People can be so insensitive what possessed that idiot to even think of making such a comment???
Clo I am experiencing time flying too...always busy!
Tenzin drinks a spectacular amount of milk and the boobs seem to be getting bigger by the day!

He is such a big fella, in the clothing of 3-6 month olds at 3 and a half weeks.

He cracks us up...he will have a boobful of milk, strain, fill his nappy with gusto, and promtly fall asleep...then gets annoyed when he is all of a sudden on the mat being changed!
Sorry this is such a short post without me replying to each individual development and post, but time is a thing that does not seem to be in abundance and I'm so tired that I have forgotten half of what I just read

I look forward to such a time where I get a solid lump of sleep again, 4 hours or more in one go would be blissful! I think if I wasn't EBF (exclusively breastfeeding) I'd be insane by now...over night I just pop a boob out and baby latches like a ninja and I just go right back to sleep, if I was having to get up to make formula I'd be completely wacko by now. I'm so lucky to find the EBF going so well, especially given how much milk he needs.
Oooh, about dreams....dreams when you need to pee can be strong as pregnancy dreams so a combo of the 2 is a powerful thing. When I was young, about 5 or 6, I had a very vivid dream where I was goldilocks, and in the house of the 3 bears- I saw the porridge on the table but ignored it, went up the stairs, found the bathroom, got ready to pee.....and woke up literally about to wet the bed and had to run to the toilet!

As an adult I'm impressed that even at that age my brain had to try to trick me in order for me to pee in my sleep.
I took this picture a moment ago, he is snoring softly in the bouncer which he almost fills...and in a few minutes he will be wisked off upstairs for boob and sleep.