Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

Abe I think it was an option we could have taken, but there would have been about 3-4 months wait for that, so DH and I decided to go without for now.
thanks abennion! I started temping few months ago but never got to do the full cycle. I will definitely do it next cycle just to make sure O is happening. AF is due tomorrow so will be good time to start.
Sorry you're feeling down, but don't give up hope! I talked to my doctor about my worries after my first crazy long cycle and she said that it's extremely uncommon these days that a woman cannot get pregnant because there are so many treatment options. Like Steph said, sadly some of us have to go through a lot of them, but on the other hand, we are also able to go through them now whereas a few decades or even years earlier, they would not have been available. I hope with all my heart that your treatments pay off!!!
Oh Abe I'm sorry AF showed her ugly head :( Are you doing IUI again this cycle?

You are definitely joining the 2018 baby group, we all are I've decided :) If I don't believe that I'll go insane so positive thoughts ahoy.

I'm still :coffee: with this cycle. It's gone to complete hell. With this mornings temp it looks like maybe its either dipping to ovulation, or dipping for AF! I've given up on this cycle, just want to get the IUI going.
Sheece- we're going natural for the next two cycles. DH has given us the green light for our FET in June (so transfer in August). I'm going to try and lose as much as I can before then, and hopefully meet my healthy BMI before we go ahead with the FET. 10.6 lbs to go!
you can do it! You've done so well so far :)

I've stalled boo. Not that I've really been trying. Emo eating gets me all the time :(
I did fall off for a couple of weeks... DH has been on maintenance since he hit his goal 2 months ago and it's been a hard transition going from both actively having minimal points in a day to him having an abundance.

You can do it though, Sheece!
Any CM experts got any thoughts on watery CM?! Been like that for a couple of days, but I'm thinking it might just be because the Clomid is well and truly out my system and that can dry it up...
Emo eating is the worst X) it's what always gets me, too (luckily I'm within a healthy BMI though, so not too much of a concern for TTC... just vanity, haha)

sorry, I'm no help with CM :( I'm completely useless at interpreting my own
hi all

im one of the original ladies from cheers bfp 2016 group. i had mc at 7w2d in Feb that devastated me and i took a break from this group because it was hard watching you ladies try and try and i wanted my world to just end. BUT i have come a long way since then. i had a single normal AF after my mc and then was late for my April period. my late period was in time for my follow up with the OB after mc. he did an US and could see something but wasnt sure what it was. we did bloods and lo and behold we found out we are pregnant again. its been a struggle dealing with the mc and accepting being preg so soon again. my last mc, my first hcg test was 106, second, done a week later was 520 (something around there) and a week later i has a mc. with this pregnancy, my first hcg was at 4w5day and it was in the 1800's mark. i went for my follow up on Saturday and sure enough LO was on the US with a beautiful heartbeat. i have been put on progesterone for 2 weeks. i go back in 4 weeks for a follow up. we have been told to avoid sex because of my 2 mc's already. its been a long, rocky and hard road and now im just hoping that this bean is a sticky bean and that everything will be ok.

just wanted to update and wish all the ladies here bfp's soon and for the ladies that already got it, im so happy for you.
Oh Whimsical, congratulations! Absolutely everything is crossed for you that you have a healthy 7/8 months ahead. What an absolute emotional rollercoaster you've had. Best wishes x
ah, thanks anyway Fluffy - I was trying to explain everything that's been happening on the phone with my best friend yesterday, she seemed horrified at even the thought of checking her own cervix!!
that is so exciting, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Best wishes to you for a healthy pregnancy :)

I have even restorted to googling picture tutorials, haha ^^" Still didn't help me. I asked my gyn about it and she said for some women the changes are realyl obvious, for others not so much. The only way to check fairly well is to take mucus from your cervix with your fingers, but she doesn't recommend doing that because of risk of infections. She said with irregular cycles, the safest bet is to just have sex every 2 days, so that's what I'm going with :P (hubby does not mind this, needless to say)
Haha the things we have to do. I know that if your cervix is higher up then that can be a sign of your fertile window, but to be honest I don't have a clue whether it's ever higher or lower than when I checked before! Maybe it's best I just give up on that for now...

