CD1 8/17- Anyone else with me for Sept Testing? 31 Testers so far

Please add me! I am on CD5 of cycle 2 and I'm trying temping and OPKS for the first time this cycle. DH and I are 29 and 27.
arj - Yay for 2WW. Looks like you got lots of BD time in, that's awesome! FX! I've learned that if temp isn't reliable (like in your case, I can see how temps wouldn't necessarily be accurate) you can set of FF to calculate O based on different methods, and so you can change it to be the FAM method, just BBT, or there is an advanced method which I Think actually is the default and uses all the signs of FAM (bbt, cm, cp) as well as OPKs, but I don't know for sure. I was discussing this with a friend who uses the Ovagraph app because her temps aren't very accurate but ovagraph determines O based on CM, CP, and temps combined but she feels they are more accurate for her.

Oh my goodness- welcome to all the new posters on this thread.

SO excited to see everyone chatting and testing... and GL to those with pos OPKs.

AFM- I start testing tomorrow, and am also going to use the paper to keep track. (thanks for the great idea) I do have a question tho- When is the best time to test with the OPKs? I see people doing it in the am, in the evening, etc... I never got a pos test last cycle, so I am thinking I have a short surge. I have plenty of ICs to be able to test 2x a day... any suggestions??

Also I updated the OP to include everyone. please verify that I got you, and as we start to test in Sept I can add BFPs beside our names :)

Each person has their own "best time" for OPKs depending on when your surge comes. For me, I get the best results when I test around 2pm with a 3-4 hour hold (closer to 4 is usually better). Since I cant test at 2pm when I'm working I usually test closer to 4pm and try to keep a 4 hour hold on those days (or as close as possible) to get a good color.

If you have enough IC's to test 2x then go for mid-morning and mid-afternoon for best chances of catching it. Some people do FMU, and that depends on the test. With FMU your urine is from the previous day, and my understanding is that LH begins producing in the morning so I never do FMU. If I am not at work, and I decide to test 2x a day I like to do a 10am (with about a 3-4 hour hold but I'm not w/out liquid because I have my coffee and take my morning pills with water) and then do another around 2-4pm.
My temp was up today and yesterday (maybe not significantly higher? - my chart is in my sig), and TMI but tonight I've had a large amount of EWCM. Not sure what to make of it. Anyone get EWCM after ovulation?

You can sometimes get a slow rise after O so that could be why temps are rising but not quite high. Your temps are not above "coverline", based on how FF calculates, but based on the rules for FAM (as I learned from Taking Charge of Your Fertility), the rise as to be above the last 6 temps (rather than above ALL the temps of the pre-O phase), so you could be there.

Everyone's CM is different but I believe I"ve had EWcm after O before. You're still fertile for a day after O. Egg has 24 hours to live so depending on when egg is released you may still have EWcm for a couple days, I would think.
Temp rose... line on cheap O test is much darker... ClearBlue monitor still has flashing smiley face. Expecting tomorrow to have a darker line and solid happy face. It's obviously BD time, but DP is out of town. ](*,)
Magicamom2b..I am also still getting flashing smiley.but so far is correct coz I normally ovulate around cd17/18 so am hoping tomorrow I get the solid face..I can't wait to be on 2ww coz I constantly worry of ovulation and timing and EWCM. Funnily during 2ww am usually very calm.
Good morning ladies! Last week I had lab work done to check thyroid and vitD, at my request. My doctor was very accomodating but thought I was jumping the gun. I got my lab results this morning. I've yet to hear from my doctor, but Quest (the lab) has an option to put my labs available online so I got an email this morning they were available. My thyroid levels appear to be normal. Though, my doctor only tested 2 of the numbers (TSH and free T4), even though a lot of people (non-doctors) strongly suggest testing all 5 of the thyroid numbers. With him retiring and closing his practice in a week I was having a hard time asking him to do this and so I didn't ask for all the numbers. My Vitamin D test did come back low. My numbers were 26, where normal is 30-100. So low, but not deficient. However, I DO take a multivitamin that has 200IU of VitD a day, and even though I did not take my vitamins the day of or the day before the test, VitD is not water soluble, but fat soluble, and is stored in the body. So I suspect that if I was not taking my vitamins then I would be deficient. And considering this is summer time, I worry about what that level will be mid-winter here in the Pacific North West! This is my first year here and the winters here are a lot more rainy/cloudy/NOT SUNNY than Texas was!

