Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

oh my word Abe and Sheece im so excited for you both. you both have some really good/high temps. sending so much baby dust to you both.

abe i think telling more than one person something so close to my heart is just going to hurt me alot more than anything. at the moment i dont have the words to say it outload to anyone. its really hard to talk to anyone about it right now. i rather avoid the topic and talk about other things really. only on this forum have i actually said things.

thank Sheece, i think writing on my journal has helped me alot.
Whimsy I'm glad journalling is helping you xx We're always here if you need a chat too!

My temp went up AGAIN today but I got a bfn. I have a feeling this is the cycle my shorter LP is going to sort itself out. Just when I don't want it to, because I need my AF like today, or tomorrow to make sure I don't have it for my operation on Tuesday!

Typical body. And this is the strangest temp pattern I've ever had so its throwing me a bit.
Oh Sheece... I'm sorry to see our temp drop. Your chart was looking so promising! Sometimes I really despise temping - it can be so deceiving. At least you can go in to your appointment on Tuesday knowing you aren't potentially harming any sticky beans.
Thanks Abe x I'm not too disappointed surprisingly. I think I just know that I'm not going to have a successful pregnancy without the op so it wasn't meant to be this cycle.

Just need AF to start today though! Cutting it too fine!!

How're you going?
I'm just going with the flow. Temp is still good, just hoping I don't have another short LP like last cycle. Probably won't be testing until the 20th cause I don't have work that day! Hooray for Family Day. We'll see though. Are you excited for the op? nervous?
Fingers crossed for a decent LP then!

And good luck holding out for the 20th :) I couldn't haha. Well I'm already testing, but I'm a few days ahead of you.

Although now I'm looking at my chart thinking maybe I ovulated at CD24. or CD26 hmm. At any rate, im on 12dpo today and I rarely have a LP that long. It's either fixing itself, or I ovulated later than FF thinks.

As for my op, all I'm thinking about at the moment is worrying about having AF for it! So I won't get nervous until the night before I'm sure heh.
Oddly enough I don't feel like testing this cycle. I mean yes, my temps are looking oh so beautiful, but they've played this game one too many times for me to be getting my hopes up. I guess you could say I'm a little jaded at this point.

Definitely possible... that would make your chart look a little more biphasic. I'm thinking CD 24, but hoping it was CD 26 just because of your BD timing! Are you going to reschedule if AF doesn't show by Monday?
Keeping my fingers crossed for you girls! I had my egg retrieval yesterday and got 15 eggs. 9 were mature and all 9 fertilized. Now I wait till Monday for transfer. I hope my embies grow!
Those are great numbers dancing! FX you get some really healthy looking blasts!
Dancing - great numbers there!! Fingers crossed for Monday :D Grow little embies, grow!

Abe - I feel you on the jaded bit! Your temps are looking great so I still have my fingers crossed for ya :)

my temp dived again today and I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I've gained weight, so I'm pretty sure AF is on her way now.

If I didn't ovulate on CD 17/18 as thought, then I don't think there's any chance I've conceived. I'll go ahead with the op as planned. I really just need it done at this point, so much waiting and worrying!
Sheece, if you ask me, i think AF over your op is best. you get your AF and you bleed for 5 days. then you do the op and you have a chance of bleeding and spotting for more days. i think if you on you period, and you do the op, all the bleeding and spotting can happen one time and then you done and of to a new cycle with so much hope. my last op i had my mc and next day i was still bleeding and went in for the op, they put that thing on the bed so i dont mess the bed, stuck a pad between my legs and told me keep my legs closed so i can hold the pad in place.

abe im loving your temps but as you said, they have played that game before so i hope you can hold out on testing and sending so much baby dust your way

dancing, grow embies grow. that are some great numbers. i hope you get many frosties. fx for you. baby dust by the bucket loads for those embies

afm.... im alive. thats good for me for now. i am taking each day as it comes. laying low and just looking after myself
So... I bit the bullet and tested this morning. I MAY have gotten DH out of bed when this popped up before the test even started to dry.


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First off - Congrats, abennion! That is so great! Sticky bean wishes!

Secondly - Hi everyone! I'm in my first cycle TTC. I have a really bad history with my cycles, but we're holding off on any fertility meds (aside from things to address general hormonal issues) until a bit later in the year. Still, we're hoping it can happen naturally before then.

So I'd love to join you ladies while we're all waiting and testing throughout the year!
I'm currently 13 dpo (I think; that's what the chart looks like.) I haven't had a positive HPT yet, nor any clear signs that AF is coming.

I have a gyn appointment on Wednesday to go over some blood work that was done last week, so hopefully if nothing happens before then, I'll get some helpful answers.
Looks like the test I took yesterday lied. FRER and CBD AND multiple ICs show nothing now.

Welcome! I'll add you to the list!
Sorry Abe, I got so excited when I saw those pics!!

Have you taken any new tests?

Welcome smurphy :) best of luck for this cycle!

Whimsy, still sending you love x it makes sense what you said about af and my op. I just didnt want to have to deal with bleeding before my op heh. Im starting to not care though which is good I guess.

Consideting AF showed yesterday! The worst should be over by my op at least but ill still have some spotting. The good news is it was my shortest cycle since my miscarriage in April so u
I think things are coming together hopefully.
Just the ones I took this morning. AF is due on Monday, so if she doesn't rear her ugly head before then I'll test again. I had a good cry tonight in the nursery. TTC has just made me feel completely inadequate. DH is trying to hold on to the hope that maybe that test was just hyper sensitive and hopefully we'll see something in a couple of days.
Abe, I'm sorry. That would have me in a crying jag, too. I've seen many women get pos, neg, pos, neg for a while before the HTC gets high enough that it reliably shows. I'm keeping my FX for you. False positives are pretty rare, so try to keep that in mind.

AFM - my temps are driving me crazy today. I sort of have three possible temps, and I don't really know which to use. I was woken up early today by my cat, so I temped early and made a note. When this has happened in the past, I had at least 5 more hours of sleep between the early and regular temp. Today was only three and DH had the window wide open for those three hours and I woke up freezing with a temp 0.1 degrees lower than my early temp. I've tested using adjusted temps and in the past the adjusted temp has always been within 0.01-0.03 degrees of the temp taken at the regular time. I seem to consistently rise 0.1 degree/hour. So I can't decide if I should use the early temp, and having my chart look more jagged, using the temp from the normal time, making it dip even more, or using the adjusted temp because they've been accurate before. It just feels weird to use a temp 0.4 degrees higher than my waking temp, but I'm hoping the open window is what caused the drop between temps. :wacko:
Abe - any updates? Your chart is still looking great!

smurphy - temps are annoying at the best of times! I don't have any advice on that, but your chart sure does look good!

AFM - My op is tomorrow, can't wait to have it over and done with! Rang today to make sure it was ok to have done with my AF, and all good, so shouldn't be any more delays at least.
Sheece - good luck tomorrow!

AFM - It looks like AF should be coming soon. My temp went way down today. At this point, I'm honestly going to be happy to see her. This was one messed up cycle.

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