Hey ladies! Checking in on everyone! Seems like when Im at work its the best time to log in

always so busy.
Abe- so sorry to hear

its uplifting to see someone still so optimistic after many cycles! Ive waited many too so hang in there! Our time will come!

and woohoo on a good therm.
Babylights- sounding promising! Excited to see what thext cpuple of weeks has in store for you

I read everyones posts starting like 4 pages ago when i first posted. FX for all of you beautiful ladies!
I have given up on peeing on anything this "cycle"! Im awaiting af so I know what cd im on. I have decided to start committing myself to some kind of yoga/walking/stretching/easy sports. I also have been drinking water and plan to continue (im really bad at that). Stress can be so influential on our hormones and my inner hippie has been hinting to mw to just chill out-go with the flow. Im gonna add in some healthy routines and hope for the best

talked to DH about the birth control and hes still down to keep trying but a part of me just wants to take time off and avoid the bfn's. Once af comes we MAY stop trying for a while. Everytime I get on here Im ready for the 2ww adventures. I bet the bfp women miss this a lil

(sometimes its agonizing...i know...i know...)
Lots of XOXO and baby dust!