Hopefully doctor will call sometime today/tomorrow with the results and interpretations, then I can tell him my multi has VitD (which I don't think most multi's normally do) and see about getting maybe prescription VitD supplement or a recommendation for an OTC amount. Depending on the insurance, I think the prescription might be cheaper than the OTC pills.

I'm hoping that taking care of the VitD will help with my exhaustion. I still am worried there's a thyroid problem but I'll have to wait until Oct to see another doc about it when my new insurance kicks in.

Temp rose... line on cheap O test is much darker... ClearBlue monitor still has flashing smiley face. Expecting tomorrow to have a darker line and solid happy face. It's obviously BD time, but DP is out of town. ](*,)

Keep an eye on the temps, if it stays elevated then your O would have been prob CD15, but hard to tell without the full cycle of temps. When does DP come back??
Good morning ladies! Last week I had lab work done to check thyroid and vitD, at my request. My doctor was very accomodating but thought I was jumping the gun. I got my lab results this morning. I've yet to hear from my doctor, but Quest (the lab) has an option to put my labs available online so I got an email this morning they were available. My thyroid levels appear to be normal. Though, my doctor only tested 2 of the numbers (TSH and free T4), even though a lot of people (non-doctors) strongly suggest testing all 5 of the thyroid numbers. With him retiring and closing his practice in a week I was having a hard time asking him to do this and so I didn't ask for all the numbers. My Vitamin D test did come back low. My numbers were 26, where normal is 30-100. So low, but not deficient. However, I DO take a multivitamin that has 200IU of VitD a day, and even though I did not take my vitamins the day of or the day before the test, VitD is not water soluble, but fat soluble, and is stored in the body. So I suspect that if I was not taking my vitamins then I would be deficient. And considering this is summer time, I worry about what that level will be mid-winter here in the Pacific North West! This is my first year here and the winters here are a lot more rainy/cloudy/NOT SUNNY than Texas was!

Hopefully doctor will call sometime today/tomorrow with the results and interpretations, then I can tell him my multi has VitD (which I don't think most multi's normally do) and see about getting maybe prescription VitD supplement or a recommendation for an OTC amount. Depending on the insurance, I think the prescription might be cheaper than the OTC pills.

I'm hoping that taking care of the VitD will help with my exhaustion. I still am worried there's a thyroid problem but I'll have to wait until Oct to see another doc about it when my new insurance kicks in.

Temp rose... line on cheap O test is much darker... ClearBlue monitor still has flashing smiley face. Expecting tomorrow to have a darker line and solid happy face. It's obviously BD time, but DP is out of town. ](*,)

Keep an eye on the temps, if it stays elevated then your O would have been prob CD15, but hard to tell without the full cycle of temps. When does DP come back??

Well that is great everything came back within normal ranges for the most part. As far as the other thyroid tests, i believe they only go on to do the rest of the panel if the first part comes back abnormal. I could be wrong, but you can ask him why they didn't do the whole panel. To do the rest of the panel usually takes a few days too...and where his practice is closing in a week, he might be reluctant to do tests he might not be able to follow up on.
Good luck!
hope your all well girls just got back from uniform shopping just chilling eating tea when tea is settled going to do a 30 minute run then chill for the night xxx
cscbeth Yeah, most of my friends have said they'll only run the first two and then if they suspect something they'll do the others. I have a friend whose numbers always came back normal but they finally ran the other numbers and found a problem there. But I don't know how often that actually happens. And, yeah, I'm pretty sure that with his office closing he didn't want to do a lot of tests that he can't follow up on.

I'm glad everything came back normally, at least for the thyroid. VitD is easy to fix. Thyroid not so much. While I didn't want abnormal results, I just was kind of hoping for an explanation. :) Maybe it'll sort itself out.
don't no whats going on with me done another opk today and look weird my positive was cd15 what do u think girls xxx


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The last one does not look positive. The control line is on the right correct? Seriously bright control line!
yes hun top one look pos my be its my surge hun xx
I decided to do a mid-morning OPK today because, well, I was getting anxious after the last couple days were so light and my EW cm went away! I don't usually do mid-mornings but today is the last day before I return to work so I figured why not, I have lots of ICs.

I didn't expect it to be anywhere near this dark after yesterdays (you can see yesterdays above it, and the day before above that) so I didn't do a Digi before I dumped out the pee cup. I'm going to do another this afternoon with a digi to confirm if +OPK. If it isn't, then I think I'll get a + tomorrow.

