Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

Sheece I had major surgery and had sex I think 10 days after so yeah the 2 week is just there till you feel ok again. Major surgery is wait 3 weeks and 6 for proper healing. :haha: get your BD on girl. I hope you can start your own jounal if you want to. It's a great way to just talk about you and everything ttc.

I'm doing ok. Have some tattoos done to remember my mc's. It's helped me a lot. I feel like I will always carry them with me now.

Congrats girls on the positives. Hope both of your little ones are sticky beans
Hey Ladies! Hope I am not too late to join? :)

I am expecting AF on March 11. This is our first cycle that I have actually bothered to temp and test since our loss last spring.It has been two years since our journey started. I am hoping this cycle is different for us :)
How is everyone doing! I'm just waiting for AF to show... negative IC this morning and my bbs are no longer sore, so I am pretty sure I am out this month.
Today is O day for me (at least it SHOULD be haha) got some BD in last night, hopefully tomorrow too and then we should be good for the TWW.

Sheece, how are you feeling?
Got my spike this morning! Should have confirmed O on a Sunday :) looks like I'm back in the TWW!
fx Abe. i always love your charts.

how is everyone else doing?

afm, i have some good days and some bad days. its just small steps emotionally.
Fingers crossed for this cycle Abe!!

Whimsy - I hope those small steps turn into bigger ones soon for you xx

AFM - I just had my post op appointment. Turns out I was stage 3 - 4 Endo, not 4 - 5 like the nurse said. But also turns out that my OH has lower than normal concentration (12 million, should be 15) and because of that after my next cycle he has recommended we do 2 rounds of IUI, and if that doesn't work, we go to IVF.

So now I have 2 - 3 months to try to get pregnant naturally! So bummed, i went in today thinking I'd just be given clomid and we'd be on our way, instead now I have to do IUI, and figure out where to get the $2.5k from, as well as how to take time off work for the monitored cycles without raising suspicion!

Now I go wallow in my self pity in front of the tv for a while. When I'm done wallowing, we will be full systems go to try to get pregnant naturally, really quickly!
Oh Sheece I am sorry you didn't get the news you wanted about your OH.

Let's hope it happens naturally before you turn to IUI. I have heard things on here that say after surgery you are meant be be extra fertile so lets hope that is the case! I am hoping so for you!

AFM, I am trying lots of things to move up my O date this month. I took soy isoflavones day 3-7 and began taking Omega 3 and 6 and vitamin D. I have been eating an avocado a day too, and lowering my meat content and replacing with veg proteins. Also walking at least an hour a day. I am CD 11 today and my CM feels different than normal, kind of a cross between watery and EWCM. So hoping my O is arriving sooner, it is normally around CD25 though so we will see! It might just be the omega oils...

Had a HUGE dip in temperature today though so not sure what that was.
Oh and whimsical forgot to say to you, I hope you're doing OK. Sorry about your down days :hugs: but small steps is better than no steps!
Hi Ladies,

Do you think I could maybe join?
A little about me - DH and I married last month but have been wanting a family for a while - NTNP for about 6 months. This is our second cycle TTC. I tested far too many times last month and knew I was waiting for AF to show. She finally showed today a good 6 days after schedule. Mind you I have irregular periods, the previous two were 30 days so I was basing of that.
Going to try and DTD every second day throughout the cycle.
Fingers crossed for all the Xmas babies this month xxx
Hi Ladies.
abennion sending you baby dust for the TWW
sheece I have my fingers crossed for you and natural pregnancy in the next three months!
I am very frustrated with my DH this weekend. I am in a similar position to sheece I have Endo stage 4 I have had 5 laps now and we decided that we would actively try for a baby after the last lap so i waited 7 months for my cycle to come back and have been told to have three cycles before moving onto 'next step'. I dont know what the next step is exactly as my DH has not booked his tests yet! Got all the information for him at the beginning of cycle one and we are now in the middle of cycle two! Now my O day is meant to be Thursday and my DH was just too tired or busy all weekend to DTD so I had a go at him last night as I am so frustrated! I have had to go through countless tests and procedures and he has to do one little 'test' (I mean its not a hardship!) and he is putting it off. Now my DH and I have been together 17 years and I know I can not push him as he digs his heals in. I just need to be patient and wait for him to come around and I think he is just scared, I get all of this but I feel like he is wasting my chance for natural pregnancy and doesn't appreciate what I have had to go through to get to this stage! We decided together to give this a go now I did not push him into this so why is he now being a **** Did anyone else have a hard time getting DH to focus. I don't want to start nagging him and saying things like we HAVE to DTD tonight but I am going to have to or we are going to miss out completely this month! AAAHHH so frustrated today!
sheece did they give you the clomid? did they say what is DH's mortality rate? i think that the plan the docs have got you on is good. only because, why do the ivf if you can get pregnant with iui. its alot cheaper and bit more natural, sort of, to do it that way. also if you do have to go to ivf method, you will be pregnant soon. thats only 3 months away. and thats a plus on not having as bad endo as you thought you did. do you start next cycle or are you doing anything this cycle?