I had some hilarious advice on Friday. I have a close colleague who knows about us TTC and so I told her that the blood test showed the Clomid probably hadn't worked. She's one of those who is always so desperate to make things better and try and come up with solutions to everyone's problems. This was the conversation
Her: "what about if you eat properly?"
Me: "sorry, I'm a bit confused, what do you mean?"
Her: "I don't know, how about if you have a glass of milk or something."

I was kind of gobsmacked that that was her deadly serious suggestion, it was only a couple of hours later that I realised how funny it was. Needless to say, that night I obviously had to have a glass of milk in case that would be the answer to all my problems!
Oh Whim this is fantastic news! Congratulations and a happy and healthy 9 months to you! You and DH so deserve this! Have you told DH yet?
Abe DH found out when he insisted on coming to the previous OB appointment. i never told him i was late, we were just Bding like normal. i told him not to come for the consult with me but as i go to the room, he walks down the passage. i tell him to go, he said no he wants to come. as far as he knew it was a routine check up. till i told the doc that i was late. when i got the blood work i told him its positive again. nothing special about when i told him.

we just had a horrible fight about him never wanting to try again and that if i wanted a family that it would be with another man and not him and a week later we found out about this little one. when we had that argument the big D word came up too so from a devastating week i went into having a late AF and i also just thought i was stressed out and the last mc was messing my cycles. had no pregnancy symptoms. so even i never realized i was till the test and then i had to keep looking at the hcg numbers to remind me that i am preg.

DH has been very opinionated about what i eat and what i do. its gone even worse now that we did the ultrasound. he calls it a blob. for him thats what it looks like on the US. he was not able to come with me for this last check up so he never got to see the heartbeat. its really just been a really rough year and i hope everything goes smooth from now on.

thank you all for the well wishes. i hope to come on here more often now that i dont feel as bad. but some days i do struggle accepting this pregnancy so close to my mc. roller coaster than never ends!!
Congratulations Whimsical, everything crossed for a h&h 9 months for you!!

It's been a long time since I visited this thread! I recently had my CD3 blood tests done and have a high FSH of 12.4, a good AMH and estradiol levels. My doctor has recommended we see an RE and go directly to IVF because of my age (36) and the fact that we're anxious to get pregnant asap, and the fact that we'd be able to possibly freeze some embies. This sudden jolt out of natural ttc to being told to go straight to ivf is pretty devastating, not gonna lie. I think we'll do a few rounds of Clomid while we wait on waitlists for fertility clinics. Sigh 😔
It can be scary babylights (having done it myself). I'm sorry. Have they given you any insight on how to lower your FSH levels at all?

I'm here if you have any questions about IVF :)
Thanks so much abe! Am I remembering correctly that you'll be doing a FET soon?? Sending so much baby dust!!

I unfortunately got the news over the phone as my dr. didn't have any openings to go over the test results so she really didn't go into anything besides telling me that we should go to ivf. Before the test results she said she'd probably have us try naturally for a few more months before even moving on to Clomid, so you can imagine my shock when she suddenly went nuclear!

I did have a question about the FSH - she said I was in the gray area, but yet she went straight to ivf based on that one number so I guess I'm wondering whether my levels are horrendously bad? Or even being in the gray zone is a bad bad thing when it comes to ovarian reserve??
Congrats Whim!! I'm so happy for you.

Abe I'm sorry about AF but happy you know when next FET is coming. Although I do hope the next couple of months provide a natural BFP xxx

Steph, I'm not too sure about cervical height/open/symptoms either. Does anyone have any insight to this. Due to the wedding etc. the past couple of cycles I have had acrylic nails on and have not been able to check this. Not too sure what to look for, they're off now and have the capability of checking. Appreciate any advice ladies xx I've not had a chance to get OPKs this cycle and our fertile window is in 4 days according to Ovia ap.

Going to agree with everyone else that the hardest part of TTC is waiting for O. At least in the TWW you can symptom spot etc. but dealing with AF and knowing it is simply just waiting is the hardest!!!

Good luck ladies xxx

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