Pink, the dr said salbutamal is fine in pregnancy but he just wanted to make sure I was getting enough air if I needed it, I guess. I usually don't have to use anything because it is just brought on by allergies but Shawn's parent's cats are both long haired and it is really hard on the both of us.
I was breathing just fine overnight but now that I am awake again my nose and eye are starting to act up. This is usually the first step leading to the asthma. But we are leaving in a bit to do some shopping before my appt.
I am definitely going to try to get a peak! I am going to ask the tech if she is willing to show us the area and let us decide on our own.

I don't think they will but it is worth a shot!
Your OH is going in for surgery today, right? I know he will be fine.

I can understand being emotional, though.
Thanks Clobo! I am trying to embrace the bump. It is a lot harder to share it than I thought it would be.

Definitely hotel next time! We usually rent a cabin at the base of the ski hill but this time I didn't want to spend the money... serves me right! Haha!
Poor Lola. Sorry you have been needing to get up to take her out so early. How are you doing? I guess it has been nice to have some help from your in laws for a little while.
I hope you are all well. I hope all your mw appts go smoothly today! Pink, you are not seeing that rotten one today, are you? I really hope not! Mrs. M., I can't believe that you haven't seen your mw since 12 weeks! Does that mean you haven't seen anyone about your pregnancy in that long, besides your 20 week scan? Pichi, here's hoping mr. pea is in the final preparations to come see his mommy!
Have a good day!
Hopefully I will be able to post a picture soon! Probably not until we get back home, though.