sweden the dips come before your O so i hope that with all the changes you have done this cycle that your O does come sooner.

hi starry, welcome. are your temping? were you on bc before ntnp? are your cycles normally very long?
hi hope,
i think you need to tell DH about your fertile window so he knows that soon you need to DTD as often as you see fit. he needs to understand that its this period or dont bother the whole month sort of a thing. as far as the test, i think it may be worrying him that he may have the problem also. men are funny like that. they only want to believe they have super sperm :haha: and for him to think that something may be wrong with him is just making it hard for him to do the test and get the results. i would push him for that. i have a stubborn DH just like yours and sometimes i just want to pull my hear out with frustration like you but i find using your words and telling him what you want and when you want it, helps alot
Hi starry, welcome! I'll add you to the list :)

I'm loving how big this group is getting!

Whim- baby steps are just as monumental as the big ones. Take all the time you need, hun. I'm so glad DH is being so supportive this time around.

Sheece- I'm sorry. IUIs definitely do work for some. Here's hoping you guys can do it naturally, if not than at least before an ivf cycle. All of the poking sucks and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

Sweden- here's hoping your cycles shorten! Have you thought to maybe talk to a doctor about it? There may be something they can give you (Clomid or Femera) that will help you O earlier while helping to mature your eggie.

Hope- it may just be a male pride thing. I know it took my DH me booking off a day from work for him to go down and do his thing. And he ALWAYS gets performance anxiety if I tell him I'm in the fertile window. He starts to worry that he won't be able to do it and then he can't finish. It may be best to just not tell him when you're in the fertile window and just sexy it up?

AFM- 4 DPO today. I have a love-hate relationship with my charts. I love that they look so good, but I hate it because I never know if it's a BFP cycle or not because a lot of the time they mimic BFP charts! I'm just not going to think about it this month. I'll put my numbers into FF, but I've promised myself not to look at the actual chart. Let's see if I actually follow through. Getting mentally prepared for the IUI next cycle.
Hope I second it might be a male pride thing. I have no experience needing to get my OH tested but I dread the day if I had to. It was so hard having the when should we TTC discussions at the start. The more I brought it up the more he pushed back. As soon as I backed off he then came around to the idea. I was just there a bit before he was. Not saying it's comparable or that you have the luxury of time to back off. What is it with men dragging their feet?! But sometimes you do need to do the push off the cliff technique so maybe booking it etc might do the trick? I don't think my OH would if realised he wanted kids in the near future if I never pushed the fact I did. Now he can't wait. Again I know not comparable but agree with Abe that booking it might do the trick.

Abe- you have to be trying a year here before you go to the docs for help if you're under 30. I also haven't been trying long and I do have regular cycles but thought I'd try to shorten them with soy this month as I was away over O weekend so thought I'd give it a shot to move it forward. But think I should give myself a few more months. Although they say if your cycle goes over 35 days you can seek help- but I just hit that last month and seem to get slightly later each month. So if they got longer I'll possibly think about going!
As for your chart it does look awesome. I did read that it might be best to stop temping after O to stop driving yourself crazy. I think I couldn't resist. So maybe not looking at it might be a nice inbetween!

Welcome starry!

I've decided to stop and get some OPKs on the way home. Normally I have EWCM 5 days pre o that I don't need them but worried maybe I've changed things and I'll miss it. Although the month I used them I had positives for ages before!

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