Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

Starry, the thought of checking with nails on just sent shivers down my spine! I tried to check again this morning (been doing it in the shower?) and my cervix definitely lower than it has for the past week or so. I know that can indicate that AF is here or imminent, but as I haven't had a period naturally since coming off the pill I would be surprised if that was it. Still waiting to hear back from the consultant about whether I need to up Clomid to 100mg. I have been having some cramping the past couple of days so who knows what that could be.
Thanks so much abe! Am I remembering correctly that you'll be doing a FET soon?? Sending so much baby dust!!

I unfortunately got the news over the phone as my dr. didn't have any openings to go over the test results so she really didn't go into anything besides telling me that we should go to ivf. Before the test results she said she'd probably have us try naturally for a few more months before even moving on to Clomid, so you can imagine my shock when she suddenly went nuclear!

I did have a question about the FSH - she said I was in the gray area, but yet she went straight to ivf based on that one number so I guess I'm wondering whether my levels are horrendously bad? Or even being in the gray zone is a bad bad thing when it comes to ovarian reserve??

Yes, we'll be starting our FET in June, with a transfer in August-ish. If we were to get a BFP our EDD would be only days apart from one of our nephews birthdays (his mom and I started TTCing in the same month, he just turned one).

Your FSH levels indicate how much FSH you need in order to mature an egg and O. The higher the number, the harder it is. I think if I remember correctly, mine is a 3.4 (I think, it's been so long since my last workup it's hard to remember, but I know it was super low). It basically just tells the doctor you will most likely need a higher dosage to get those follies growing. They'll probably run more tests to see what your ovarian reserve is like, but that typically includes an ultrasound. I'm glad she wants to get the ball rolling! Did she recommend any clinics? Was she okay with a few Clomid cycles first?
So exciting abe, that's so soon! I'm def gonna hop over to your journal. I so hope you get your bfp!!

I was wondering why my dr. changed her tune so suddenly, but I realize now that although my FSH is in the gray area now, they don't know when/how quickly that will deteriorate so they want to move quickly and aggressively, which is good. She recommended a bunch of clinics and all the highly rated ones have 12-18 month waitlists, so we've put our names on a bunch and she said we can try Clomid in the meantime. I'm assuming all of the other testing, HSG, ultrasound, is done through an RE and not an OB?
It's definitely exciting, and a little bit terrifying at the same time. Both DH and I have tried our hardest to lose all of this weight for our two frosties, and the chance that not even that has helped in our chances to have a successful pregnancy leave me worried we're just wasting our efforts, but we won't know until we try.

Your RE will run all sorts of tests: an ultrasound to check your reserves, HSG, an SHG if the ultrasound shows anything abnormal, bloodwork, an SA... all of the fun stuff. I know we had to wait 6 months for just a phone call... another 3 for an appointment and then our followup was almost a year after our initial referral. You learn to get good at waiting with IVF haha
Steph, haha, if only it were as easy as drinking a glass of milk and BOOM you'll fall pregnant, right? X)

Good luck to all the ladies getting help! I can't see my doctor until July, but I'm still hoping it won't even be necessary and I'll be pregnant by then (or that when I see her, it turns out my irregular cycles are not due to something affecting TTC...) *sigh*

AFM: I'm on cycle day 39 right now and think I might (?) have ovulated between days 24-28, so I should really be seeing AF soon - keep feeling like it but nothing yet. With my irregular cycles, it most likely doesn't mean a thing though... but if there is still nothing by the weekend, I'm testing!
Whimsy , glad to see you back in here! Congratulations again!!!

Thanks for the support ladies. emo eating does suck balls. However I've been pretty good the last few days and feeling positive :)

The only thing I'm not positive about is my chart, urgh. Seems like my body has tried to ovulate twice and failed. I'm currently on day 4 after 3 days of good ewcm so fingers crossed third times a charm.
Hope AF stays away Fluffy and this is your month! Don't bother with the milk, I don't think it's helping 😂 haha.

Phoned the clinic yet again yesterday as they still hadn't got back to me about whether I need to increase Clomid... turns out that they all thought someone else had emailed my consultant to ask him for next steps but nobody actually had. Hopefully they'll get back to us by the end of the week.
It's definitely exciting, and a little bit terrifying at the same time. Both DH and I have tried our hardest to lose all of this weight for our two frosties, and the chance that not even that has helped in our chances to have a successful pregnancy leave me worried we're just wasting our efforts, but we won't know until we try.

Your RE will run all sorts of tests: an ultrasound to check your reserves, HSG, an SHG if the ultrasound shows anything abnormal, bloodwork, an SA... all of the fun stuff. I know we had to wait 6 months for just a phone call... another 3 for an appointment and then our followup was almost a year after our initial referral. You learn to get good at waiting with IVF haha
I'm crossing everything for you that this FET will be the one that brings you your baby, I can't even imagine what you must be feeling right now. You've put in so much effort to get ready, your weight loss is seriously incredible and inspiring!

