Sheece thats great news!So lovely when things are moving forward!
Abe I hope you are feeling better and the antibiotics have done there job?
Fluffy I hope your hubby is right and who knows keep BD and you may even not need the appointment fingers crossed. But its horrible this waiting around! Thats the worst bit about all of this not knowing!
So I O yesterday, but I am very low about it as my DH has been too tired since Monday so no chance that this is my month! We are going to the Doc on Tue to talk next steps and if I am honest I think I believed we wouldn't need the appointment as thought it would have just happened for us after the lap to clear all the endo etc. So now we go and discuss what hormones to pump back into my body, i am so tired of that as for the last 6 months I have loved just being me no outside influence and now that going... I love my oh to bits and he is an amazing person but today i really dont like him much! Not that if we had bd it would have happened but I am so very fed up now knowing its defiantly not happened this month! Mix that in with the feelings of rejection and now out of nowhere low confidence and this is a tough day!
Hope everyone else has a lovely Friday! xx