Hoping I get some EW or watery CM today because I could use it!!!

Does this look + to anyone else? (bottom one is today)


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I decided to do a mid-morning OPK today because, well, I was getting anxious after the last couple days were so light and my EW cm went away! I don't usually do mid-mornings but today is the last day before I return to work so I figured why not, I have lots of ICs.

I didn't expect it to be anywhere near this dark after yesterdays (you can see yesterdays above it, and the day before above that) so I didn't do a Digi before I dumped out the pee cup. I'm going to do another this afternoon with a digi to confirm if +OPK. If it isn't, then I think I'll get a + tomorrow.

Hoping I get some EW or watery CM today because I could use it!!!

Does this look + to anyone else? (bottom one is today)

I've never used them, but it sure is a lot darker!
Keep an eye on the temps, if it stays elevated then your O would have been prob CD15, but hard to tell without the full cycle of temps. When does DP come back??

You're absolutely right Angel5000! I'm so new to this. lol...

After doing some research this morning, I came to the conclusion that I ovulated on Day 15, since my temp dipped that day but rose significantly the next day. I'm going to keep checking my temp, but stop wasting my O 'em for next month, since I now know what to look for.

Since I O on CD 15, I'm expecting my AF to start on CD29, which is progress toward getting my cycles back to 28 days, because for the last year, my cycle has fluctuated somewhere between 31 to 34 days. Not that that's bad, but I'd love to get back to my 28-day cycles.

I think this testing/experimenting is pretty cool. I'm really learning my body on a-whole-nother level.
Oh! And DP will be here just in time for O next month, which I will be testing and tracking as well! Can't wait!
Keep an eye on the temps, if it stays elevated then your O would have been prob CD15, but hard to tell without the full cycle of temps. When does DP come back??

You're absolutely right Angel5000! I'm so new to this. lol...

After doing some research this morning, I came to the conclusion that I ovulated on Day 15, since my temp dipped that day but rose significantly the next day. I'm going to keep checking my temp, but stop wasting my O 'em for next month, since I now know what to look for.

Since I O on CD 15, I'm expecting my AF to start on CD29, which is progress toward getting my cycles back to 28 days, because for the last year, my cycle has fluctuated somewhere between 31 to 34 days. Not that that's bad, but I'd love to get back to my 28-day cycles.

I think this testing/experimenting is pretty cool. I'm really learning my body on a-whole-nother level.

Based on the way your temps look right now, I would go with CD15. Of course, temps can spike a lot and mine have (in the past) dropped and rose significantly a couple times. You can confirm that O was CD15 once you've had at least 3 days stay at temps elevate above your cover line. But 15 looks good.

How long has your LP been in the past? Even though cycle lengths tend to vary a lot, the LP usually stays the same cycle to cycle unless you do something to lengthen it (like Vitex or b6).

I agree, the testing/tracking is awesome. I have friends who tell me I'm "stressing myself out" by doing it, but I disagree. I'm enjoying learning more about my body. I Love it. :)
Just did my evening OPK! I got +OPK! :thumbup: :happydance:

First pic is the most recent Wondfo (IC) OPK, placed underneath the others on the paper (directly below this mornings). If I was analyzing myself I wouldn't be 100% sure if it was 100% positive or not. BUT Second pic is the Digi, which gave me a smiley face. Woot! I am at +OPK.

And that is exactly why I use a digi on the days that my ICs start to look positive.

.... of all the day for DH to be working late! Originally he said that he won't be home until almost 9pm. BUT he just texted me that he's on his way home! Woot! :)

Right now we have no reason to believe that either of us has any fertility issues, so should we go ahead and BD today, and the next two days just to be sure (as SMEP recommends), or is it better to do the day after the +OPK (as my doctor suggested) just in case there is a delay in O and in case there is a low sperm count (which, again, we have no reason to believe at the moment)


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These charts can be SUPER tricky! Thought I O'd on CD15, but it looks like I am O today!

After rising significantly, my temp took an extreme drop today on what I thought was 3DPO, so to be sure, I pulled out my OPK, and I finally have a happy face that doesn't blink...and dark lines on the cheapies!!! :happydance:

So, now, I'm guessing my temp will start rising again tomorrow, and since I O on CD18, AF should be here after CD31...which was in line with me having a 31-day cycle last month! :happydance:

Wish DP was here this cycle, because we'd be BD right about now. He'll be back in time for O next month, though.

I've said it before, but this testing/tracking experimentation is so cool! I love it!


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