I managed to get an appointment with an RE for next Thursday 5/4. I'm a little scared to even get more results from more tests, can't help but feel like it's all gonna be very bad news. Thanks so much for sharing what the journey is like, I feel better knowing that I'm going in with my eyes somewhat open!
The best advice I can give you babylights, is go in prepared. Do your real search, prepare questions for your RE. They're only going to give you the information they feel is pertinent unless you do ask :)
I was kind of quietly holding out hope this cycle, but I've felt like AF si coming for a few days and now the temperature drop... just a super long cycle again ._. Will call my gyn next week and ask if there is any way I can see her before July, something isn't right.

My Ovulation Chart
Oh no Fluffy sorry! Please do call Doc as we know our own bodies and its better to get it checked sooner rather than latter!
I am just waiting in my ttw but have convinced myself this isn't the month. But I have my appointment at specialist next month to get DH test results and discuss our next step so I am trying to keep positive. And I have a big fundraising event this weekend :thumbup: I am planning to go on a week long hike in the Grand canyon with my best friend in Oct for charity and so we have loads of fundraising planed between now and then, I agreed to it as I thought it would be a good thing to distract me from TTC (also needed inspiration to loose weight, still working on that) and I am glad I have as its lots of little things to plan, think about and look forward too! Don't get me wrong I was so so tempted to pee on a stick this morning but having something else going on is helping as a distraction! And its stopped people asking when we are having a baby! Bonus:happydance:
I hope everyone one else has a lovely weekend xx
So sorry cookie :hugs: it's such an awful feeling to be so hopeful and then watch those temps drop.

Hopeful- that trip sounds like it's going to be fun! And you can't go wrong with a fundraiser! I'm glad it's given you some time away from the TTC questions :)

We're going down to Comic Expo this weekend! Calgary hosts one every year, and this will be a first for DH and I. We've only paid for one day, but I'm managed to get the afternoon off of work and we're going down to my favourite restaurant before heading over to Expo.

It's the little things in life :)
Happy weekend everyone!

Ladies, unless I miraculously get a BFP tomorrow morning, I will be starting my Norethisterone tablets for five days, and then should start 100mg Clomid week after next. Does anyone have any recommendations of any supplements I can take, or anything I can do? I currently take Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Evening Primrose, and last cycle of Clomid I was having Guaifenisin in cough syrup- open to anything else!

Abe, enjoy your lovely weekend with DH 😊
Thank you Hopeful and abe! :hugs: I feel like outside of the forum, people don't understand how difficult it is sometimes. It feels really unfair that some people get a chance every four weeks and I only get one every 6+ weeks :( AF arrived this evening when I got home from work, at least I know for certain now. Hubby got me some chocolates, bless his heart.

Your foundraising sounds great! I find an exciting project is a great way to distract both yourself and others from TTC :) Hope you raise lots of money!

My hubby loves comics, haha. Hope you have a great time there :)

My doctor told me to take folic acid+iodine+vitamin D3 (all contained in the folic acid supplement she recommended), I started them 3 months prior to TTC. Otherwise, I know people try to get enough Omega 3. Be careful with the Vitamin E, it's one of those that can be harmful to baby if you take too much (vitamins E, D, K and A - my doctor said to only take those vitamins in specific prenatals to be safe).
So sorry Fluffycookie! I hope your Dr. can see you soon and you get the answers.
The rollercoaster is tough - building up the hopes from day one and getting disappointed. Fingers crossed for you to figure out what's wrong and move forward.

Afm, I am approaching the fertile window and starting to feel hopeful again as this is my month. ugh, I wish I could contain myself and not get carried away, it is too heartbreaking to get disappointed at the end of each cycle. On top of that my wedding is short 2 weeks away and still a ton to do.
Steph, I am taking D3, magnesium, iodine and prenatal complex. I would only take iodine if you had your thyroid checked and you need it otherwise it could be harmful. But folic acid and D3 would be great when TTC.
Thank you Tablefortwo, I have the folic acid but will check out the D3.

So exciting about your wedding! Don't stress, everything that needs to be done will get done, and anything else won't matter at all on the day! Where are you getting married?
Sorry Fluffy, it's not fair :(

CD 42 for me today :growlmad: I'm pretty sure my PCOS is flaring and thats why this cycle has gone back to bad.

Ive definitely been feeling a bit depressed, and my hair is falling out more and ive been emo eating and not excercising. What can I expect really. Need to get on top of it now, can't waste time during an IUI cycle :/

Trying to focus on a month at a time. May is going to be a very healthy month for me! Hopefully by the end of it I'll be feeling so good, it will be easy to carry it on from there.
Sorry Sheece. I can't remember, have they gotten you on metformin yet? Apparently it does wonders for PCOS. Hoping you either get a BFP or AF soon - I know that the waiting for either to happen is the worst part of it all. :hugs:

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