hormones too much and takes ages to get period back and it doesn't work as well as an erpc. You'll be pregnant again with a sticky bean in no time you will x x x :hugs: :hugs:
Loz, just saying :hi: I hope everything is ok with you. You were definitely right to stand your ground with your mil re last name and I'm so happy for you that you're having a boy! :cloud9: So jealous too as I want a boy! X x
Pink men do not understand what we go through at all! My hubby has said ridiculous things like that in the past, after the 3rd he now gets why i worry - can't believe it took him so long! It's all normal to feel like that when you've had a loss, it would be abnormal not to! X x
Men just don't get it and they can be the most unsympathetic creatures at times. My oh is in the huff because he has to get up early as im ill!
Thanks Fili :hugs: I can picture you with a boy....or 2...or 3! :haha:

My OH has been extra lovely lately, its as if he has finally noticed what a good OH I am! When I woke up this morning I caught him tentatively stroking my belly, its not something he usually does as he is very much a manly man! And yesterday we were talking about his ex's son, who he was like a dad to, and he thanked me for understanding his relationship with the lad, saying most women would take exception to it. I was really touched by this, and a little shocked that most women might find it something they didn't want to put up with. To be fair, his ex was his friend before his missus, and she is lovely and has never ever given me any reason to see her as anything other than a friend, and quite honestly I would think less of OH if he didn't maintain his relationship with the lad! She had twins last year, twin a birthing pool at home- how badass is that? No idea how anyone could have anything other than respect for a woman that will home birth twins naturally!

Bellybean is now Lil Fella, and moves so much! I feel at least 3 distinct movement periods in a day now, he is very very kicky. He is going to fit right in with my other boys! :haha: Just got to come up with a name for him....won't be easy at all :dohh:
Aww that's lovely loz! Do you like jack? I like that name
Oh thats fab to be able to fell 'lil fella' must to an extra reassurance for you.
I so so know what your feeling...I had a Mmc last July and was devastated. Just did ivf and am now 7 w 1 d and saw th hb at 6 w 6 days....which honestly made me more terrified. I keep googling 'what are the odds after seeing the hb' and the answers terrify me. I guess I was hoping for a magic '100% you'll be fine baby is healthy!' if I make it to the cvs at 10 weeks I'll be happy to have gotten that far and even more terrified of the results. I had a dd 3 yrs ago and it was so easy and uneventful. This is so stressful every day I'm on the verge of an anxiety attack....
Hey everyone, I'm in a bad place at the mo my heads saying one thi g and my hearts saying another :/ I wanna keep going but after 6 losses in a row i feel like it's never gonna happen and might aswell accept I'll never have another baby :( I'm finding it all so much to deal with and I have to go back to u I tomoz and there is two pregnant girls in my class :( on the upper side of things I have found out about the nk cell testing and we are going to give that a shot it's £200 for the consultation and then £850 for the biopsy :/ no guarantee that that is the cause but fingers crossed x also it's been 2 weeks and 3 days since my d and c bleeding stopped after a week if that as it was really light. But last 3-4 days I've been having contraction like pains and constant cramp and backache with no bleeding at all, it's so bad I can barely move at times feels like I'm in early labour :(
feeling a bit nervous today but that could be to do with my scan being on wed :(
Hi Sls, I'm sorry for your loss :hugs: and congratulations on your pregnancy! I know how scary the early weeks are, you have to just tackle it one day at a time, tis the only way. I had my mmc after 2 normal healthy pregnancies so it was a complete shocker, and I felt as though I would always mc after that but here I am at 16 weeks feeling movement. Are you at a high risk and therefore recommended to get a cvs? Just wondering, because cvs scare me! I had the NT scan but thats it but the thought of the cvs terrified me.

Bump :hugs: I think its a good idea to get the NK testing, if they come back reading high then there is a clear treatment plan to follow. I don't think you should be having bad cramps this long after the dnc, can you make an appointment to be scanned just to make sure the d n c was done properly?

Pichi I know how you feel! Its nerve destroying! What time is your scan? :hugs:
Hey bump, after my D&C I had terrible backaches and some cramping for weeks. My NP assured me that it can be normal. I ended up taking lots of pain killers until everything seemed to heal. But I don't know many people who have had my experience so maybe call your Dr. just in case?
lozdi my scan is 3pm on wednesday! i should be measuring at around 7+3
Lozdi- thanks for the kind words!!! I am terrified but I try to remember its pointless to worry because I can't do anything about it. Just hope for the best. I had a cvs with my dd so I will def have one if I made it to 10 weeks. It wasn't that bad at all- just like a quick pap smear really- but the 2 weeks after are rough while you wait. I guess I'm already feeling unsure every day so if I made it that far I wouldnt be feeling much different while waiting for the results. I wish it were so much easier for all the girls who end up on these boards- so glad we can all find others to talk to....
:hugs::hugs:Bumpy:hugs::hugs: I know how you feel but I have only had 3 losses. Do they not test for NK cells on the nhs???? The nurse went I went for my D&C said that that is one of the tests that they do after all the routines if nothing shows up. Have you been referred to the recurrent miscarriage team?

pichi it is so normal to feel scared, miscarriage has robbed us all of the excitement of pregnanacy. I will be stalking on Wed.

Hello all thought I would stalk for a while I thought it woulds make me feel bad but it doesnot I am loving hearing your news. The ERPC was much easier than I thought. Still bleeding but not much and like Bumpy I am having really bad cramps at times. Just hope it everything going back to normal. I have my appt through for testing to start on the 29th May. Will get the results from baby bean too then.
Debzie - I had bad cramps about 5-6 days after the op but I think it was more like 'wind' type pains, so bad sometimes I could hardly stand up straight. I have had bad wind pains before and it was not exactly the same but not like AF pains either. It did settle but quite worrying.

pichi - entirely normal to worry, I am sure I will be a bag of nerves next week.

sls - we all know how you feel. This time I am much more 'relaxed' about it all but have my moments of panic, one day at a time.

afm - so, so CBA at work, nausea bad again today and so tired too. Last thing I wanted to do was be at work and I was working late today too! Not normally like me so one of the girls was wondering if I 'had anything to tell her'.

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