welcome polkadot

I'm a worrier myself so I totally get it! On average, most healthy women under 35 conceive within the first 6 months, so you're well within that timeframe still. That said, I've been worrying about something being wrong with my irregular cycles (40+ days) since before we even started TTC, so I fully understand your concern. We're trying for our first too!
My gynecologist said she would check it, but only after 6 cycles of not getting pregnant. With my irregular cycles, that means not until July (I first asked her in November...)

I would love to feel more in control of the situation/know what is going on (hopefulyl everything is just fine!), but I'll have to wait another two months. Patience.... not my strong suit!
Aren't they?

Now that we live in Germany I can't watch those programmes anymore, but I adored them.
It's great that you have plans and goals beside TTC, I think that's so important! I've been struggling with that myself. I find it easy to do small, short-term things to distract myself but whenever I think about planning anything further away, it feels like actually planning it would be like admitting that I might still not be pregnant by then ._. How do you manage that, do you have any positive mindset tips for long term planning?